
Going To A Boarding School ( CHAPTER 1)

Daryl sat quietly on his bed listening to the birds chirp. The weather looked fine and Daryl hoped today would just be as the weather. Ever since his father passed away, it's been problems upon problems. He was not particularly close to his father because he hardly ever stayed home, but his father found a way to spend some time with the family despite his busy schedule and he appreciated that.

He had been homeschooled for as long as he could remember ever since the incident that happened years ago, but that would be a story for another time. His mother had used up almost all the money she had for hiring good lawyers, and the money was not enough to keep the private tutor. thus had to go to a normal school, which he was far from happy about.

' Daryl, freshen up and come downstairs. You do not want to be late on your first day in school' Cindy, his mom said from the door.

' I will be down in a few minutes' he relied to his mom.

Daryl joined his mother and noticed she was uncharacteristically quiet. She was always the one to initiate conversation, but today, she looked rather fidgety and would not look up from her plate.

' Mom, are you okay?'

' I am, but I have something to tell you. I have been called in for a medical research program in Sweden.'

' You have always wanted that so why do you seem down. You do not want to go?''

' Your father's case, I have decided to let go, for now. Let Uncle Gerald do as he wishes. Nothing can change the fact that when you come of age you would be the successor of the company. I want you to know that it's your decision and no one else whether you take it up or not'

' I understand, but is that what was keeping you worried?'

' Daryl, your new school is a boarding school'

Daryl dropped his spoon and stared at his mother, ' Mom!, you cannot take me to a boarding school, have you already forgotten what happened to me!' he yelled.

' I know son, but are you going to live like this forever? you have to face your demons, being cooped up in here always is not going to help. Have you not ever thought of being with friends and having fun. The past is what it is, the past. You should not let it steer your future. You love singing, son, don't you want people to listen to your angelic voice?, or you want to only sing for mama?' Cindy said and smiled at his son

' But, I do not think I am ready yet. I don't think now is the time.'

' Okay, I will not force you.' Cindy said and stood up to clear the table.

' Mom, I will go, please do not worry about me and give the research your best shot'

' Are you sure?, If you are not ready, I can bring back your tutor. We can negotiate, she likes you I am sure she would understand the situation.'

' No, I will go. You will be out of town and I will be alone. it is best to go'

' Okay, if you say so. The principle called me before you came. We should get going'

' I haven't packed my stuffs'

' I will help you, though you do not need much. The school doesn't permit students to wear muftis. You would be given what you'd wear. Just pack up your pajamas, underwear and toiletries. We will drop by the mall to get you provisions mm...'

Daryl nodded and left to start packing while his mother washed the dishes.

' Hey, we are here. Wake up'

Daryl stirred from his sleep. The school looked pristine. It was far from what he expected. The school looked very expensive.

' It's beautiful, isn't it?'

' But mom...'

' Listen to me, don't worry about how I afforded this, It is what your father left for me that is used up. I have my own money and what grandpa left me. I just wanted everyone to believe that we are in a dire situation, that way we would see those who were loyal to your father and those who were not, the house is bugged that is why I kept on the ruse. We are not low on money mm....'

Daryl bobbed his head. He looked back to the school. It was secluded. The only building in the vicinity was the school, in it's glory. The surroundings were all deep forests.

' Mom, this place is so secluded.'

' It is, let's go inside.'

Daryl stared at the school, like the outside the inside of the school was very beautiful. No on could be seen at the moment probably because they were in class. It was so quiet that it began to feel eerie. As they walked towards the principle's office, they spotted a group of students being escorted by some buff security men. The situation was hard to read. Daryl noticed the students looked normal and lively. Though you could clearly see were under strict supervision. He wondered if this is how the school worked.

They were met by the principle, a petite looking woman who looked to be in her early forties.

' Cindy, you finally came to see me, thanks to your son. You must be Daryl'

The woman asked and shook his hand.

' You are truly a fine gentleman, both of you come inside with me'

' This is the first time you would be studying with other students in class, am I right?'

' Yes please.'

' Do not worry, you would love it here. I have had all your necessary documents sent to your hall of stay and your homeroom teacher. You just need to sign a few documents'

Daryl did as said and waited while his mother spoke to the principle who he learnt was called Li Chu.

As he waited, he saw a boy walk over to them. He had a neutral expression, he was smartly dressed and he was very handsome. Upon arrival he cracked a friendly genuine smile to Daryl and politely greeted the elders.

The principal spoke, ' First, it is important you know your way round the school, Chen here will show you around. Chen-er he is our new student, Daryl. Orient him well'

Chen smiled and nodded, they left the elders to began their exploration of the school.

' Daryl was it? let me introduce myself, I am Chen Yibo, Science class C. Science C is the IT class, Science A, biology and Science B, geography. What program are you offering?'

' IT science' Daryl answered.

' That's interesting, we might get to be in the same class.'

' Then you are a senior?'

' No, I am not. The science classes have other groupings. Science C, one, two and three. The smartest in three, smarter students in two and the rest in one, it is just to enhance competition because all the students are actually good. I'm in Science C3 by the way. I will show you to the classes later on. For now, I will show you around the school and hall area'

' Alright'

Chen started with the campus area, stopping every now and then to show him the important things. Daryl had to admit he was amazed. The school was like it's own town. It was really captivating. At this point some of the students had come and were watching them. Chen waved a few friends he knew. Daryl did not bother looking at the gawking students.

' So that is it for the school area, now I will take you to the halls. We have the west wing and the East Wing. The East Wing is for students like you and I and the wing is for teen delinquents'

' What do you mean?'

' Apparently here is also meant to be correctional facility juveniles. Their crimes range from minor to worse and they come from rich families that is why they are here. They basically enjoy and do everything everyone does except they do not go home for vacations. I would not mind if it were to be me though,' Chen said and chuckles

' What of the building over there' Daryl asked pointing to an isolated building that was very close to the deep forest'

' Ah, that buliding is also for the delinquents, but those in there have their case still in court or serving an indefinite time. They only have classes with us. That is when they are ever seen. I feel their crimes are the worst. That is why they are kept there. The students there are mostly waiting till their prison days or even worse, death sentence. It is really sad'

Daryl said nothing and stared at the gloomy but classy building

' The latter ever happens though. They are rich kids and most at times wriggle their way out of prison time.

' So there is no one facing death row'

' Rumors say there is one, he has never spoken since he came. I feel it is as I said rumors. Do you always wear the nose mask?'

' No. I will take it off. Why?'

' That guy also wears a mask and never takes it off. We have never seen his full face and I will pass staring at those lifeless orbs.'

' Enough of that. here we are. This is your room. Your hall is one of the most expensuve halls in the school. Falcon hall. You will sleep alone from what I saw on your file. You have a dining hall, canteen, Theatre room, park and swimming pool here. You do not need to come all the way to campus to get your wares. I like it for the convenience. I use to be here but I am now at an Executive's hall. It is on campus, quiet far from this place but do not hesitate to come to me if you need anything. Let us get back to your mom'

As they turned to leave. Murmurs suddenly erupted around them. Everyone looked towards the campus entrance expectantly.

Chen chuckled and said, ' And speak of the devil...........

Hi everyone. I do not expect alot of readers to stumble upon my work. So it has always been but if you came upon this story and you loved it.

Comment hi

Not really good with introductions so forgive me yeah


deeperdark_creators' thoughts