
The tricky old man

Knock knock

The noise startled the couples on the bed especially Emily who just realized she slept on someone's chest and surprisingly it felt good.

She looked away as she blushed deeply.

Ben just stared at her and couldn't help but chuckle.

Knock knock

This time the knock came harder as they were both started once again.

I'll go and check.

Ben said to the still blushing Emily.

What is it.

Ben spoke annoyed at the disturbance.

Uhmm old Master says prepare and that you'll be going somewhere after an hour.

Ok you may leave.

Now what was the old man up to.



Get prepared I think my grandpa wants to send us somewhere.

Should I be bothered? Emily asked quite unsure of what was going to be their next move.

Don't worry I don't think he'll harm you now. I won't let him.

Ok then when are we leaving?

In an hour's time.

An hour later .

Ben and Emily had settled in a car as the old man had settled in another.

It was a 30mins drive as they finally landed in front of a six storey building.

They got off the Limousin and walked into the storey building soon they had entered the VIP floor and their grandpa showed up out of nowhere asking Ben to allow him shop with Emily.

Well Ben wasn't given a choice to even decide since his grandpa pushed him of to do some work related matters.

Ben left but still warned Emily to not trust the old hag.

Emily and Billy Ben's grandpa had being shopping for few things since Emily didn't look so interested but rather she looked tired and wanted to have some water.

Emily saw a chocolate flavored ice cream somewhere in the mall ice cream site and wanted it .

Billy saw her staring at that particular ice cream.

Hey you wrap that up we're taking them.

Emily was shocked but before she could retort a cup of the chocolate ice cream was staring at her from the old man's hand.

She was about to grab when she remembered Ben's words

Don't Trust Him.

Cough cough

Emily couldn't think of any other lie than this one so she pretended to cough and sneeze while sniffing pretending to have cold.

The old man was quick to drop the ice cream and issued a worker to get her water.

After drinking the water Emily felt ok since she already needed water.

I guess the ice cream would have to wait.

And I hope your cold isn't too serious we should probably take you to the hospital.

Hey you come!

He said calling out to the driver .

Yes Sir.

Get the car ready we're going to the hospital.

No no it's fine it's just a feverish cold.

I'll be fine if I take some rest.

Emily was quick to not get in trouble and also leave this overly awkward situation.

Ok then let's leave it's already dark anyway.

Emily checked the time and it was already so late no wonder she was getting so tired.

After all the've been searching for something they both had no idea about.

Emily looked around searching for Ben shouldn't he be back by now?

Don't worry child he's waiting for you in the house.

They both sat in their grandfather's car and set off to their home.

In the car Emily felt really uncomfortable,hot and aching everywhere.

The grandpa at the front seat gave a smug smile saying you couldn't escape after all.

Back at the Mansion.

Ben was so angry that crazy old hag tricked him he poisoned him and now the symptoms were showing even after the heaps of cold water he poured down himself.

Now he was worried about what the old man was going to do with his Emily.

Just then a knock was heard followed with a sweet voice

Ben are you there?

He went to open the door and was surprised as Emily threw herself at him for a tight hug. I missed you Ben.

She whispered.

I missed you Ben.

Click click

The door was locked.

Behind the door Ben heard a soundless giggle and the word enjoy.

He halted in his actions and looked at Emily who looked almost drunk and cursed.


She was also poisoned with the aphrodisiac.

Emily I told you not to take anything that man gives you.!

I didn't take anything I only drunk water I promise.

Emily said making a face as if she was hurt by Ben's scolding.

Her pouted lips made her look more of a lollipop pop which needed to be eaten she looked way too beautiful in her drunk like state and her actions made her look sexy.

Ben turned to search for the keys he had so he can quickly leave this place he didn't want to hurt Emily.

Ben searched everywhere for his spare keys and couldn't find it out of frustration he kicked the door with a bang.

He knew he was helpless now and had no choice but to face the beautiful trouble before him who was still taking of some of her garments murmuring hot...hot.

The room was dim and the night light was the only light left which sneaked into the room through the opened glass windows yet her smooth pale skin glistened in the dark.

And every one of her movement was a considerable seduction and also a torture for the man whose mouth could not help but water.

Dinner was served yet it was as if his hands were tied.