
Chapter 15

I desperately wanted to put on something different, but my whole closet was filled with nothing but pleated skirts and loose tops. The desperate need to impress Shaun with my outfit clouded me, but I was restricted by my husband's crazy mindset.

Having no other choice, I put on what I had, but I didn't leave without looking at the mirror.

I applied a little bit of makeup. That was something I rarely did, but I wanted to look ravishing that day. I fixed my blonde hair which had been tied up in a bun and let it cascade down my shoulders. It was also something I never did. My hair was either in a ponytail or a messy bun, but that day was different.

My reflection in the mirror was better than how it had been these last few days. I looked and felt alive. I walked out of my room with my heart in ecstasy. The ecstasy didn't start all of a sudden. It started the moment I stepped out of Shaun's office that day. I couldn't sleep, I kept rolling and tossing around the bed, thinking about how the following day would be.

“I'm off to work" I yelled from the door without waiting for a response from Asher before I left.

Shaun had offered to send one of his men to pick me up anytime they were meeting, but I abruptly frowned at it. Asher was going to suspect something if that happens. The only way for this to be effective was to keep it as low as possible. In Asher's eyes, I was going to work, but only I knew I was under a sex contract with another man.


I noticed how my hands were shaking as I brought them to the door to knock. When I left my house I was ecstatic, but now I was nervous. I was even more nervous than I was when I came job hunting at his firm.

I rang the doorbell, waiting patiently as I bit my lips nervously. While I waited, I adjusted my hair and clothes. After some time, the door opened. Initially, I had thought the door would be opened by one of his staff, but it was Shaun himself.

I swallowed hard when I saw him. His virile body stood tall in front of me. I felt my heartbeat increase, so much that I thought it was going to explode from my chest. He still had that Cologne that had a way of driving me crazy. Everything about him was attractive, ranging from his perfect healthy hair, his intense blue eyes, and his very appealing model-like body structure.

“Hey" my voice was already gone. I hadn't even done anything with him and I was already lacking composure around him.

“Lindsay" he stepped back for me to walk in. I sat my nervous self on the nearest couch and I fixed my gaze on everywhere, but him.

“I thought you weren't going to show up," he said after shutting the door.

“I had no choice. I don't have a job remember?" I said, stating the obvious.

“What would you like to take?"

“Water" I blurted out. My throat had already turned dry and it had to do with the effect he had on me.

He walked out and came back with a bottle of water in his hand. He handed it to me and I took it.

When I was done taking it, I spoke. “When do we start?“ I asked and he chuckled.

He got closer to where I was seated and cupped my chin. My body heated up immediately. "Do you want me so bad?“ He asked and all the words I thought I knew, flew out of the window. I was blank.

“I never said that” I managed to utter.

"You don't have to say the words”

"If I don't say it, how would you know?"

"Do you want to say it? “ He asked and I immediately became uncomfortable. I knew I wanted him, but I found it difficult to say it. "It's okay. You will say it eventually” he said with a sly smirk on his face.

"I have something for you," he said and walked away from me. "Come” he beckoned on me and I followed him upstairs.

We got to his room and he handed me a box. I opened it and couldn't help but smile. It was a necklace. It had a little heart at the bottom. Tears almost streamed down my eyes, but I didn't want to ruin my makeup. That was the first time, I was receiving a gift from someone in a very long time.

He took it from the box and told me to turn around. I stood in front of a mirror, so I could see him properly as he took my hair off my back, bringing it to the front.

His hand against my skin almost made me go insane. It made me wonder how someone could have such an effect on me just by mere touching.

After putting on the necklace, he told me to look at myself in the mirror. “Do you like it?" his blue eyes peered into mine, and I couldn't look away because it would only show how nervous I was.

“It's beautiful"

“Good," he said under his breath. “Now keep your eyes on the mirror while I undress you. Don't take it off". He instructed. The tone of his voice had changed. It was more deeper and intense. My heart began to beat faster again.