

I wish I felt normal just once on my life

Just once before death comes swinging his scythe

But this body I'm stuck in just doesn't feel right.

It feels like everyday is just another losing fight

I don't feel like the girls

Who like their long hair primped and curled

But I also don't feel like the boys

Who like to show off their shiney new toys

Guns at the ready, aimed and poised

I don't feel like a he or a she

Why can't these feelings just let me be?

And my parents always say

'You were born a girl just stay that way'

And I wish I could, I really do

But I can't, try putting yourself into my shoes.

But everyone still says she

And honestly I wouldn't even prefer 'he' so why does it bother still bother me?

I gave up and went on my way

Until I heard someone use 'they'

And something about that made my day

So i looked for what it meant and came to see

Maybe I'm not a girl or a boy, maybe I'm nonbinary