
Third Eye Devil Hero

[This novel is extremely uncanny, wacky, action packed, and has some dark and serious moments. You have been warned.] Akira, a high school who's life has been equivalent to a loser, finally gains powers when he unknowingly gains a third eye. Having insanely fast strong and capabilities and power; living in a world where anything exists, with super powered ranked hero guilds and villains roaming the area fighting for leverage and survival, Akira just wants to fit in like his older and popular brother Shin, wants to be better than him, get stronger, become a famous hero, get a first girlfriend, make friends, enjoy life and the school life after a rough childhood, and be accepted. And to do that, he wants to join his older brother Shin's hero guild and overcome the toughest of villains. Get ready to embark on an action packed, fun, and comedic journey where Akira does his best to defy all odds, climb the hero rankings, destroy bad guys, deal with the pressures of school, and proving himself to everyone, especially the higher ups in his guild.. And with the mystery of the Third Eye roaming around the world, will it’s mysteries and origin be uncovered? Or will the darkness behind conquer humanity?

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Day Of Testing…In a Riot?

Ultra says, "Sheesh. I was wonderin' when the hell you'd show up. Welcome back, nephew."

Akira nodded, "I'm actually very happy to be back in here!"

Akira turned to the class, and the classroom whispers began.

"How is he still alive after the beating?"

"He's tough, I'll give him that."

"He was so defenseless against Ukine."

"People claimed he fought a Yōkai right after he got his ass whooped; a few witnesses actually, but a shit ton of people wanna see proof of that too."

Kirin stood up, and she asked Ultra, "Can I move seats? I would not like to be seated near Akira. The third eye curse holder."

Akira thought, 'This can't be happening! And on top of that, I'm being known for the kid getting his ass handed to him by Ukine! They didn't see me kill a Yōkai, or destroy a planet by accident - (Actually, I'm glad they didn't know about that.) I get it, most news travels fast because of cameras, I need the Hero Syndicate to post my space fight! And why is Kirin mad about me having the third eye? Does she know something I don't know about it?! Well, duh, obviously if she's pissed about it. I gotta figure it out. But HOW AM I GONNA SAY IT?! I'M NOT GOOD AT APPROACHING GIRLS!'

Ultra said to Kirin, "Why ya' wanna move?"

Kirin answered, "I do not feel comfortable near him. It is not good for my blood pressure. Please consider this request, and act in my favor. Sensei."

Tengen laughed at Akira, "Damn, nerd! Are you gonna let her talk about you like that?! I wouldn't let that happen to me!"

Akira grinned, "It's okay, Tengen."

"What's okay about it? She's making you look like a complete WUSS right now. You need to grow some sacks, brat."

Akira said, "In all honesty..and I mean this in the most serious way possible….no one in this school can light a candle towards me."

The class was quiet, and Akira turned around to Ultra, whispering with his face red, "I'm so embarrassed! Why did I say that?!"

Ultra whispered back, "Oi, don't look at me! You said that shit yourself! Where did that come from?!"

"I don't know! I mean…I did read a manga with a badass main character, and it kinda influenced me a bit! That was SO not me!"

"Why are you acting like I'm mad at you?! This is how you're supposed to talk when people talk shit! I'm proud of you!"

"It felt so weird talking like that!"

"Everyone gets nervous their first time spitting facts!"

Tengen stood up, "Heh? None of us can hold a candle to you, brat? You wanna go?"

Akira turned around to Tenegen, "Haha, F-fighting's not allowed in school, remember?"

"Use that nerd brain for once. Do you actually think I care about the rules?"

"Not really."

"EXACTLY. ULTRA, Let us fight! I saved his life once, and I completely regret it now! Sucks enough that he's in my guild!"

The class gasped:

"Akira joined The Valhalla guild?! Impossible!"

"Have any of you read the headlines on the hero homepage? Of course he is."

"Some of us don't pay attention to no named heroes."

"How come Akira gets to join?! All he did was get beat up!"

"Well, Shin IS the head of the guild, he probably just brought Akira in because he felt sorry."

"Makes sense."

"I heard his hero name is Third Eye Man!"

"What kinda name is that?!"


Ultra popped the gum in her mouth, replying to Tengen, "Yeah, no can do. If you wanna move so badly, we can all go outside and do our physical education class. That works? Good. Head to the locker rooms."

Akira thought, 'They're all talking about me! My name is known! But..I wish it had been in a better way. And the way Kirin is looking at me..it's kinda creepy. Why is she so mad at me? I gotta find out..'

Kirin was staring into Akira's eyes, giving him the look as if she's about to kill him.

Akira slowly walked behind Ultra, hiding behind her.

(7 minutes later)

The class were in their separate locker rooms, with the girls in the girls locker room, and the boys in the boys locker room.

In the boys locker room, the boys were wearing white t-shirts, blue shorts, white socks, with white and blue sneakers.

The boys were horse playing, laughing with each other, or chasing each other and slapping each other with rags.

Tengen was standing off to the side, with some boys trying to talk his ear off. Tengen kept saying to them, "You guys are annoying. You guys are worthless. You guys are weak and pitiful. You all are mistakes. Drown for all I care. You guys must have a death wish."

Tengen said all of this while the boys kept trying to make conversation with him.

Akira was taking his shirt out of his bag. Until one kid ran up and snatched Akira's shirt away.

Akira looked at the kid, and said, "Why did you take that? You already have your own shirt."

The kid replied, "Relaxxxx, Third Eye Man! Chill out…before I really hurt you, nerd. You SPECIFICALLY said, we couldn't light a candle towards you. Ultra's not in here, and Shin's not here to protect you. I wanna see how strong you think you are. Since you thought you could show us up in the class!"

Akira tilted his head, smiling happily, "Really?! Sweet! So are we fighting?! Please tell me we're fighting! Can I go all out?!"

"I'll let you hit me once. Then you'll let me hit you once. We'll keep going until one of us gives up."

"Sounds fun!"

Akira thought, 'Wait! Why am I so enthusiastic about this?! If I go full power on him, he could possibly explode into a million tiny meat squares and blood juice. And this entire school and half the block could explode and level upwards into a damn earthquake and landslide.'

Tengen stepped in, "That's not happening. No one's fighting in here."

Akira whined, "Aw! Why?!"

"Because I said so. Is there a problem nerd?"

"Um…kinda…cause like..people need to witness my power..like, UP CLOSE. Y-ya know?"

"Hush it."

The other kid came up to Tengen, "Don't be like that! You're the main one who despises this nerd! Let us do this!"

"I said no, dammit! Dumbass! Listen to me for once! Tch. I'm outta here."

Tengen started walking away, and in the blink of an eye, a fast wind shot around the locker room, and Akira had his shirt on, he had made wraps come out on his feet, and used that speed to take his shirt back from the kid at breakneck speed.

The boys said, "Whoa!"

"What WAS that?!"

Tengen turned around, looking at Akira grinning.

'In that split second, he took his shirt back from that annoying bastard. Lame..'

Tengen walked out of the locker room, and Akira walked out as well with a grin on his face.

The boy who had taken Akira's shirt before looked confused, standing there with his jaw dropped, twitching, "I-I-I saw it..t-t-that nerd..he-he.."

The other boys surrounded him:

"Bro! Snap out of it!"

"He's completely gone!"


"What are you talking about?!"

In the hallway outside of the locker room, the girls were coming out of their locker room, and Akira and some other boys came out.

Everyone started talking to each other, with Kirin walking out of the locker room with her hands in her pocket.

Some girls were trying to walk with her, trying to talk to her.

"Oi! Kirin! If we're partnering for gym, wanna be my partner?!"

Other girls asked:

"Kirin! Wanna walk with me?"

"If we're doing teams, be on mine!"

Kirin said to them, "Are you seriously speaking words to me? Leave me in peace. Silence is considered tranquility when under attack."

Kirin walked away from those girls, and those girls started to say to each other:

"Such wisdom!"

"I know right!"

Minutes later, the entire class was outside stretching, having partners who spotted them when stretching.

Akira stretched alone, and he was completely fine with it, since he's used to stretching alone during training.

Kirin was stretching alone as well, after being asked a hundred times to partner up.

Tengen was stretching with someone, but he kept yelling, "Keep stretching! Stop grunting like a little bitch!"

His partner replied, "I-I can't go any further..!"

"Hah? You giving me lip?!"

"No sir!"

"Keep stretching, nerd!"

Ultra was walking around inspecting everyone, saying, "That's it. Don't overextend yourselves, you'll pull a muscle if you do that shit. Believe me."

Akira was quickly stretching his legs and arms, switching positions non-stop.

'I'm used to this already, I hope everyone is watching. Some people are looking at me, but Kirin is still looking at me like she wants to eat my heart.'

Ultra blew the whistle, saying, "Jumping jacks! Hurry up, maggots!"

The students said:

"She's enjoying this!"

"Sensei Ultra really is enjoying this!"

"This is like boot camp!"

Tengen scoffed at Ultra, "Oi! Ultra! What the hell kinda game are you playing?! Huh?!"

Ultra chuckled while chewing her gum, "The game where I make my students do boot camp related shit and complain how they are doing boot camp related shit. That's the game I'm playing, brat."

"Damn you.."

As the class did jumping jacks, Akira was almost out of breath, and he had just started doing jumping jacks 1 minute ago.

Akira was panting heavily, he felt fatigued already.

'This is embarrassing! I hope no one's watching! If they see me struggle to do jumping jacks, I'll get laughed at even more! Building my strength outside of my wrap powers would increase the confidence within myself greatly. That's what I really want. I don't want my power to be one sided. Gotta push through!'

Ultra walked behind Akira, and whispered in his ear, "You're not gonna use your powers?"

"No..I can't.."

"Mm? So you're serious about this. Getting stronger without your wraps."

"Course' I am. I got goals to accomplish, lady."

"LADY?! I'm your damn aunt!"

"Since when? When did that happen?"

"You little bastard! I could kill you now if you weren't related to me. Keep pushing though, Akira. No way the boy who destroyed an entire planet and a Yōkai would look this pathetic."

Ultra walked away.

Akira thought, 'She's right..if people saw me like this..after seeing my battle with the Yōkai…they wouldn't believe I'm the same person. Gotta press through!'

Akira struggled to push more push-ups in, with Kirin and Tengen watching him.

Minutes later, Ultra yelled, "Jog 1 lap around the track, maggots!"

She blew the whistle, and all the students were running around the track.

Akira was in last place, as all of the other students were outrunning him. Akira was wheezing, with sweat drenching down his forehead.

Akira said to himself, "Gotta keep going..gotta keep going..!'

Tengen turned around, and saw Akira trip on the ground running.

Tengen rolled his eyes, and went to Akira.

Akira was trying to catch his breath, and he was holding his chest tight.

'This can't be it! I gotta keep going! Move, legs! Fucking listen to me!'

Tengen grabbed Akira in the back of the shirt, and lifted him off the ground, saying to him, "The hell are you doing on the ground? You think you're gonna impress Kirin that way? Pathetic."

"W-What are you saying?!"

"Get the moving!"

Tengen stood Akira back up, and pushed Akira forward, making him run.

Tengen stayed behind Akira, saying to him, "If you so much as stop, I will knock your soul out of your body!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"That's right!"

Tengen remembered what Shin had told him the day before, saying to him, "Abandon my little brother, I'll kill you. Hurt him, I'll kill you. You were just like him in elementary school, you should know how it is to be him…"

Watching from a distance, Ultra was standing in the middle of the track, watching Akira and Tengen.


Coming up beside Ultra, was Licht, the spy hero."

Licht stretched, "All this action, and you didn't invite me? Damn you, Ultra. What kinda name is that anyway?"

"Heh? What kinda name is Licht? I can't even pronounce that shit! You got named by trolls or something?"

"Very funny."

"You started it."

"I always do, that's what I do. I like to pick at everyone. You're murdering brother Yamato still doesn't deserve my beautiful sister Yuu."

"Your sister Yuu is a snake! She doesn't deserve my brother Yamato! Why are you out here anyway?"

"To see what I'm gonna be working with. Seeing my nephew Akira in action."

"You aren't seeing much. He's been struggling like this since we got out here, but it's endearing I guess. He's getting there."

"What he's doing..his goal..is gonna make him stronger as a hero. Since you know, if anyone trains without using their powers to train, then their hero abilities get stronger as well."

"Yeah, he probably doesn't know that though. Acceptance to him is like winning the lottery and marrying a model."

"I would love a hot model right now. I think I have enough cash for some babes tonight."


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! After school, I'm gonna be taking Akira."


"Testing him. But not only that, I'm gonna make him stronger."


"Shin asked me to, and I haven't communicated with Akira much back then. I also want Akira to get to the bottom of this third eye thing."


"CAN YOU STOP ASKING WHY?! Anyway, I want him to get better as well. What uncle wouldn't want that for their nephew?"

"Oh please. You're only doing it because Shin asked. Hypocrite. Just like your sister."

"And you're a dumbass, like your brother Yamato. Akira can do some good out here in these parks, milady. I jus' wanna see that day come. Again and again."

"Why are you changing your accent like you're a got-damn broken voice box?"

"Watched too much Gunsmoke and Bonanza. Classics by the way."

"Alrighty. Goodbye now."

Ultra was pushing Licht away, with Licht chuckling, "Okay, okay, I'm leaving. Geeeez. Oh, and by the way, I think I found someone who can tell us about the third eye."


"…Nope! Hahahaha! I tricked you! I tricked you!"

Ultra punched Licht up the chin, sending him in the air.


Licht laughed in the air, "Hahaha! Love ya too!"

Ultra turned back to her students, and saw them resting in the grass.

Ultra saw Akira laying on the ground, rubbing the fog off of his glasses. Ultra didn't say anything.

(Lunch time)

[School rooftop]

Kirin was sitting near the ledge of the rooftop, and she was eating food out of a bento box, and she was using her pearls to barricade the door to the rooftop.

Kirin was eating a rice cake, her cheeks were blushing, and she was smiling. Rice cakes were the only things that could make Kirin temporarily happy.

Kirin chewed softly, smiling as she enjoyed her food.

Kirin then thought, 'Peaceful. Peaceful eating alone. Away from the foolishness below the surface of my temporary eating area.'

Kirin kept eating, and standing on the ledge above her, was Red.

Red said with a grin, "Yo."

Kirin looked up at Red, and she made one of her pearls charge at him.

Red jumped over it, dodging it, jumping onto the roof.

Red exclaimed, "WHAT THE HELL, KIRIN?!"

"You know it is a death wish if one decides to disrupt me while I'm consuming the ingredients of a rice cake. You deserve death. I shall deliver it."

"Chill! Chill! Let's calm down. I only came up here because too many girls were chasing me, because I'm so pretty and popular. You alright?"

"No. Now leave."

"Um…I can sense bloodlust all over you. Is this still about Akira and that third eye stuff? Can't we all be friends and like..let it go? Maybe…kinda..?"



Immediately, the door to the roof blasted open, smashing Kirin's pearls into the air. It was Akira, with wrap around his fist.

Akira squealed, "Oops! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to intrude! I usually eat on the roof, and I was trying to knock since it seemed locked…but..but…"

Kirin said, "He punched away my pearls. First time that has happened."

Red said, "Akira! Congrats on getting into the guild. It's just a matter of time before you join the main squad."

Akira thinks, 'Red is thanking me?! Amazing!'

Akira replied to Red while bowing slightly, "I-It's an honor! Sir! Red sir! Please forgive my nervousness!"

"It's nothing. I have that effect on people, because I am indeed amazing. Once you join the main squad, I'm gonna teach you the true way of life. You won't be a sorry little textbook dork anymore. Believe me, I'll save you."

"Please do!"

Akira looked at Kirin, and then asked, "Kirin…are you mad at me?"

Kirin responded, "…"

"Um..if I did anything to offend you, I-I'm sorry.."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Sorry does not bring my past descendants back from the soil of the earth. I, Kirin, avenger for my descendants, will never accept you as a human or a hero. You're nothing but a curse holder. You cannot be trusted. Goodbye."

Kirin jumped off the roof, landing softly on the ground, walking away.

Akira sighed, saying, "Well..that kinda hurt. I..I.."

Red tilted his head, and he plucked Akira in the forehead with his fingers.

Akira stepped back, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Stop pouting like a sissy. I have 8 girlfriends in total. I didn't get them by looking pathetic. Everyone knows you have a little thing for Kirin, even Kirin herself knows. But to sit there and let her talk down on you like that without sticking up for yourself is BEYOND INSANITY."

"I..was never good at talking. Only when I'm in the moment I guess. I was never good at clapping back at people either.."

"Sounds like a lack of self confidence to me. Don't worry, I'll teach you the true ways of life, and how to fit in. Only if you're accepted into the main squad. That way we have more time to spend. Catch ya later, textbook glasses boy. Third Eye Man or whatever your name is. Good luck on those tests."

Red started to walk down the rooftop stairs, leaving Akira there.

Akira thought, 'UGHHH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T STAND UP FOR MYSELF! NEXT TIME KIRIN SAYS SOMETHING THAT MEAN, I'll CHALLENGE HER TO A FIGHT TO THE DEATH! HAHA! YES! Wait, no. I might actually do something I'll forever regret. But…Red is right. I looked pathetic. Shit. This is gonna take some time.'

(After school)

(Hours later)

Akira was walking outside of the school with the other students as the melodic bell rang, and Akira was immediately approached by Licht.

Licht said, "Akira!"

Akira just walked past him, and Licht said, "Huh? What?"

Licht ran to Akira again, grabbing him, "Boy! How could you just walk past your uncle like that?"

Akira responded, "No way my uncle Licht would be here to see his family. I'm hallucinating, or you're a clone."

"I'm LICHT!"

Students saw Licht, saying:

"That's Licht, the spy hero!"

"He's ranked #11!"

"He's much more handsome in person!"

Licht continued to say to Akira, "Making this quick. I'm the one testing you, before you join Shin's main squad."

"Huh? REALLY?!"

Licht smiled, "MHM! MHM!"

"Did the real Licht send you down here to joke around?"

"I AM THE REAL LICHT! Listen, I have a few days of testing to do with you. And we're gonna start our first test today. Come with me."

"REALLY?! TODAY! AWESOME! Do I finally get to fight something?!"

"Not necessarily."

(15 minutes later)

Akira and Licht were standing side by side, standing behind a giant crowd of at least 700 people. They were in the roads, and those people were rioting, holding up signs because of the building in front of them. The organization had half of their employees, only because the company was going bankrupt and letting go half of their employees would fix the issue.

The rioters yelled:

"Shame on you! Shame on you!"

"Shame on you! Shame on you!"

"Unfair gestures! Unfair society! Unfair systems!"

Akira said, "A riot!"

Licht said, "Crazy, right? One time I had a bunch of people outside my house like that because I drove through all of their houses like a drunk madman. I mean, I kinda was drunk, but I stopped now. But you get the analogy."

Akira smiled, "Yeah..? So what am I doing?! Am I gonna fight something?!"

"Nope! Settle down, kid."

Licht started walking forward, and his body started to turn camouflage, becoming semi-invisible.

Akira gasped, thinking, 'He can turn invisible?! Where did he go..?'

Licht said, "Keep up with me in the crowd, if you lose me, you have only one hour to find me until you automatically fail."

Akira heard his voice, and followed it. He could barely see Licht's camouflage, but it was dim.

Akira exclaimed happily, "No sweat! This is gonna be easy!"

Licht responded, "Oh?

Licht moved faster, gliding past people, "At this rate, there's no way you could keep up with me. Even with your powers, you can't catch what you can barely see and can't hear combined. In this case, you're not allowed to use your powers. If you train without using your powers, your powers would get stronger greatly, along with your physical body. Show me what you got, and show me you're not a pathetic nerd!"

"Oh. Crap.."