
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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Chapter 4: Lunch Tomorrow?

Mei's POV:

Cato seems to come off as very abrasive and guarded, at least towards me that is, but I can tell he's a good person deep down. I look over to see what Cato's laughing at. Katniss quickly walks over to us, and she looks really upset. Did something bad happen to her? I hope Princess Audrey wasn't too hard on her, Jane told me she begrudgingly agreed to share a room with Katniss. She made it really clear that she wasn't happy about it though. "Hi Katniss, it's good to see you again.", I greet. She shoots me a slight smile before grabbing Cato's arm, and dragging him into his dorm room. "Um, thanks for stopping by, and I'm really sorry about all this. Let's hang out later, okay?", Peeta asks. My eyes widen as I blink back the shock. People don't usually hang out with me unless they have to, excluding my sister of course. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, it's a nervous tick I have. "It's perfectly fine, you don't even have to apologize. Do you want to sit together during lunch tomorrow?", I offer. He nods his head and warmly smiles at me, I smile back just as warmly. "Great, we'll see you then, bye.", Peeta says before he immediately shuts the door. Huh, that went better than expected. I turn around and walk back to my dorm with a slight skip in my step. I take out my keys and unlock my door. I scan my room and notice that Lonnie's still gone. Well, at least I'll be able to finish my homework in peace. Whenever she comes back from hanging out with her friends, she usually brings a couple of them back with her. Which I'm perfectly fine with, but their boisterous laughter does makes it a little harder to concentrate on things like homework.

Cato's POV:

Katniss drags me into my dorm while Peeta, UGH, apologizes. I can't believe he's apologizing to HER. I mean, Peeta apologizes to everyone, so it's not too shocking. I Overhear Peeta offer to spend some time with her later to make up for my behavior or something. Excitement rolls off her as she dismisses Peeta's apology and basically asks him out on a lunch date. Peeta agrees and mentions that WE'LL see her tomorrow, then closes the door. "Excuse me, but, I don't remember either of us agreeing to eat lunch with her.", I immediately snap while gesturing to Katniss and I. She slaps my arm away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?", she snaps at me. I immediately let out an amused snort. "Katniss, language.", Peeta chides. Now it's Katniss' turn to let out an amused snort. "Since when has how I talk bothered you?", she asks him. That's a fair question. Katniss has always been one to speak her mind, and has never shied away from using 'offensive' language. "It's doesn't, but you know how PG Auradonians are. So we better start practicing now.", Peeta reasons. I roll my eyes. I'm not changing anything about myself to fit in with these stuck up royals. "I guess you do have a point there.", Katniss sighs. I quirk my brow at her before moving to sit down on my bed. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to get lectured for a while regarding my attitude towards Mei, so I must as well get comfy now while I can. "You're really gonna give up that easily?", I question Katniss.

Mei's POV:

I set my backpack back into it's chair, then return to my work desk. I switch my lamp light on, and settle into my chair. Okay, I apologized, Cato's not too mad, and Peeta actually wants to hang out with me tomorrow! Now I just need to hurry up and finish this so I can plan my outfit for tomorrow. I've never really been one of those girls, who need to take the time to plan out the perfect outfit the night before. Unless of course it's for an important event and I have to dress up. Lunch tomorrow IS a big event, for me that is. Lonnie's always hanging out with her teammates and friends, a lunch with friends is a daily occurrence for her, it's normal. I usually take a small picnic to the enchanted lake, everyone thinks it's because I adore nature, but that's only part of the reason. I feel uncomfortable sitting at a table by myself, surrounded by others and their groups of friends. Lonnie always says I can join her and her friends at their table, but that just makes me feel like I'm intruding. I'm on friendly and good terms with mostly everyone, I usually get along really well with people. Yet I'm not really friends with any of them. I don't really know what I was doing wrong, but that doesn't matter anymore. That all changes tomorrow. It seems like Peeta might actually want to be friends with me, and I can see Katniss coming around eventually. Cato on the other hand, that'll be a challenge. I hope that once he gets to know me, maybe he'll consider letting his guard down, even just slightly. I smile as I get to work on my paper.

Cato's POV:

Katniss whips around to face me, and shoots me a death glare. Peeta moves to stand beside her. "I'm not giving up anything. I'm being practical and compromising, it won't kill me to not curse for a few months. Maybe you think about being practical too.", Katniss replies. I roll my eyes at her, and kick my shoes off. This is going to be one very emotionally draining conversation, I can feel it in my bones. I can also feel Katniss' annoyance and fiery determination bubbling to the surface. Once she has her mind set on something, no matter what that might be, she doesn't stop until she accomplishes whatever her set goal is. "I take it Peeta messaged you to come save the poor damsel from the big bad wolf.", I joke. Peeta obviously messaged her. Since I highly doubt she had her ear pressed to her door, listening to see if I was getting into any altercations. She could just ask Peeta if she wanted to know that. "Don't turn this into a joke, Cato. Things really got out of hand back there.", Peeta says. Yes, it was very clear that you thought so. Katniss wouldn't be standing here otherwise. "What's your problem with her anyway? Besides her staring at you, she's been nothing but kind towards you.", Katniss asks. Ugh, here we go again. Why are they so hellbent on me getting along with this one girl? Why is it relevant? I don't HAVE to like everyone we meet here. "The real question is why am I not allowed to have a problem with her? I'm not kissing her ass just because she's an Auradonian.", I snap.

Mei's POV:

After about a couple of hours, I finally finished my paper. I hop up and gather all of my things. I put away all my school supplies, then shut off my lamp. I start to feel a little anxious as I walk over to my closet. It's just lunch, there's nothing to be nervous about. I open my closet door, and start to riffle through my wardrobe. Except for the fact that if lunch goes horribly wrong, my chances at being friends with them severely decreases. It'd be really nice to have some friends, even if it's only for a few months. Should I dress casual, like it's just another day for me? Or should I go in the more dressy direction? I don't want it to look like I'm trying too hard, but I also don't want to look too boring. My eyes eventually land on the perfect dress. A sleeveless navy blue lolita style dress. An orange dragon pattern decorates the dress. It's interesting and definitely catches the eye, yet casual enough to wear during a normal day at school. I pull it from the rack, and hang it on a hook that's on the top of my closet door. My navy blue mary jane shoes that have a kitten heel will go perfectly with this dress. Oh, and my cream colored knee length socks will tie everything together! I can't help but let out an excited squeal. "What's got you so excited?", Lonnie asks. I whip around and gasp, covering my hand over my heart. I didn't hear her come in. "Jeez, Lonnie! You scared me!", I exclaim. She giggles and gives me an apologetic look. I turn back around and shakily wander over to my shoe rack. "You didn't answer my question.", Lonnie reminds me.

Cato's POV:

"We're not asking you to kiss her ass.", Peeta starts. "We're just asking you to be civil towards her.", Katniss finishes. I roll my eyes. "Why should I be?", I ask. Peeta lets out a frustrated groan. The more they keep trying to force me to act kind towards her, the more I want to take out all my frustration on her. "Look, if you can't even have one normal conversation with someone as harmless as Mei, then how do you expect to perform all your duties as leader without starting a war?", Katniss asks me. I suppose she does have a point there, as usual. "Think of this whole experience as practice.", Peeta suggests. I let out a deep sigh before flopping onto my bed. They're really not going to let this go until I as least try. "FINE. I'll try being 'nicer'.", I concede. I can feel the relief wash over Peeta. "Good.", Katniss states before turning to leave. "Are you leaving already?", Peeta asks. Disappointment rolls off of him in huge waves. I roll my eyes and chuckle. I wonder if Clove and I will get like that one day... Probably not though. We're great friends and all, but we don't harbor any romantic feelings towards each other. It'd be so much more easier if we did, but we know our duties to our pack and that's what really matters. My parents hated each other when they 1st became mates, yet they put that all aside for the good of the pack. Now they're very fond of each other. Sometimes I wonder if they ever regretted becoming mates just because everyone expected them to.

Mei's POV:

"Oh, right. I'm having lunch with Cato, Peeta, and Katniss tomorrow.", I say as I pull the heels I was looking for off the rack. "Who? You don't mean the WKs, do you?", Lonnie asks. I set the shoes by my dress, then walk over to my dresser. "I do, and they have names you know.", I reply. Lonnie lets out a snort. "I know THAT, but it's not like anyone told me their names until just now.", Lonnie states. I let a hum of acknowledgement as I pull out the socks and hang them up with my dress. Now all I have to do is get changed into my pjs and brush my teeth, then I'll be ready for bed. I grab an orange set of silk pjs, and walk over to the bathroom. "So how'd you get saddled with lunch duty?", Lonnie asks from the other side of the door. Lonnie's never really understood that Shapeshifters are people too. She was like that when Lady Mal and her friends 1st arrived, but that changed once she got to know them. I think that if she'd take the time to get to know Cato and his friends, her opinion would change. "I didn't get saddled with anything.", I say while slipping on my pjs. I turn on the faucet and pull my toothbrush from it's holder. "What do you mean? Isn't it a part of your welcoming committee duties or something?", I hear my sister ask in a confused tone of voice. I sigh before quickly brushing my teeth. Why can't I hang out with them, just because I want to? Ugh, I don't even get why shapeshifters get such a bad rep. Being able to turn into a wolf, or anything else for the matter, is extremely cool.

Cato's POV:

"Yeah, I don't really trust my new roommate enough to leave my personal belongings alone with her for an extended period of time.", Katniss explains. I immediately sit up, curiosity clearly getting the better of me. "Who's your new roommate?", I ask. This is Auradon, isn't everyone supposedly trustworthy? It of course wouldn't surprise me if most of the students here are prejudice towards shapeshifters. There's a pretty negative stigma around us. People assume we're monsters, and that we act like wild animals all the time. That we have no self control, and a horrible temper. A decent amount of people believe that we're a danger to society, and we should remain in the other side of the Enchanted Forest. "Princess Audrey.", Katniss scoffs. Oof, I feel really sorry for her. I can't imagine having to room with a 'Princess'. "Who's she the daughter of?", Peeta asks. Well, her mother or father must have a similar sounding name to 'Audrey'. I'd probably be able to figure it out if I knew the names of all the royals, but I can't be bothered to memorize all that. Auradonians for some reason like to name their kids similar names to their own, which seems pretty conceded to me. "Aurora, who's also apparently known as 'Sleeping Beauty'.", she drawls. Peeta gives her a sympathetic look. "Well what's Audrey like actually?", Peeta asks. Katniss tends to dislike most new people right off the bat, and it usually takes a little while for her to let her guard down.

Mei's POV:

I open the bathroom door and almost bump into Lonnie. I sigh and move around her, walking towards my bed. "No, it's not. Peeta asked me if I wanted to hang out with them later, and we agreed on eating lunch together tomorrow.", I say. I slide into bed as Lonnie struts over to me with a concerned look on her face. "Are you sure that's a good idea?", Lonnie asks. I quirk my brow at her. "What do you mean?", I ask back. I thought it was a pretty good idea. Shouldn't she be happy that I might be finally making some friends of my own, with her having to help me along the way. Lonnie sighs before sitting on the edge of my bed. "Mei, you have such a big heart. You see the good in everyone, even when it sometimes might not be there. Ben has the exact same quality. That's why he wanted to give the VKs, and now the WKs, a chance. He was right about Jay, Evie, Carlos, and Mal, but I'm not so sure about these new students. They're dangerous and unpredictable. I just don't want you to get hurt. Maybe it'd be better if you kept your distance from them.", Lonnie finishes. I know she's just trying to protect me, but I'm not completely helpless. Besides, the worst villains all started out as good people. They were just unfortunate enough to have something bad happen to them, causing them to become bad themselves. There's goodness in everyone, even if it's really deep down."Thank you for looking out for me. I know that you always have my best interests at heart, but I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.", I say.

Cato's POV:

"She stuck up, annoying, completely full of herself, and she's made it pretty clear that she hates us.", Katniss growls out. Peeta quickly pulls her into a hug, and starts rubbing her back in a circular soothing motion. "The solution's simple. Have Peeta come with you so you don't have to suffer alone, as least until curfew that is. Then just ask Ben to room you with someone else tomorrow.", I explain. Katniss pulls away from Peeta and shoots me a smile, sending thankful vibes my way. "Thanks, Cato.", Katniss says before promptly dragging Peeta out of the room. "You're welcome!", I call out as she leaves. Well at least I finally get some time to myself, for now. Perhaps I should take advantage of this peace and quiet by getting some rest. I didn't sleep for very long last night, I was too annoyed by this whole diplomacy 'mission'. My father wouldn't risk offending the King of Auradon by refusing his ever so 'kind' invitation. I suppose I should appreciate Ben's efforts to break the negative stigma around us, but I can't help but feel that he's doing so for his own benefit. News outlets always paint him as this saint who sees the good where others only see bad. As the King that all other rulers should take notes from. Ben inviting us only solidifies that image even more so. I quickly shake my head to clear such thoughts. Thinking about that will only piss me off more, then I'll get even less sleep then I did last night. I walk over to my dresser, retrieve my night clothes, change, then shut off the lights before crawling into bed.

Mei's POV:

Lonnie looks down before replying, "Yeah, that's why everyone bullies you all the time." I to stop my mouth from falling open from shock. Everyone doesn't bully me! They just have their own stuff they're dealing with, and sometimes they just have to let that frustration out somehow. I'm just there at the wrong time. "If you think everyone bullies me, when why haven't you done anything about it?", I ask. She can't really think I'm being bullied, can she? She surely would've went to Headmistress Fairy Godmother immediately if that were the case. "I tried talking to them, but they wouldn't listen.", Lonnie defends before quickly standing up. "That isn't the point. You're incapable of standing up for yourself, and your new 'friends' will just take advantage of that.", Lonnie says. I'm perfectly capable of standing up for myself if I needed to. I hop out of bed, and walk over to her. "You keep talking about them like they're terrible people.", I accuse. My sister crosses her arms. "Well what if they are?", Lonnie asks me. "How can you judge them so quickly when you don't even know them?", I ask back. Lonnie groans before starting to pace back and forth, a tell tale sign that she's getting frustrated. Well she's not the only one who's feeling that way. She can be way too quick to judge people before she really gets to know them. She did it before with Lady Mal and her friends, and now she's doing it again with Cato and his friends. "YOU don't even know them! How can you be so naive?!", Lonnie snaps.

My eyes widen from shock. Lonnie's never snapped at me before, she's never called me a name before either. Regret fills her face. She reaches out to me, but I step back. "How can you be so narrow minded?", I retort. She sighs after withdrawing her hand. "I just want what's best for you, can't you see that?", she pleads. I slowly nod my head. My sister's always looked out for me, and I really do appreciate that. She's been an amazing sister to me, and I love her for that. I just wish she would trust my judgement for once. "I know that, but can't you see that I'm not a little girl anymore? I can make my own decisions about who I spend time with. You have to let me make my own decisions based on my judgement, not yours.", I state. I know Lonnie still sees me as her little sister, emphasis on the little, that needs to be looked after. I don't need her to decide how I live my life. When I was younger, and even not too long ago, I always listened to her advice. I knew she'd never steer me wrong, and she never will. Right now though, if I listen to her, I'd be missing out on a chance to get to know some amazing new people. "I know you're not a little girl anymore, but you're still my little sister. I'll always look out for you, whether you want me to or not.", Lonnie says before turning to walk away so she can get ready for bed. I return to my own bed, and slide under my blankets. Did my sister and I just have our 1st fight?

*Time Skip*

Cato's POV:

Wake up to the sound of a blaring alarm clock. I rub the sleep from my eyes, and slowly sit up. I didn't set an alarm, so Peeta must've when he got in last night. I look over, and read 7:00 am on the clock. I chuck a pillow over at a still sleeping Peeta. How can someone with a heightened sense of hearing manage to sleep through that? Peeta's head shoots up from his pillow as he wildly looks around. I laugh as get out of bed. "Must you always wake me by throwing pillows at me?", Peeta groggily asks. I walk over to my closet, and select my clothes for the day. "No, I could always throw something heavier.", I joke. Peeta chuckles. I hear his blankets rustle, and his feet as soon as they hit the floor. I turn around with my clothes in hand to see that he's already completely dressed, even his bed head is gone. He must've used a spell while my back was turned. Sometimes I really wish I was a Kitsune like Peeta, that'd be really convenient. If only werewolves could do magic. "So how'd things go with Katniss' roommate?", I ask while slipping my shirt off. "Things were, interesting, to say the least.", Peeta vaguely replies. I slide on my shirt on, then exchange undergarments and pants. "Care to elaborate on that?", I question. I sit on the edge of my bed to put on my socks. "Well, she tried to hit on me when she 1st saw me. Which Katniss shut down pretty quickly. Then she went on a rant about how disgusted she was with herself for even considering me in the 1st place, or something like that? Basically she's just as awful as Katniss said she was.", Peeta finishes. Wow, and I thought I felt bad for Katniss BEFORE. I hop into a pair of shoes. "She better talk to Fairy Godmother about switching rooms, pronto.", I respond. Peeta uses a spell, and my schedule's in my hand while my backpack's on my back. He then naturally does the spell for himself. "I could've just walked over and gotten these myself.", I say while waving my schedule in the air. Peeta briskly walks to the door. "True, but Katniss is an early riser, and judging by Audrey's intense nighttime skin routine, I'd say she has a morning one as well.", Peeta points out. There's only one bathroom per dorm room... I jog to the door and quickly shove Peeta out of it.