
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: The Truth

Cato's POV:

I quickly rise to my feet, Mei does the same. "I'll see you later.", I tell her before moving towards the exit. "O-okay then, yeah, see you later!", she responds before I close the door behind me. A moment later I hear her door open. I don't have to glance back to know that Katniss and Peeta are following me right now. They can never leave well enough alone. Which can be a good quality at times, this isn't one of those times. "Cato!", Peeta calls out as Katniss and him follow me down the hallway. "Drop it you two.", I reply before descending down the staircase. I can hear them trodding down said staircase, as I'm ascending the adjacent one. "We're not gonna stop bugging you until we talk about this.", Katniss warns. I don't doubt that for a moment, I'm just surprised 'bugging' is in her vocabulary at this particular moment. I reach my dorm room, and immediately slide my backpack off of my shoulders. I locate my dorm key and unlock the door as the duo gets dangerously close to me. I don't bother closing and locking the door behind me as Peeta would likely either unlock it, or teleport Katniss and himself into the room. I plop down onto my bed as Katniss storms in, followed immediately with Peeta at her heels. "What was that in there?", Katniss demands to know as she places a hand on her hip. Peeta quickly shuts the door behind him before moving to stand next to Katniss. I think about playing dumb but immediately reject that idea. Katniss could very easily see right through that, and Peeta wouldn't very well buy that charade either.

Mei's POV:

I watch Katniss and Peeta chase after Cato before sinking back down into my fluffy bed again. I wonder if he's embarrassed to be dating me. Although we're not exactly dating yet are we? We haven't even been on our 1st date yet! Unless you count the 2nd half of lunch a date? Except it wasn't really much of a date, even though we were having a picnic together at the Enchanted Lake.. I quickly shake my head before hopping up. SURE it took place in a date like setting, but the last thing we did was actually go on 1 of those. I reach over a pull my math textbook out of my bag, before setting up my work space at my desk. Dates are when you get to know the other person, have fun together, share cute romantic moments with each other. Well he did get to know more about me, and I broke through a little more of that outer shell of his. I turn on my desk lamp before taking a seat. When things weren't extremely serious we did have a little fun, though I can't really speak on behalf of him, I know he didn't have a horrible time at least. I open my textbook and flip to chapter 4, page 69, and get started on the problems that were assigned to us as homework. Does carrying me bridal style count as romantic? He also held my hand, but that was after lunch. I suppose either way it doesn't matter, we have an actual CONFIRMED lunch date tomorrow. OH NO, what am I gonna wear? It's a lunch date are you supposed to dress formal for a lunch date? Last time I checked you just eat lunch on a lunch date right, and we're just going back to the Enchanted Lake I'm assuming?

Cato's POV:

I shrug it off, it would be uncharacteristic of me to so easily divulge all of said information about that topic so honestly. "I don't see an issue here, you both requested I take a more friendly approach. I can revert to my more short tempered ways if that's what you'd both prefer.", I offer. Alarm flashes across Peeta's face. "No! That's not what we meant at all, we-", Peeta starts to backtrack before Katniss characteristically cuts him off. Which of course is nothing new, she cuts off just about everyone she has a conversation with except for leaders she respects and has no reason to cut off. No doubt she'd cut my father off during one of his speeches if she disagreed strongly enough about what he was saying. "There's a difference between being 'friendly' and 'flirty', and you know that.", Katniss snaps. I hold up my hands in defense. "I do indeed know that, but it's not my fault if you misinterpreted the behavior you saw.", I defend. I am aware that my behavior towards Mei has more recently leaned towards the more overly friendly side of things. I am also aware that that is something I've never done before, not even with Clove to see if we could genuinely hit it off in that way before having to become mates.. "Okay cut the crap and mind games Cato, look who you're talking to. We're your best friends, we know you better than anyone. You'd never leave room for someone to misinterpret your actions and what you mean, and as if Katniss of all people would misinterpret you. She can probably read you like an open book better than I can!", Peeta rants.

Mei's POV:

I shake my head once again. Math 1st, date prep later... I should probably find a middle ground between formal and casual. Cato doesn't seem like he's into girls who dress formal all the time, but what if I end up dressing too casually and he thinks I'm not taking our 1st ever date seriously? Then he never wants to go on another date ever again! What if I'm too preppy and frilly for him? Am I too preppy and frilly? I glance down at myself. I tried looking less 'uptight' today and more 'flowy', but I feel like those are the only 2 modes I have fashion wise. I never really bothered to expand my sense of style, ever, I just stuck with what's safe. What I was expected to wear. Lonnie broke out of that a little while after Lady Mal and her friends got here and never looked back. Oh Lonnie, I wish we never fought, but I don't regret what I said. I know I'm in the right, but that doesn't stop me from feeling terrible about this. I don't wanna be stubborn and drag this fight out, but wouldn't apologizing 1st and almost immediately after be like admitting you're wrong? I have to stand firm in my beliefs! Besides, Lonnie is blowing everything wayyy out of proportion, nothing bad is going to happen to me and some time apart from Lonnie has been long overdue. Okay enough rambling to yourself Mei, you seriously need to get this math homework done unless you feel like letting that B slip to a C. I let my mind go blank as I fill up my worksheet, and after a couple of hours I manage to knock out all of my homework that's due tomorrow.

Cato's POV:

"Alright I might have flirted with her a bit no need to make a big deal out of it..", I grumble before uncomfortably looking away. I of course understand why they're going to ignore the last half of my statement, I've never shown any interest in relationships. I don't just mean the flirting aspect either, I've always been very vocal about not seeing the attraction in dating. I couldn't tell you if I've been so against it out of envy of those who have the rest of their lives to flirt and date, without having to worry about how long term the relationship could be. Without having to worry about if said romantic partner would be a suitable mate for a future pack leader. Without having to end things before they could even begin because said potential partner isn't an alpha, and not just any alpha, the best alpha one could find. "You're kidding right? This is the 1st person you've ever shown any interest in. THAT makes it a big deal by default.", Katniss snickers before moving to sit next to me. Peeta has the widest grin on his face as he sits on the other free side of me. "When did the flirting start? Who started it? We all knew Mei has a crush on you, when did you reciprocate things?", Peeta fires off. Oh boy, what have I done. "You do reciprocate things don't you?", Katniss adds in. How intelligent of her to question my feelings immediately. I'm not sure if I should be offended by what that implies or impressed that she'd come to such a conclusion in such a short amount of time. "Of course he does, why would he have any reason to string Mei along? Come on, tell her Cato.", Peeta answers for me.

Mei's POV:

I slowly stand up before raising my arms up to stretch out. It feels like I've been sitting down for forever. I clear off my desk then put away my textbooks and completed homework before turning off my lamp. I glance over and it's still light out, looks like I have a little more time to kill. I guess now would be the time to worry about what I'm gonna wear tomorrow. It's funny how a few friends and a cute guy makes you wanna put more thought into how you look. I've always done the asian 'princessy' look in my favorite colors of course, orange and cyan. Taking liberty with the color palette was as wild as I ever got. I pad over to my mirror and stare at myself for a while. Was Cato really right, could I be so much more if I'd just put myself out there and try? With him, Katniss, and Peeta around I don't doubt that, but what happens when they leave? Will I end up just letting myself fade away again? NO! I can't let that happen no matter what. Cato wouldn't want that for me, he'd want me to be my own person, not dependent on him or anyone else I just know it. It's time for a change, and I know just where to go for that. Let's just hope Lonnie isn't there already. I fish my dorm keys out of my bag before slinging 1 of the straps onto my shoulders. I take a quick look back at my side of the room. "Goodbye room, the old Mei is gone and you're never gonna see her again.", I whisper before locking the door behind me. I quick trip down the hall with a couple of turns here and there, and I've reached my destination. Should I have messaged them 1st to see if they're free? Of course I should've how thoughtless of me.

Cato's POV:

"Could you both stop bombarding me with questions okay? You know this particular topic of discussion doesn't, come easy to me.", I admit. Katniss places her hand on my shoulder, Peeta smile reassuringly at me. "Okay I'll make this easy for you then, tell us the truth, and start from the beginning.", Katniss requests. Well, it felt more like a demand than a request, but I know she means well. They're my friends, as Peeta kindly pointed out moments ago, I can be completely transparent with them. They'd never steer me wrong. "Well I hated her after I first laid eyes on her, or more like heard her ask about me. I hated her because that and because of everything I felt that she stood for. In all honesty, I didn't want to give her the benefit of the doubt, I wanted to believe that everyone here was as self absorbed and prejudice as Audrey and Chad. Believing that, would make it easier to keep my guard up I suppose. That didn't stop me from noticing how nice she was to us. She never treated us like we're less than, or like there was something wrong with us. She stood up for us on front of Chad, Fairy Godmother, and later on Audrey and even her own sister. For someone so helpless that they can't even stand up for themselves, she sure has guts. I was unkind to her, and that somehow never stopped her from caring about me of all things. Even going as far as to developing a crush over me. After you both left us alone during lunch today, I had every intention of letting her down as gently as I was capable of.", I explain. I pause after, taking a moment to figure out how to phrase what I had to say next. "What changed?", Peeta softly asks me. Prompting me to continue.

Mei's POV:

Maybe I should just come back later.. Lady Mal and Princess Evie's door swings open, I let out a slight yelp as I jump back in surprise. "Oh hey Mei, sorry we didn't see you there.", Jay apologizes. I quickly shake my head. "Oh no you're fine, besides, it'd be kinda hard to see me standing here through a wooden door.", I laugh off. Jay looks amused as Carlos actually lets out a full on laugh. "Were you looking for Lonnie?", Carlos asks me after a moment. I try not to cringe at the mention of my sister, but slightly fail. "Don't tell me you 2 had your 1st fight.", Jay says in a sympathetic tone of voice. Oh no, please don't pity me, I don't need that from anyone right now. "If I told you that I'd be lying, but it's fine. Siblings fight sometimes right? When the time is right things will smooth over.", I say in the most optimistic tone of voice as possible. "I'm honestly surprised you didn't apologize like right after the fight.", Carlos comments as him and Jay step around me. Of course that's what they'd assume I'd do, and the old me would have. "I stand by what I said and my beliefs. She's in the wrong so she should be the 1st one to apologize.", I state. They look really surprised for some reason. I shoot them a questioning look. "I've, WE'VE, never seen you this confident before. It's a good look on you.", Jay compliments. My eyes slightly widen as Carlos nods in agreement. "O-oh um, thank you!", I chirp while trying not to sprain a facial muscle from smiling too hard. As they walk away I knock on the door they left cracked open before stepping into the doorway.

Cato's POV:

"I um, received a phone call from my father. I stepped away to take the call of course, and that's when he delivered some really great news actually. If I'm able to forge an alliance with Auradon, it proves that I'm more than ready to take my rightful place as pack leader. Then he followed that up with some not as, preferred, news. More specifically, he reminded me of the rules. How before ascending to pack leader, I must officially announce who my chosen alpha is. The night before being appointed, said alpha and I must become mates, and ummm, consummate the marriage. That is what must be done if I want to become pack leader. I know of course of this tradition, we all do, it's just slipped my mind as of late. I've been preparing myself for this my entire life, I knew this would be the sacrifice I would have to make. It's never really bothered me, until now. Being faced with this, it makes me regret not ever attempting to date someone before. When we go back, I lose the freedom to decide who I want to see in that sense. As soon as that call disconnected I knew I wanted to be able to just once, even for only a short time, have a say in my love life. When I returned to my lunch with Mei, she could tell something was off. She didn't press like you two would have, she let me decide if and what I would choose to reveal. I didn't speak of the phone call, and she was fine with that. She hugged me, she was, there for me when she didn't have be. When she didn't even know the reason why I was unhappy. I knew then that she was the person I should date while we're here.", I reveal.

Mei's POV:

Lady Mal looks up from a pile of books that's scattered all over her bed, and Princess Evie briefly glances up before going back to whatever she's sewing. "Oh hey Mei, are you looking for Lonnie or something?", Lady Mal asks me. I have to suppress a sigh. Is that what everyone thinks I'm doing whenever I'm not in my dorm room, constantly looking for my sister? "Despite what everyone might think no, I don't spend all of my free time chasing after my sister.", I retort. I immediately regret saying that when Lady Mal quirks her brows and raises her hands up. "Wow, easy there, I don't think that and neither does Evie.. I also didn't think you were capable of being this, outspoken.", Lady Mal comments. I wouldn't really call this outspoken, I'm just not standing quietly in the background. I don't wanna be that girl, not anymore. I never wanted to be her in the 1st place, it was just the easiest and safest thing to do. "Yeah, well I'm working on the overly shy and quiet thing.", I tell her. She nods approvingly, and I don't feel quite as nervous standing here as I did a minute ago. "Good for you Mei. I'm all for female empowerment, and I think your time to get some is long overdue.", Princess Evie says. I glance over in her direction before looking back at Lady Mal. "Well I'm glad you both agree because even though your hair makeover days are over, I never did get one. I was too scared I'd get noticed even more by the wrong people, but I'm not scared anymore.", I admit.

Cato's POV:

"Woah woah woah, does that mean you've asked her out already?", Peeta asks while slightly bouncing in place. Katniss reaches around to halt Peeta's display of excitement. "I understand why you'd want to date Mei. Wow, that's something I never thought I'd say, but what makes dating her any different from marrying Clove?", Katniss asks me. I glance over at Peeta to see he has nothing to add for a change. I can tell he's going to let Katniss take the lead on this. Which is quite odd actually since Peeta seems to know more about feelings than Katniss does, but we all know that looks can be deceiving."I have to marry Clove, but I'm choosing to date Mei.", I state as it's the most obvious thing in the world. It's even more unusual for Katniss to be this dense about something. "Either way it's a choice you're forced to make because of certain circumstances. You don't HAVE to marry Clove, but you are so you can be pack leader. You don't HAVE to date Mei, but you are so you can experience a short term relationship.", Katniss points out. It's not as black and white as that, at least I don't believe it is. Experiencing a short term relationship of my choosing was one of my motives sure, but not the only one. "I want to date her for various reasons besides that.", I huff. Katniss quirks her brow at me and crosses her arms, nothing surprising there. "Care to draft out a list real quick?", she challenges. Ah, by forcing me to list said reasons on the spot, it would make it more difficult for me to bend the truth if I decided to. It would also force me to speak from more of the heart instead of forming a calculated response.

Mei's POV:

"So you want me to do your hair?", Lady Mal confirms. I nod my head. "Give her layers!", Princess Evie chimes in from her side of the room. I slightly giggle, remembering how she called Lonnie's new hair a 'mop' and how she tried to convince her to get layers. Great, even my brain has to bring up my sister. "Layers don't really seem like enough of a change, sorry Princess Evie.", I apologize as Lady Mal weaves out of her maze of books. She moves to stand in front of me, I try not to slouch. "So you want a change huh? This isn't doing it for you anymore?", Lady Mal muses while gesturing to all of me. I nod once again. "What's wrong with layers?", Princess Evie mutters just before she starts her sewing machine again. Lady Mal finds it really funny, and I can't help but smile as well. "Nothing E, it's just not the vibe we're going for here. Now, let's see.. Beware, forswear, replace the old with new hair. Nothing crazy or nothing strange, just a little welcomed change.", Lady Mal chants before wagging her finger around. My head whips up, down, to the side, and basically everywhere without me moving it at all. It definitely surprised me at 1st, but what was probably more of a surprise was the outcome. A green glow surrounded my hair, causing my hair tie to snap. Before making my hair, shrink? Yeah that would be the word, I can't even see my hair when I look down anymore. Lady Mal shoots me a smile before gesturing to the full length mirror next to her bed. "Why don't you go check out the new you?", she encourages.

Cato's POV:

"Besides wanting to experience a relationship other than the permanent one that will be forced upon me, this is for Mei's own benefit as well. This will help her gain more confidence, and build up her self esteem. This will make forging an alliance with Auradon much easier if they see just how well we can coexist.", I immediately respond. It's clear that Katniss is screening my intentions to see if she should intervene. If she thought I was making a mistake, or attempting to take advantage of/hurt Mei, she would shut my plan down. "Is that it?", she asks after a moment. I take a deep breath. I wasn't planning on revealing this exact bit of information since it didn't seem all that necessary, but I take it that Katniss will leave me with no choice. "Emotions are a complicated thing and I couldn't state this off as an absolute, but I think I might ever so slightly, like her?", I quickly throw out there. Slightly wincing at the end of my confession. "Are you, being serious right now?", Katniss quietly asks after an uncomfortably long moment of silence. I let out a frustrated growl as I rake my fingers through my hair, before rising to my feet, causing Katniss and Peeta to rise to their feet as well. It's clear to see that Peeta's trying so hard to mask his obvious excitement. Katniss looks astonished on the other hand. "Of course I'm being serious, you know I wouldn't say something like that for fun.", I snap. My face starts to warm, something I immediately will away. It doesn't go unnoticed by the duo unfortunately.

Mei's POV:

I hesitantly walk over to the full length mirror that's standing near Lady Mal's bed. My eyes widen in surprise as I let out a small gasp. The longest parts of my hair now only brush against the tops of my shoulders, and is parted on my right side. I hear heels clacking on the floor as Princess Evie rushes up to stand behind me. She gently places her hands on my shoulders as she widely smiles at my reflection, I smile back. "You know I've gotta say, short hair works for you.", Princess Evie compliments. I immediately thank her before we both step away from the mirror. "I really owe you the biggest thank you, Lady Mal.", I tell her. Lady Mal takes a step towards me. "If you really wanna thank me, then PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF HADES, drop the formalities. For all of us, it's really not necessary we're classmates and friends after all.", Lady Mal er Mal replies. I've only ever referred to them by their rightful titles to show my respect. Especially since Lady Mal and Princess Evie, er, ahem MAL AND EVIE have had to work so hard to get past all the former hatred from ignorant people to be where they are now. Wait, did she just say we're friends? I assumed Lady Mal, or, Mal and her friends just thought of me as more of an ally than a friend friend. "Speak for yourself M, people call you Lady Mal all the time. I on the other hand, aren't even recognized as an actual princess by the royal court. Which I can't exactly blame them for, my mother isn't of royal blood she just married a King.. But anyway, it's just nice that someone thinks I'm Princess regardless.", Princess Evie comments as she makes her way back to her sewing station.

La- MAL, shoots Evie a sympathetic looks as she makes her way over to her. Princess Evie doesn't see it of course since she immediately busies herself with finishing what looks like a cape of some sorts. "Evie I am so sorry, I didn't know you felt that way.", Mal apologizes. Princess Evie nods. "It's okay, it's not really something I talk about anyway.", Princess Evie brushes off. She still seems really bothered by it though. I don't really feel like it's my place to inject myself into their moment, but I at least want to try and help her feel better. I awkwardly scoot over to where Mal's attempting to console Princess Evie. "Princess Evie if I may, whether or not someone as insignificant as me calls you Princess, that doesn't change who you are. You don't need a stuffy room full of uptight and boring people to tell you if you fit what their idea of a Princess is. You have all of the redeeming qualities a great Princess would have, and then some. As long as you know in your heart that you're a Princess, that's all that matters.", I say. Princess Evie briefly looks at me, her smile having partially returned to her face. "Next time tell me when something's bothering you okay E? I'm not a mind reader, and I don't think I have a spell for that either.", Mal jokes. Evie lets out a laugh before nodding, she stands up and the 2 hug things out. "And if it really means that much to you, I'll talk to the royal council next meeting about having you instated as an official Princess.", Mal offers. Princess Evie's eyes widen. "You really mean it M, you'd do that for me?", she asks in a very shocked tone of voice. I'm not surprised at all honestly. It's clear how much Mal loves her, she'd do anything for one of her bestest friends.

Cato's POV:

"OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO EXCITING! CONGRATULATIONS MAN!", Peeta exclaims. I rush over to him and slap my hand over his mouth. Katniss immediately rips my arm away, but Peeta thankfully gets the message. "I don't need you to go announcing it to the entire planet okay? Besides as previously stated, I said I might, I'm unsure.", I chide. Katniss grabs my shoulders before forcing me to sit back down on the edge of my bed. "If you're questioning how you feel, you probably do have a crush on her. Trust me, I know all about being confused when it comes to how exactly you feel about someone.", Katniss points out. I can't help but smile fondly at the memory of a younger Katniss and Peeta. Peeta was so sure how he felt about Katniss, but Katniss being the stubborn person she is, dated Gale for the longest time. "You were pretty clueless.", I snort. I can already feel the regret rolling off of Katniss as Peeta starts cracking up at my comment. "That's besides the point of all of this. We're talking about Mei and you.", Katniss sighs. I'm aware of that of course. Your point is that you can relate to my particular situation, and you want to offer your expertise. "I mean you kinda walked yourself into that one.", Peeta giggles. Katniss shoots him a glare, and he immediately attempts to stop laughing. "Look, Cato, have you ever been unsure about your feelings towards anyone before in the same sort of context?", Katniss asks as she rolls her eyes. This conversation is clearly growing old in her eyes, and I can agree with her on that front.

I wonder if I annoy her enough, I can persuade her to stop meddling in my personal business? I suppose I should disregard that particular hope right away. Those two will being sticking their noses in my business until I'm dead. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm secretly grateful that they care about me and my well being so much. I'll definitely be adding them as Council members when I'm appointed as Pack Leader. Ah right, I forgot that's what got me into this mess in the first place. "I've never had feelings for anyone before, there's never been anything to question. How would I even know if what I'm feeling isn't just confusion mixed with the pressure of needing to find someone to date?", I answer honestly. "Well there's only 1 way to find out.", Peeta chirps. Oh boy, what's his solution to this? It'll no doubt be something sappy and filled with romantic gestures or something. "What exactly might that one particular way be oh wise one?", I quip. Katniss reaches over and smacks the back of my head. I chuckle as I rub the new sore spot that has formed on the back of my skull. "Really get to know her, spend some 1 on 1 time together. If you actually like her, in that way, you'll start to notice all these little things about her. Her quirks, all her favorite things, things she does that you think are adorable. Another important sign would be if you think she's attractive, and not just 'yeah they're an attractive person', but like 'wow they're actually really cute'.", Peeta advises me. I was actually more than ready to make fun of whatever sappy non sense was about to leave his mouth, but that was actually some advice I could use. Points that I can look out for on my date with her tomorrow.

Mei's POV:

"Of course I would E, you're my best friend.", Mal sincerely tells her. Wow, I really want friends like that 1 day. I'd like to think that's where Katniss, Peeta, and Cato and I are heading, but what if our friendship doesn't survive? What if after they leave they never speak to me again? If that happens, would I look back and think that it was still all worth it? I slink back towards Mal's bed so her and Princess Evie can finish having their moment. I'd consider leaving, but I wanted Princess Evie's help as well. Would it be an inappropriate time to ask though? Mal turns around as Evie goes to sit back down. "Oh did you need anything else?", Mal asks me. Oh no, I knew I should've just left and came back later or tomorrow even. "Oh um if this is now sort of a bad time I can always-", I start backpedaling until Mal shoots me a look. "Everything's all good, so what else did you need?", she asks me. I glance over in Evie's direction. "I actually wanted some um, fashion advice, from Princess Evie?", I squeak out. I've never seen Princess Evie move that fast to get to me. Mal actually moves out of the way to avoid being trampled. "Oh I never thought this day would come! It's NEVER a bad time to ask me for some fashion advice, you can always come to your Aunt Princess Evie whenever you have questions!", Princess Evie exclaims as she takes my hands and drags me to her sewing station. I laugh at her excitement and the term 'Aunt Princess Evie'. She sits back down as I stand before her. "Oh, you can grab a chair and sit too if you'd like. This might take a while.", she tells me.

Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into? I grab the nearest chair .and sit across from her. "So what do YOU think the problem with your wardrobe is?", Evie asks me as she slides a pair of reading glasses into her face. Wait, Evie wears reading glasses? "It's too predictable and safe. I look like the preppy asian girl all of the time, but I'm more than that. Or at least, I want to be.", I admit. She smiles at me before going back to sewing. I awkwardly sit here and look around until she's done a couple of minutes later. "I completely get where you're coming from. Even I feel the need to spice up my wardrobe with something completely different sometimes. Is there a certain color palette, style, or reference we're working with here?", Evie asks me. Oh, I didn't exactly have anything in mind really. I probably should of thought of something before coming here. "Nothing really, except that my favorite colors are orange and cyan.", I tell her. She lets her glasses slide down the bridge of her nose a bit before looking me up and down. I glance down at my outfit, suddenly feeling self conscious. "I can see that. Well as luck would have it, the outfit I've been working on is primarily orange. I probably have a pair of cyan shoes around here somewhere too.", Evie replies. My eyes widen as I struggle to form words. I thought she was just going to give me some advice or maybe even take an order for an outfit, not actually make me over. Not to say I'm ungrateful at all, I'm just really surprised.

"Oh no Princess Evie you don't have to do that I couldn't possibly-", I start saying before she leans over the desk to place her pointer finger over my lips. Stopping me from continuing. "Shush shush, it's no problem at all. I wasn't making this for me anyway, like I'd ever wear orange. This was just going to be one of the premade outfits up for sale.", she tells me. Okay I don't feel as bad about her giving me the outfit now, but I really should pay for it like anyone else would. She'd be losing a sale if I just took this off her hands. "Well at least let me pay for-", I try offering as I go to fish my wallet out of my bag. "Nope, I won't allow it. This outfit's a gift, and you're not supposed to pay someone for a gift.", Princess Evie protests. I let out a sigh before dropping my wallet back into my bag. "Fine, but next time I'm paying.", I huff. She waves me off as she runs to the other side of the room. She pulls a dress off one of her racks before bending over to find the pair of shoes she was talking about. She runs back across the room, scoops up the recently finished cape, before excitedly shoving the outfit into my arms. "Here, I just know you'll love it and look about stunning!", Princess Evie says with a big smile. "Don't you say that to everyone E?", Mal jokes from across the room. "And I mean it every single time.", she retorts. I smile at Princess Evie as I thank her, then flash Mal a smile as I leave their room. I have to kick the door close behind me since my hands are pretty full and I'm trying really hard not to let the dress or cape drag on the ground. I manage to make it to my dorm room safely, but then I remembered that I have to unlock the door. Shoot! How the heck am I supposed to reach around and dig for my keys when my hands are full? Just as I'm trying to figure that out, the door swings open.