
Third Great War (Warcraft fanfic)

Legends told of the Third Great War that ravaged the lands. The war that made all mortal lives flee to Kalimdor The war that brought the living against the undead and demons. The war that brought together Humans, Orcs, and Elves in a fight for survival __________________________________________ Please support me at Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Sleepyweepy1

Sleepyweepy · Video Games
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27 Chs

Chapter 20

As the clearing came into view, so did the massive grain silo. A small signpost held up the name of the town of Brill, and which direction it was in. However, something was very wrong with the scene. The soil and plant life around the silo was blighted, black and diseased. The smell too was revolting, the stench of decay filling the air.

"It's almost as if the land around that granary was dying" Jaina observed.

So it was settled. The Plague, whether natural or non-natural was being spread through the grain, especially those crates bearing the regional seal of Andorhol, meaning that the Plague could have perhaps originated from there or the lands surrounding it.

"Burn it" Arthas stuttered, anger filling him "Burn that thing before it infects anyone else"

Grabbing a torch from a guard, he tossed it into the abandoned silo. Soon enough the entire building was engulfed in massive conflagration, a great pillar of black smoke rising through the air.

"Milord" a footman approached from behind, and bowed as deeply as he could. Arthas smiled, and gestured for the footman to rise

"The main grain warehouse for the province is north of the town, and I'm sure you can find answers there"

"Thank you Sergeant" Arthas replied, nodding curtly

"We must destroy all the grain supplies in the area to prevent this Plague from spreading further south. That's the objective for now"

As Arthas's small contingent had reached the town, it was evident that there were none left to save. The building's charred frames stabbed into the air as if knives and smoking corpses littered the streets, as did other debris.

Clear signs of fighting were evident; perhaps the town guard's stand against the waves of the former citizens, now undead. Several ballistae lay upturned or splintered, and the pair of guard towers on the south side of the town were toppled, now a pile of rubble and stones.

"Sergeant" Arthas called out the leading soldier's rank once more, "I want men on the northern and eastern towers. Report to me what you see-and tell them to keep their quiet"

The footman nodded, running off on the cobblestone streets. As the footmen scoured the town for signs of life, Arthas himself decided to investigate the town's logs in the Keep. Pushing rubble out of the way, he was able to make his way to inner Keep, past the shattered gatehouse, and the square. Fighting had gone on, however, bizarrely enough, the bodies of many of the defenders were gone, only entrails or those too badly mauled to be of any use remaining.

Sickened by the sight, Arthas quickly continued to the records, where he found what seemed to be the former quartermaster's torso, arm, and legs, clutching in hand a journal. Frowning, Arthas picked up the journal, reading the hastily written dialogue.

Even now the black clad men walk about the town. As if by their will, the dead rose with life renewed, and assaulted the Keep. Many have died already trying to save Brill, but I fear they too will turn against us as living dead. I can hear the screams, the blood running across the stones, the stench of death chasing me even into my locked quarters. They will kill everyone. They are unstoppable. Light, forgive us all…

The text ended suddenly, blood smearing the rest of the page. Upon the quartermaster's desk lay the logs, the numbers of shipments, where to and from, for all manners of imports and exports for the month. Indeed his suspicions were confirmed, the latest supply of grain from the northern city of Andorhol.

"There is nothing more for you to discover in this town" an ethereal voice stated, seemingly floating around the room.

Quick as lightning, Arthas drew his mace, the Might of Menethil, and assumed a defensive posture, eyes ablaze with holy magics.

"Come, young Prince, we have much to discuss. I am Cyrus Faim'las. I too am investigating this Plague, and was employed by both my King and the Kirin Tor to do so" an elven face appeared from the darkness of the doorway.

Standing down with a sigh of relief, Arthas replied "You must be the Elven team sent to investigate by the Kirin Tor. The generosity of the Elves is greatly appreciated, sir. Yet, what exactly were you doing here in this building?"

"The same as you, young man, looking for answers. I believe, however, there is something outside you must see" the elf pointed outside, and the two proceeded.

As soon as they had though, the Sergeant Arthas had assigned to watch the towers came running up to him, panting as he tried to get his words out

"Sire! An army of undead is passing to the east! They are moving north, towards Andorhol!"


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