
They Say When Opposites Attract..

They say when opposites attract.. it's unpredictable. Like burning fire and ice, cold to the touch. Like an explosion and an iceberg. How can these two completely contrast elements fit together so well? The raging fire melts the ice, and the ice stops the fire from raging. The ice takes away all the anger and rage the fire holds, and in the same breath, the fire melts away the ice's coldness and uninviting qualities. The ice may now be just the same but as a liquid, however it has the chance to become warm and ultimately dissipate entirely. And well, so can the fire. So you see? Contradiction may benefit more than resemblance. If the fire and the ice were to have never interacted, and instead, interacted with those in likeness, the ice would get colder and more distant, the fire angrier and beginning to spread.


"Hey Michelle! Wait up!" I heard someone call for me in the distance. I stopped and looked behind me.

I could see Eric running to catch up with me. When he finally did, he said-

"Dang girl," he tried to spit the words out in between pants, trying to catch his breath. "You walk fast."

"That's track for yah."

As he is bent down with both hands on his knees practically gasping for air, I pull his inhaler out of his crips blue school's uniform pocket.

"Here, take a couple puffs." I say while handing it to him.

"Oh god," he says in between puffs. "I thought I lost this; I thought I was seriously going to die right now."

"No need to thank me, y'know. I only just saved your life." I say sarcastically, lowering my eyelids and tilting my head.

"O-oh sorry. Thank you, Michelle."

"C'mon Eric, we're gonna be late if you keep standing there panting like a dog." I say as I begin walking again.

"H-hey! I can't help it.!" He says running behind me, trying to keep up.

* * *

As I was shutting my locker, I saw Lila.

"H-h-hey Michelle. I was wondering i-if you wanted to come to the mall w-wi-with me a-after school."

"Uhm- hey, Lila. Sure, I'd love to." I said while shutting my locker.

"G-great.!" She skipped away happily.

I only tolerated her because she was my boyfriend's, Alec('s), sister. I couldn't stand her. I'm a nice person, but she's super touchy and she talks a lot which makes conversations with her unbearable because she also stutters! I have nothing against people who stutter, but when you don't like somebody, everything about them annoys you! At first, I genuinely didn't mind. But then she would crash our dates, show up at my house unannounced, and she broke into my locker as if it were normal.! I would've told Alec, but I know how much she means to him and how much he wants us to have a relationship. Plus, I don't think he would believe she could do something like that, especially if it's her word against mine.

I went to my first class and sat down next to my friend Amelia.

"Hey, Michelle. How was your weekend?"

"Ugh, awful. I had to study the whole time."

"Wow, that's must've really sucked. Just pay a nerd to do all the studying for you, like I did."

"N-no thanks, I think I'll manage."

"Suit yourself. Anyways my weekend was AMAZING. I went to-"

Ms. Harper walked in.

"Class, class. Settle down, settle down now."

The talking lowered to whispers then ceased.

"Okay, now before I begin with today lesson I would like to introduce our newest addition to our school, Zora.!"

The door flew open and a six foot, muscular, expressionless guy walked in and he wasn't in uniform. His hair was long, luscious and as dark as night. He had a lot of tattoos as if he were in a gang of some kind. To be honest, he was kind of scary looking. He had an air-pod in one and ear and was carrying the other one on top of the pile of books in his hands. His shirt was long sleeved, slightly unbuttoned at the top, green, and tight, so were his black pants. Tight, I mean. All their contents were threatening to burst out. He had white air forces to top it all off.

"Zora, would you like to introduce yourself?"

He turned his head to look at her. His face ice cold. Expressionless.

"O-okay then. P-please have a seat."

He walked to the back of the class, brushing past me. He smelled so good.

"Hottie alert." Amelia whispered with one hand covering the side of her mouth, as she leaned over to me.

"He's kind of scary though." I whispered back.

"So what? He's hot."

"What if he's in a gang or something?"

"All the more exciting."

"Just be careful, Amelia. I don't want you getting hurt."

"You worry too much."

"All right class. Let's get started."

Incase there is any confusion in upcoming chapters I thought it'd be a good idea to let you all know that there are two main characters; and to keep the story progessing and not having repetitive chapters from different pov's when they interact, I decided to use this: "/ / /" as a sign of a charcater swap between the two and "* * *" as a sign of a different scene or new scenery.

Prettygirlmiajcreators' thoughts