
Thian Omnach | Qilarians' Legacy : Explorer era

Prologue In the vastness of space, nestled in the Andromeda galaxy, lies the colossal planet Gigaterra Prime, known as Giga or G-1. This monstrous world, 185,000 times the size of Imperial Earth, has always been shrouded in mystery and potential. Shielded by a mysterious energy barrier and natural atmospheric quirks, Giga stayed a well-kept secret until recent breakthroughs by human explorers. Years ago, a gang of space pirates stumbled upon Giga. Their attempts to breach its formidable energy barrier failed, but they discovered a temporary gap that allowed exploratory drones, called "Pathfinders," to break through. These Pathfinders sent back data revealing Giga's breathable atmosphere, stable climate, and abundance of unique minerals, flora, and wildlife. Massive trees with glowing leaves lit up the night, and rivers rich in unknown minerals flowed through lush valleys. Exotic creatures roamed freely. The sale of this information triggered a wild era of exploration, like a cosmic gold rush. Settlers, mercenaries, and corporations scrambled to stake their claim on the untamed new world. Amid this turmoil, ancient Qilarian ruins surfaced, revealing relics of immense power and wisdom. In the uncharted expanses of Gigaterra, humanity entered a new era of colonization, driven by extraordinary advancements in bioengineering and cybernetics. The Federation and Mars spearheaded these innovations, creating hybrids like the nimble nekomimi and robust reptilians, while seamlessly integrating cybernetic implants to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. These breakthroughs paved the way for humanity to explore and settle new frontiers, transforming the fabric of human existence. The Corporate Sector, with its affluence and technological prowess, dominated the landscape. Sky-High edifices and cutting-edge facilities showcased their influence, while the Settler Sector, with its improvised habitats and struggling populace, lagged far behind. This disparity created a distinct devide between the high-tech environments of the elite and the dirty, graffiti-covered lower levels where settlers fought for survival. In this era, bioengineered hybrids and cybernetically augmented individuals became commonplace among those who could afford them. On planets like Haven, where the lines between humanity and technology blurred, extreme modifications became a mark of status and power. At the heart of this transformative period stood the Explorer Committee, led by the formidable Zhen Wu Long. Operating independently but under the oversight of the governing Council, the Committee spearheaded the exploration and colonization of Gigaterra Prime. Their mission attracted support from the Federation, Mars, and major corporations, uniting them in a relentless pursuit of discovery and expansion. This MOD Era allowed humans to become anything they desired, combining biological and cybernetic enhancements. Zhen Wu Long, a seasoned mercenary with a knack for leadership, saw the need for order. Under his guidance, the newly formed Explorer Committee stepped in to regulate the chaos, ensuring fair access to Giga's resources. The Committee aimed to harness the planet's potential while maintaining peace between organizations, guiding humanity's expansion into this new frontier. Tihan Omnach, a thirty-year-old citizen of Haven from the first settlers wave and low-level corporate worker who had resigned to start a new life as a VR player. One day, while idly scrolling through news feeds, he stumbled upon an announcement about the Explorer Committee’s establishment and recruitment. This New Explorer Era on Gigaterra marks a defining chapter inhuman history. His heart raced as he read the details. Here was a real chance for change, a tangible escape from the digital confines of his four walls and money problems. Drawn by the promise of adventure and the chance to uncover the mysteries of Giga, Tihan seized the opportunity without hesitation.

Oni_9980 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : Departure to the Training Camp

After savoring the last bite of his burger, Tihan decided to take a long, hot shower. The warm water felt like a temporary escape from the stress that clung to him. As he dried off, he stared at his reflection in the mirror and gave his belly a pat, trying to muster some confidence. "You've got this," he muttered, though he wasn't entirely convinced.

He put on his favorite hoodie and started packing his sport bag. It wasn't much—just some clothes, his H-Frame, and a few essentials like his 'ID Skill card' that contained all his information and his Home key card. As he slipped on his shoes, he took a final look around his small apartment. The familiar clutter seemed less sloppy today, and the view outside his window of flying cars felt both comforting while still giving some uneasiness; it's been a while since he went outside.

"Well, it's time. Do I have everything? H-Frame? Check. ID? Check. Key? Check!" he said softly to himself. With a sigh, he turned off the light, grabbed his bag, and headed out the door.

He had saved enough to last him a while; the rent on his tiny apartment was low. He wondered briefly if he needed to buy any gear but decided against it. Any gear he could afford would be entry-level at best. Besides, the first hurdle was passing the physical test. It had been years since he had done any real exercise—maybe five or more. The only running he did was for promotions or limited-time food items.

As he walked towards the elevator, his thoughts were a whirlwind of doubt and determination. "Will there be others like me?" he wondered. "Will they make fun of me if I don't pass?" He shook his head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. "It doesn't matter," he reminded himself. "I'm doing this for me."

The elevator's interior was worn but clean, with his reflection staring back at him from a slightly tarnished mirror. He paused briefly, checking his appearance to make sure that he didn't look strange in his clothes.

The tinted glass provided a one-sided view of the outside world. On the 'Corporate Sector' side, the structures were glossy and clean, shining with a high-tech sheen and high buildings on flying islands. But as the elevator descended, the scenery shifted. The pristine and polished elite side gave way to areas covered in graffiti, with neglected walls and flickering lights. The lower he went, the more run-down everything appeared. It was a distinct reminder of the wealth gap in Haven—the higher you lived and the more you approach the corporate side, the better your surroundings. Down here, it was all about scraping by, and the flashy, advanced tech of the upper levels felt like a world away.

When the elevator doors opened, Tihan stepped out into the lobby. He walked over to the automated reception kiosk, a sophisticated machine designed to streamline the check-in process. He slipped his Home Key Card and ID Skill Card into the slots, watching as the machine scanned and confirmed his details.

"Welcome, Tihan Omnach," the automated voice greeted him. "Your identification has been verified. Please proceed to the taxi stand outside."

Retrieving his card, Tihan followed the instructions to the taxi stand.

He paused at the entrance, squinting his eyes as he looked up at the bright sky filled with cars, spaceships, and some flying islands. Watching the people hustling around below, he felt a wave of apprehension wash over him. Steeling himself, he headed straight for the taxi stand.

As he settled into the automated taxi, the city blurred past the window, transforming into a kaleidoscope of lights and diverse colors. He glanced at the screen in front of him, where news about the Explorer Committee was playing. As he scrolled through the user comments, he noticed the excitement building. The news segments hinted at more than just Qi training—there were whispers of collaborations with outside organizations and other intriguing possibilities. He couldn't help but feel a curiosity as the taxi sped toward his destination.

As the taxi arrived at the government restricted zone, Tihan noticed the sudden drop in online connectivity. The automated car's voice reminded him, "You are entering a government-restricted zone. Access to the intergalactic internet is blocked, and recording devices are prohibited. H-Frame usage is allowed but limited. Unauthorized actions will be sanctioned."

"What! I forgot that! Only local use is allowed here," Tihan muttered to himself.

He looked out the window and saw the base building looming ahead. The entrance barrier was an impressive structure, guarded by various Mechas patrolling the area.

These included mass-produced Adaptative Arms and the Explorer Committee exclusive Adaptative Arms "Tankken," a Tankken with a glistening design and weaponry tailored for elite operations. The Mecha's predominantly light green lustred like jade showed the unique type and quality of high-end Qi Steel, signifying its superior craftsmanship and power.

The area was swarming with activity. Multiple cars and spaceships anchored around, while Automatons worked efficiently on the metal barriers. People from all walks of life walked in the same direction, their expressions of anticipation and determination.

"Attention: The Explorer Committee assessment is currently underway," announced the automated system as Tihan stepped out of the taxi.

He felt a rush of excitement and nerves as he joined the crowd heading towards the registration area. His civilian H-Frame provided basic information about the people around him, unable to connect to the internet using cloud analyzing apps, to get information like company affiliations and the prices of some visible products. However, for those with advanced cybernetic modules designed to block information sharing, he could only guess their details. These encryption modules were common among elites to prevent data leaks.

The camp entrance was alive with a myriad of people.

Groups of biogens and humans mingled, creating a vibrant scene.

Tihan spotted a Nekomata woman, her feline ears twitching as she chatted animatedly with a friend. Nearby, an Inugami recruit with sharp, canine alertness scanned the area, his tail giving an occasional, subtle wag.

A pair of imposing Goliaths, their skin a deep crimson, stood with arms crossed, radiating confidence and raw strength. An Alfar recruit, with features so precise they seemed sculpted, moved with an elegant grace as he adjusted his gear.

A Mermyd woman, her skin gleaming in shades of blue-green, glanced around with curiosity, her serene demeanor contrasting with the bustling energy around her. Avians, their wings neatly folded, conversed in low tones, their sharp eyes missing nothing. Each biogen and human added to the scene with their distinct traits and behaviors, painting a vivid picture of diversity and life at the camp entrance.

One man with a mechanical arm, its advanced design hinting at high-end technology, adjusted his grip on a heavy duffel bag. Another woman, her short hair and practical clothes suggesting a no-nonsense attitude, walked with purposeful strides toward the registration area. Some recruits had extensive cybernetic modifications.

A recruit with a mechanical eye scanned the crowd, his gaze sharp and assessing, as he walked toward the camp entrance. Another with enhanced limbs flexed his cybernetic fingers, the servos whirring softly as he joined the line. A MidCyber individual with an entirely augmented torso moved with mechanical precision, blending into the stream of recruits heading inside. Nearby, a woman with FullCyber enhancements throughout her body stood confidently for a moment, her eyes glowing faintly with embedded technology as she checked her H-Frame for updates before proceeding forward.

Tihan's civilian H-Frame provided basic information about the people around him, though detailed data was inaccessible in the restricted zone. He glanced around, feeling a combination of unease and resolve as he took in the diverse assembly of recruits.

Tihan's eyes scanned the diverse crowd, noticing everything from the sophisticated armor of corporate soldiers to the practical attire of seasoned explorers. Nearby, a group of independent recruits strategized loudly, their voices brimming with confidence about their advanced tech. In contrast, a pair of older men spoke quietly about their chances, their faces lined with years of experience.

Amidst the swarm of people, Tihan spotted a Justicier entering the camp. The crowd instinctively parted to give way to the figure clad in advanced armor, the Justicier insignia prominently displayed. Known for their ability to detect lies and dispense justice, their presence commanded immediate respect and a touch of fear.

"Whoa, check it out," someone whispered. "A Justicier."

"Better hope you got nothing to hide," another voice added with a chuckle. "They can judge you out right here, right now."

Tihan felt a twinge of anxiety, but more from the sense of being watched closely rather than fear. Despite everything, he was more impressed than afraid, knowing he had nothing left to lose. The presence of the Justicier was a reminder to stay composed and not draw unwanted attention.

He continued walking, taking in the varied crowd. The atmosphere crackled with a combination of excitement and tension. An instructor's voice boomed over the noise, urging recruits to move quickly as more arrivals filled the area.

Tihan spotted a tall man with a military stance, his muscles packed against his sleeves. He carried a large duffel bag effortlessly, moving with a confidence that hinted at a wealth of experience.

Nearby, an impressive woman drew Tihan's attention. Her defined muscles stood out under a tank top, showcasing a sleeve of impressive dragon tattoos. Her sharp eyes scanned the crowd, blending curiosity with caution.

A few steps away, a beautiful woman seemed almost out of place. Her long, flowing hair caught in the wind as she moved gracefully, clutching a small bag. Her delicate hands stood in contrast to the military surroundings.

Tihan also spotted several shorter individuals, their determination evident despite their stature. One woman with fiery red hair chatted animatedly with her companion, a short man with a serious expression and thick glasses.

Among the crowd were a few older men, their faces marked with years of experience. One used a walking stick but moved with surprising agility, his eyes twinkling with the wisdom of countless adventures.

Standing nervously near the entrance was a young woman, looking no older than a high schooler. Her backpack was covered in patches, and she clutched a holographic device, probably her H-Frame, close to her chest.

A woman who looked like she could be a mother spoke gently to another recruit. Her practical clothes and sports shoes indicated she was ready for the challenge ahead.

Tihan's eyes caught a man with a cybernetic arm, its glossy design suggesting it was top-of-the-line. He wore it with confidence, his other arm swinging naturally as he walked.

An elderly man dressed in traditional Chinese clothing moved with grace, agility, and purpose. His long beard and calm demeanor exuded a sense of wisdom while a young man was running after him with bags.

Some individuals had weapons visibly strapped to their backs or sides. One man had a sword that looked like it had seen many battles, while a woman had a high-tech rifle slung over her shoulder.

Many carried bags of various sizes, from small backpacks to large, military-style duffels. Tihan noticed some with strange-looking cases, their contents a mystery but clearly important to their owners.

Among the crowd, Tihan noticed two individuals who stood out. Their cybernetic enhancements were more advanced and extensive than most, indicating they were elites from Mars Industries and Q-Tum Tech. Their armor was streamlined and integrated seamlessly with their cybernetics, suggesting they were equipped with the latest in cyber technology. One of them had the logo of Mars on his chest, a stylized "M" with a planetary ring, while the other bore the Greek psi wave symbol of Q-Tum Tech.

The ground was a combination of compacted earth and synthetic materials, designed to withstand heavy use. The air was filled with the sounds of chatter, automated timers, running footsteps, and the occasional bark of an instructor.

Tihan overheard conversations as he jogged towards the center:

"Think this test is a walk in the park?" a guy asked, trying to sound tough. "No way it's tougher than fighting off pirates or dealing with the front lines."

A woman beside him snorted. "Keep dreaming, man. I heard the Qi test is a real killer."

"Seriously?" another recruit chimed in. "I heard some folks get super sick if their bodies can't handle the Qi shot."

Nearby, a group of seasoned explorers were huddled together. "We've faced some rough stuff out there, but this training sounds intense," one of them said.

"Yeah, if we make the cut, we might get to pilot those Adaptative Arms. That'd be wild!" another added.

Tihan smiled at the exchange, feeling a bit of camaraderie with his fellow recruits. They might be underdogs, but they were ready to prove their worth.

Tihan was determined, though he still felt a hint of apprehension. He hadn't exercised seriously in years, but he was ready to give his best until he either puked or passed out. He took a deep nasal breath and joined the line for the first assessment.

Biogen genetically modified humans with enhanced traits, like animal features or increased strength, intelligence or others characteristic created for adaptation,improvement and esthetic.

The Confederation is an alliance of diverse planets and colonies united for mutual protection against imperial earth, embracing biogen diversity and technological advancements it was a Federation but due to divergence of ideologies it became nowadays Confederation.

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