1 Chapter 1: Who are you?!

A sound as if something was toppled over wakes a man from his dreams.

"Who's there?!"

The man shouts while sweeping the room with his eyes.

"Come out right now and you might be allowed to die a painless death"

Still sweeping the room.

He finaly notices a robed figure in a corner as the figure begins to laugh

"Me, a painless death?" he asks while shaking his head.

A flash bright enough that he needs so squint his eyes iluminates the room

Some time passes and the rooms light returns to normal.

As he looks back into the corner he notices that the robed figure is gone

And soon after he realizes that not only the figure but also something very important to him is missing...

But who are those two and the item he stole you might ask.

Well, we will get to that in a later point in the story. Just remember that something that seems important might not be as important as something that might be overlooked.

Next chapter