
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Taken Root

Mei's POV:

Well that fire was a stroke of luck, or it would've been if I hadn't seen Katniss' eyes light up like that. Didn't Peeta tell her to 'do it' then we'd flee? It looks like she's 1 of those shifters who can do magic too. I wonder how Cato feels about being the only 1 in his friend group without magical powers, not counting the shapeshifting abilities. I'm sure he doesn't care, he seems pretty self-assured to me. I'm probably the only 1 who'd have a problem with it, who'd feel inadequate in comparison. Cato sets me down when we hit the dorm buildings. Is it bad that I kinda want him to carry me all the way back to my room? Okay, maybe bad's not the right word for it. Selfish? Yeah, selfish, and self-serving. We all silently pad over to the double staircase. "What a night, am I right?", Peeta awkwardly jokes to try and break the ice. It works, everyone laughs. "Maybe next time we should stick to picnics away from civilization.", Katniss wryly comments. Cato rolls his eyes. Before he even says anything, I just know these 2 are gonna have another glaring contest. "You would prefer that, wouldn't you?", he mocks. Doesn't banter like this get old after a while? I mean, maybe all that teasing is done out of love and fondness. "Seems an awful lot better than the shitshow you put us through at the diner.", Katniss points out. Or maybe not, but that's not very fair. How was Cato to know my sister and her newly appointed boyfriend would be making a guest appearance? "That wasn't his fault.", I immediately defend.

If anything, it was Lonnie's. Wow, I never thought I'd ever say that in my life. "Right, someone else had their arm wrapped around you. Just like someone else was being a stupid territorial Alpha.", Katniss huffs. If looks could kill, I think the glare Cato's currently directing her way would've struck her down on the spot. Peeta slides in front of his wife, thankfully. He'll deescalate the situation, again. "Okay, let's not play the blame game now. What's done is done, and EVERYONE had a hand to play in that hot mess. Bickering about it now isn't doing anyone any favors.", he chides. The quarreling duo turn away from each other. "Whatever, just walk us to our room, Baker Boy.", Katniss demands while dragging her husband up the stairs. "Yes dear.", he laughs out before they soon disappear from view. Then there were 2. I almost wanna ask about that whole 'territorial Alpha' thing, but I don't want to push. He clearly wasn't very happy when his friend brought it up. "You don't intend to whisk me away in the same fashion, do you?", he jokes. I glance over at him, and he already seems to be in better spirits. "Well, I wouldn't necessarily call you Baker Boy.", I quip. He snickers before offering me his arm in a gentlemanly fashion. My heart skips a beat at the cuteness of the gesture. "Why thank you.", I giggle as I link our arms. We take our time on the trek to my dorm. I'm not entirely sure if it's because he's avoiding Katniss, or because he wants to spend more 1 on 1 time with me. I'm optimistically choosing to believe the latter. I can overthink and have self doubts about everything later, from the safety of my bed.

Cato's POV:

The stroll back to Mei's room is quite peaceful, surprisingly enough. I half expected to see her problematic sister jump out of the shadows with her new roommate. Eyes alight with hatred, and accusations spilling from her lips willy nilly. I doubt she'd have her boyfriend present for it. He actually seems like an okay fellow, except for his taste in women of course. I'm also still currently processing the fact that Katniss tried to pin the diner fiasco on me. First off, it was her idea to go out to eat. So at the root of it, the responsibility falls onto her. Also, Peeta's the one who picked that eating establishment out. So she can take her pissy attitude and turn it towards him. Or better yet, turn it towards the actual aggressor of the situation, Lonnie. I have no idea what that woman's deal is, especially since she fancies a VK. If labels and origins matter so much to her, she should be put off by that. Yet she's not, because she doesn't have a VK problem. She has a Shapeshifter problem specifically. It's incidents like these that make me hate humans, hate stepping out of my side of the Enchanted Forest. Makes me reconsider this entire mission. Though Father would be disappointed, and there's no way he'd let me be pack leader after a failure like that. Then there's the very human girl on my arm. I'd be leaving her to her own devices. She'd miss me, that's for sure. I think I might miss her too, if we left. No one else would seemingly care if we made an early departure. I wonder who'd notice if Mei left. Her sister of course, if only for the principle of it.

Maybe Ben, seeing as he apparently cared about her at one point. She suffers in Auradon Prep, and everyone here lets her. A foolish thought flickers across my mind for a brief moment. I swat it away, but it's already taken root. We reach her room, she looks expectantly at me. "Please tell me Peeta's not in there making out with Katniss or something else as equally scarring.", she lightly pleads. I let out a snort, that's not what I expected her to say. I expected some sort of sappy goodnight, and if she was anyone else, I'd have to brace myself for a kiss. Not this one though, I don't quite think she's as bold as that. Using my keen senses, I can determine that Peeta's not even in the room. "It's all clear, he probably teleported to our room already.", I reassure her. Her eyes widen as she nods in acknowledgement. She's surprised, impressed. "What kind of Shifter is he?", she asks. That's a rather personal question, and I consider leaving that up to the Omega in question. Then I reconsider once I realize who we're talking about. He couldn't give two shits about whether or not I tell Mei. "He's a Kitsune.", I inform her. She reels back, the shock plastered across her face as plain as day. "Like, the 9 tailed mythical fox?", she questions while looking completely dumbfounded. As if she can't believe what she's heard. Is it really that far of a stretch? Fairies, Gods, and even Sea Witches, are all known inhabitants of this earth that're acknowledged by Auradonians. She's surely seen and heard crazier things just by living here.

Mei's POV:

Kitsunes are real creatures that actually exist, and my new friend's 1 of them? He seems so normal though. Okay wait, that doesn't sound right. I mean, he doesn't seem like an ancient mythical beast of folklore. "You didn't seem to bat an eye when I told you I was a werewolf.", Cato reminds me. That's cause a werewolf's much more plausible, and pretty commonly heard of. It's like telling someone you have a pet dog or cat. "Well yeah, but werewolves make sense.", I dumbly defend. Seriously, that's how I chose to word things? "So, werewolves make sense, but a fox is where you draw the line?", he follows up in an amused tone of voice. Yep, I definitely sounded like an idiot to him. "A magical fox, that has 9 tails, and is human most of the time, AND has the most insane set of powers.", I retort. That's like telling someone you have a pet spider monkey in your back room, or better yet a great white in your bathtub. "Sounds like a normal Monday in Auradon.", Cato says with a smirk. I playfully roll my eyes at him. "And how would you know that? You've only just got here.", I challenge as I lightly shove his shoulder. He smiles at me, and it feels like my insides've turned to jello. "Oh come on, you've got a morphing statue in your courtyard. Your future Queen turns into a dragon at will, from what I've heard. Shall I go on?", he counters. Okay, he's kinda got me there. Before I can slam him with this awesome come back, he's yanking me away from my rapidly opening dorm room door.

Katniss sticks her head into the hallway. "If you gossip girls are done, I'd like to get some sleep.", she grumbles. I immediately feel bad, we didn't mean to disturb her. I didn't at least, I'd never wanna be an inconvenience to anyone. Cato quirks his brow at her. "I didn't realize loitering in the halls was such a distraction, ma'am.", he mouths off. I grab at the end of his shirt sleeve and give it a light tug. Silently pleading for him to drop it. "It is when you're doing it right outside my door.", Katniss snaps. Hades, she is so not helping the situation right now. Why did Peeta have to leave again? "It's fine, really. We were just saying goodnight, and Cato's going now, right?", I say while giving them both a nervous smile. Her sharp gaze softens as she gives me a once over. I wonder what she sees right now when she looks at me, what she senses. She dives back inside, quickly shutting the door in our faces. "I'm starting to think rooming with Audrey didn't work out for entirely different reasons than we had originally thought.", Cato snarks. I elbow him without trying to be delicate after that, knowing I wouldn't leave a dent either way. "And you say I'm the impossible 1.", I remark. He lets out a chuckle before stepping back. I notice the loss immediately, and not just because I was staring at him. "You must be rubbing off on me.", he jests. I giggle. "I think it's the other way around.", I softly say. An odd look passes over his face, but it's gone before I can make any sense of it. "Goodnight.", he says as he slips down the hallway. "Goodnight.", I whisper just as he's out of sight.

Cato's POV:

As soon as that unintentional roundabout innuendo left her lips, I knew it was time to retire for the night. The odd urge to make the subtext of her comment known was fairly strong. I'd surely only embarrass or fluster her and her innocent mind. Perhaps my mind's just filthy and my friends wouldn't have thought twice about what she said. She was banking off of what I initially joked. I strode down the hall, across the staircases, and soon found myself in front of my shared dorm room. I try the handle, it's unlocked thankfully. Saves me the trouble of fishing my keys from my pants pocket. Peeta must've unlocked it for me if he did indeed teleport directly into the room. It would be rather senseless, and not to mention a waste of time, to send himself out here. He's also much too experienced to make a mistake like that with his spells. I step inside our room, making sure to lock the door behind me. I don't trust the other people in these dorms as far as they can throw me. I'm under the assumption I'd be walking in on a sleeping Peeta who left the lights on for me. Due to him being the most considerate being to ever grace this earth. I'm wrong, which doesn't come as a surprise to me. My roommate does like to keep me on my toes. So instead I find him sitting at the edge of his bed. Very much awake and waiting for my return. I know for a fact he wouldn't do this just to make sure I got in alright, and wasn't somehow captured during my journey from one side of the dorm building to the other. He must have something he feels needs to be discussed, and I can take a pretty good educated guess on what that might be.

"So, what's your wife want this time? A longwinded heartfelt apology detailing how very right she is and how very wrong I am? Or is she just after blood?", I quip as I'm walking further into the room. I take a seat at the edge of my own bed. Peeta doesn't look very amused. "You know Katniss isn't the type to accept hollow face value apologies.", he reminds me. I'm all too aware, it's something else we have in common. "So blood it is then.", I chuckle. He fixes me with a stern expression. She must've really laid into him after she had carted him away earlier. "Be serious, Cato.", he says. Gods, she can't really be this offended by anything I've done tonight. You'd think she's been around me enough to be used to how I handle things. "Okay okay, what did she have you wait up for me to say?", I acquiesce. Peeta visibly relaxes. "She isn't having me wait up to do anything. Me sitting here talking to you is my decision. I may be an Omega, but I'm not a servant.", he states. Maybe not, but he sure does have the tendency to do just about anything Katniss asks of him. "Fair enough, I don't ever have the recollection of calling you a 'servant' anyhow.", I respond. He ignores me, clearly not wanting to risk getting off track. "Tensions are high, what with the trouble Audrey and her friends seem to be constantly stirring up. Everyone's on edge, and it seems like Katniss and you are taking your frustrations out on each other in an unhealthy way.", Peeta apparently observes. I loudly scoff. What a load, his wife and I butt heads all the time no matter the location. It's our thing, and underneath it all is respect for one another and friendship.

Mei's POV:

I stand frozen on the spot for a moment, before letting out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I miss Cato already, and I can't help but feel unsatisfied by how the night ended. Not just with the whole running away from my sister while a random diner's kitchen burns thing. In retrospect that should probably bother me more than not getting an end of date- dinner kiss. Or hug, hugs are good. I would've even settled for a handshake, no, scratch that. I would've settled for some parting words that weren't an abrupt 'goodnight', exit stage left. Is this how all couples feel? My rampant thoughts were cut off by Katniss coming to get me. "So, is the plan to stand out here all night until morning? Until Cato eventually comes back to pick you up that is.", she remarks. I jump out of my reverie and shoot her an apologetic smile. Though I'm sure it probably came more across as embarrassed. It's 1 of my default settings after all. Some people have resting bitch face, I have resting dying of embarrassment face. That started sometime after becoming a student at Auradon Prep unfortunately. I scurry inside, locking the door behind me. Not that it would stop anyone who really wanted to get in, like Lonnie. I shuffle over to my dresser to dig up a pair of pjs. You know, I don't think avoiding her is working out too well for anyone here. I might have to swing by her new dorm before classes start tomorrow to finish this once and for all.

Pffttt, I say that like my sister's gonna let this go. She ended up fighting with Jay cause of me, and on their 1st date of all things! Hades knows if they even managed to make up after helping with that fire. If she doesn't kill me for that, she'll definitely kick my butt for running out on her. I pull out a matching cyan shirt and shorts. Looking over it appears that Katniss' already changed into something more comfortable. She's busy cocooning herself in several blankets as I slip into the bathroom to change. As I'm staring at myself in the mirror I still can't get over the disappointment, and guilt over that disappointment, from Cato's departure. Should I have just stopped him and went for it? By it I mean a kiss, I think? Well, more realistically a hug. My nerves would've been too on edge to risk something like that. I couldn't handle the rejection if he suddenly changed his mind about me. What if I end up moving too fast for him? This may be my 1st relationship, but it's his too. I wonder if he's ever kissed anyone before. Most people, in Auradon that is, wait until they're in a relationship. I'm not so sure about where Cato's from though. For all I know, his friends back home hold kissing parties on the weekends. I've never kissed anyone, that's for sure. What if I'm bad at it? Will my inexperience be so plainly obvious? I better hold off on the whole lip lock thing, just to be safe. I swap out clothes before quickly brushing my teeth. Upon exiting the bathroom, I notice my roommate's lack of awakeness. I stifle a giggle as I creep over to my laundry basket to deposit my dirty clothes. Sneaking over to the light switch, I hit the lights. Plunging the room into darkness. I slowly slide over to my bed, being careful as to not trip over anything. That's happened wayyy too many times for my liking. I slip under my covers, and sleep soon overtakes me.

Cato's POV:

"It's all in good fun and you know it. She's been testy since part of the I hate Shifters club crashed our dinner, that's all. Everything'll have returned to normal in the morning.", I reassure Peeta. With that matter put to rest, it's time I get prepared for bed. I rise from my sitting position. "As soon as it stops being fun, it's a problem. Tonight's not the first time your quarrels with Katniss have gotten out of hand without either of you recognizing it.", he carries on. Or maybe this issue my roommate seems to be having with how his wife and I treat each other isn't as cut and dry as I had hoped. I walk over to my dresser provided by the school in order to find my night clothes. "Have you spoken with Katniss about this yet?", I query. I'd like to think Peeta's just barely unbiased enough to lay his cards out on the table in front of everyone. Not just sneak behind Katniss' back to fix things without actually having to correct her behavior. I root around my top drawer, retrieving the intended garments. "Yes, briefly.", he confirms. My version of brief when it comes to that woman, or his version? I do believe there's quite the difference. "How brief?", I counter as I'm walking off to the restroom for a moment of privacy. I've known this Shifter all my life, but I have no intention of being naked around him. I'll leave that up to his wife. He trails after me, stopping just short of the door I close in front of him. "Brief enough, that she didn't tear my head off for mentioning it.", he divulges.

Knowing I'll still be able to hear him perfectly fine front here. "So not at all then.", I clarify. Peeta tries to suppress a snort, but it's too late, the noise already escaped. Besides, I can feel a short burst of amusement tinge the air. "I told her you both don't know when to back off.", he relays to me. Right, I'm sure that went over real well. If it was just me being bashed, I'm sure she'd laugh it off while agreeing. "Oh boy, and what'd she say to that?", I ask him. I doubt it was anything good, seeing as being stubborn is her defining personality trait at this point. "She just ignored me.", he sighs. Well, it could've gone worse. With the foul mood she was already in, the Kitsune was lucky to get out with his life. A click of the lock mechanism was all the warning Peeta got before I swung the door open. I wasn't worried we'd collide, for evident reasons. "Are we sure she isn't going of the rails, so to speak, due to pregnancy hormones?", I throw out there as I sidestep my roommate. He sputters out some embarrassed denial of the possibility. I laugh all the way to my laundry hamper, and continue to find amusement in the situation until I reach my bed. He whirls around to stomp after me. "Don't joke like that, Cato.", he pleads. It was an almost completely legitimate question. With the way they're constantly all over each other, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch. "Why not?", I poke anyway. He lets out a whine as I pull back my sheets before climbing in. "We're still in high school.", Peeta reminds me. As if I could've forgotten as detail such as that.

"You're also married and mated. It's not like anyone from the pack would mind if you both decided to start a family a bit early.", I counter as he himself is getting into bed. "I- that may be so, but we're not ready for parenthood yet. We- wait a minute, Katniss isn't even close to being pregnant! Nor will she be any time soon! Why're we even having this conversation right now?", he yips. Because your wife's been having rapid mood swings. Well, more like her attitude's went from pissed to extremely pissed. That's not exactly the norm for her. "Is that a rhetorical question?", I quip. Peeta shoots a no nonsense glare in my direction. "Are you changing the subject on me?", he fires back. I hold my hands up innocently to placid him, it doesn't. "No, actually. That wasn't my intention.", I honestly respond. He sags a bit, I've taken the wind out of his sails so to speak. I can feel the weariness seeping from his pores. Katniss and I's arguments are really bothering him. "Tell you what, tomorrow the three of us'll gather here to discuss this. Then we'll come up with a solution together. How's that sound?", I offer. What kind of friend, and future pack leader, would I be if I let my packmate suffer due to my behavior? He perks up immediately, as the answers to his problems is being presented to him on a silver platter. "Yes! I mean, yes, yeah, tomorrow works for me. I'll bring Katniss by after classes.", Peeta rushes to agree. I let out a snort as I settle into a comfortable sleeping position. "Great, would you might switching the lights off?", I request. He's quick to comply using his magic. Leaving the room devoid of light. The faint rustle of blankets indicates he's settling in as well. "Cato?", he calls. I crack an eye open. "Hmm?", I grumble. A beat of silence follows. "Thanks.", he softly says. I nuzzle into my pillow. "You're welcome, don't make me regret it.", I mutter. Moments later we both succumb to the thrall of slumber.

Mei's POV:

Day 1 of having Katniss as a roommate, and I'm startled awake at 5 am by her rearranging our bathroom. Well, at least she's comfortable enough to make herself at home. I twist around so my back's facing the bathroom door. Not that that does anything to block out the noise. I briefly think about asking her to shuffle things around a tiny bit more quietly, but I chicken out of course. She was pretty upset last night, and maybe this is her way of making herself feel better. Either way, I leave her be, and eventually fall back asleep for the next couple of hours. My alarm clock is the thing that wakes me up this time. I groan out as I slap a hand over the snooze button. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before turning off the alarm for the day. I push myself out of bed, slipping on my slippers before heading to the bathroom. Passing by a fully dressed Katniss on the way. She's fully engrossed in her phone, and I don't wanna make assumptions, but judging by the goofy grin on her face I'd bet she's totally texting Peeta right now. "Good morning.", I greet. She gives me back a distracted 'morning' in return just as I'm shutting the bathroom door. Should I give Cato my number? My eyes widen at the realization that I don't have any of my new friends' numbers. What if I have to get ahold of them for some reason? I'd have to hunt them down somewhere on campus, and that's assuming they'd be on campus whenever I'd need them.

I speed through my basic morning routine, barreling through the door to see my roommate's right where I last saw her. She looks up, startled. I feel sheepish at my boldness. "Woah, where's the fire?", she jokes. I smile at her. "Back at the diner, though it's probably been put out by now.", I say as I'm striding across the room. Zeroing in on my new outfit from Princess Evie. "Ohhhh someone's feeling confident today.", she laughs. I snatch the orange and white knee length dress with a black corset design and detailing, along with an orange cape, from my closet door. "Not confident, just in a good mood. By the way, I need Cato, Peeta, and yours' phone numbers in case we get separated for whatever reason.", I try to mention as casually as I can. I wonder if I should've just asked for her number, then gotten the boys' numbers from the boys themselves. Am I being rude? That's not being rude right? I hop over to my dresser for socks and undergarments. "Okay, whatever you say, but I think I know confidence when I feel it. Also yeah, when you're done running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I'll give you Peeta and my's numbers. I'll let Cato have his moment of giving a pretty girl his number, it's not like he'll get another chance at that.", she agrees. Really, am I actually gaining confidence? I didn't think it'd happen so soon, or at all if I'm being honest with myself. I just thought I was being high energy this morning.

Though I did just ask someone for their number, and their friends' numbers on top of that. I've never done that before. I whirl around after I find what I'm looking for. "Great! I'll- wait, what do you mean by Cato won't get another chance to give someone his number? As optimistic as I am, I know we're probably not, IT for each other. He'll have other- what makes you think that anyway? Did he say anything to you? I mean it's all so new and early for both of us but..", I trail off after I catch a glimpse of Katniss' face shift right before she turns away to pull up something on her phone. She looked kinda guilty, or almost remorseful. Like she said something she shouldn't have. What HAS he been telling her? Now I'm curious. He can't be already planning for a future for us. My knee jerk reaction is to assume he's breaking up with me or something, but that wouldn't make any sense. If that were the case he'd have nothing but chances to find someone better than me. I slowly walk over to Katniss, her head snaps up and we lock eyes. She flashes me a smile, but it's a fake 1. I can tell, I've been around enough royalty long enough to spot the difference. Plus, whenever someone from school's smiling at me, most of the time it's not genuine. You start to notice stuff like that after a while. "I just meant that if I give you his number, then he won't have the chance to. Giving it to you again just for the sake of having his moment is silly, right?", she corrects herself.

Cato's POV:

The buzzing of my alarm stirs me from my rest. I yet again don't recall setting the device, Peeta must make it a habit of his to ensure someone's awake when they're supposed to be. After all it's highly unlikely it's ever going to be him. Back home he and his wife live together, and she's always awake at 5 am every morning without fail. She lets him sleep in for a bit, but then she's dragging him out of bed by his tails practically. My internal body clock is very well attuned to my needs, I would've awoken in time without the technological reminder. Yet for some reason my dearest friend here seems to think I'm as bad off as he is. I shut down the intrusive device before hefting a pillow over in his direction. It slaps him across the face, and he bolts up as if we're under attack. He immediately adjusts to his surroundings, and shoots me the customary 'I can't believe you've woken me up this way again' look. "You know, one of these days I'm gonna wake up before you. When that happens I'm throwing every pillow I can possibly conjure up at your stupid face.", he huffs. I slide out of bed with a chortle as he flops back down. "If I return and you've fallen back asleep, I'm bringing the water bucket out.", I threaten as I amble over to the restroom to fresh up. He lets out a disgruntled bark, but doesn't relent in his sulking. I poke my head around the door. "Or if that's not incentive enough, I could always take a stroll across the dorms to fetch Katniss.", I say in a melodic tone of voice.

"I'm up, I'm up!", he yelps before rolling off of his mattress and onto the floor. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Ducking away and shutting the door behind me. Honestly, how that boy ever managed without her is beyond me. After cleaning myself, I scoop up my used sleeping garments. A quick check to ensure that my towel won't unravel from its' fixed spot on my hips, and I leave the bathroom. Peeta wastes no time in scurrying after me to start his own preparations, taking heed of my warning. I deposit the no longer of use clothing into my hamper, then set to work on raiding my closet. I select a red blazer and pants, pairing it with a black t-shirt, pocket square, and dress shoes. I'm swift in dressing myself, wouldn't want Peeta to catch a glimpse of more than what he bargained for. Moving to the nightstand at my bedside, I open the topmost drawer. I reach in to pluck out one of my most prized possessions, my Shifter necklace. After every Shifter's first transformation, they're rewarded with a ceremonial crest necklace that proudly displays their animal. Mine of course depicts a wolf howling with a crescent moon behind him. I slide the important jewelry over my head. I hear the bathroom door opening. "It took you long enough.", I joke as I turn to face Peeta. He's fully dressed, naturally. Not a hair out of place, a far cry from the lump on the bed that he was thirty minutes ago.

Mei's POV:

I nod even though I don't fully believe her. I feel awful about harboring any feelings of distrust towards my new friend, but she's acting too odd for me to ignore. An awkward amount of silence stretches between us. "Where's your phone? I'll put it our phone numbers, but not Cato's. Cause, you know.", she flounders. I jerk my head in the direction of my bedside table. "It's over there. Would you mind doing that for me please? I need to get ready.", I request while raising my arms to emphasize the getting ready part. "Yeah! Of course!", she all too eagerly agrees. She jumps out of her bed and rushes across the room. Yep, something's definitely wrong. I just need to figure out what. As I head to the bathroom, I think about how Katniss really needs to work on her acting skills. After I've changed I return to our shared room. I apply some light makeup at my vanity. My suspicious friend is back to squirming uncomfortably on her bed. "I um, put the numbers in.", she says to try and make conversation. "Thank you, I appreciate it.", I tell her. I finish up my makeup then look for those cyan over the ankle boots with the kitten heel that Princess Evie also gave me. I slip them on, stepping in place a few times to make sure they fit right. "You look pretty.", Katniss offers from across the room. I flash her a real smile as I go for my backpack. "So do you.", I return the compliment. She waves her hand dismissively as I slide my bag onto my shoulders.

"This is just something casual I threw on, nothing special. You on the other hand, look awful fancy.", she points out as she moves to hand me my phone. I turn around so she can slip it into my bag. "The sign of true beauty is when you don't need anything fancy to look pretty. Hey, would you mind checking the front pocket for my keys? I always forget them unless I make sure they're in there.", I ask her. I feel her unzip the compartment I was talking about. "They're in there, and I'm seriously not that impressive to look at.", she insists. Zipping my bag up, she takes a step back. I let out a huff before spinning around to face her. I grasp her hands in mine. "Well then I guess you don't see what I do. You know what they say, we always think the least of ourselves. I'm sure Peeta would agree with me.", I reassure her. Huh, I never thought I'd be the 1 on the other end of reassurance. "Ha, I'm sure he would! You two are on like, the same wavelength. You even have the same favorite color!", she laughs. I quickly look down at myself. Peeta's favorite color is orange? Well, it wouldn't make sense for it to be cyan when all I've seen him wear is orange. "Oh god, we don't match do we?", I nervously ask her. I don't wanna send anyone the wrong message. Especially with those boyfriend stealing rumors still floating around. She playfully rolls her eyes at me before dragging me to the door. "So you're wearing the same color, big deal. As long as we don't show up and he's dressed like Hansel or something, you'll be fine.", she laughs out. I laugh with her as we laugh our room.

Cato's POV:

"Gimme a break, I was still half asleep up until like 5 minutes ago.", Peeta dryly comments before summoning his backpack onto his shoulders. He does the same for me a moment later. "You're a magic wielder, it should TAKE you five minutes to get ready.", I retort. We chuckle together until his face falls, the atmosphere becoming somber. "You meant what you said last night, right?", he asks me. I'm tempted to joke about how I spoke of many subjects at the time, and he needs to be a bit more specific. I hold myself back, feeling how much he wants me to treat this seriously. My mind flashes back to how worn down he was over the entire thing. "Of course, I'm a man of my word Peeta.", I soothe. Guilt suddenly flashes over his form for a split second. He shakes his head. "I know, I shouldn't have-", he starts to backtrack. I cut him off. "It's okay, I'm well aware of how pure your intentions are.", I forgive. Someone rapping on our entryway interrupts any response he could've had. I swiftly move to open the door with the apologetic Kitsune following. We're greeted by his wife and my, um, friend-acquaintance-date. Ugh, girlfriend is such a strong word for someone I just met three days ago. She is a vision though in this orange colored, red riding hood inspired, outfit. I wonder where she acquired such a thing, and if she's wearing it for my benefit. "Well don't you ladies look lovely. Don't they look lovely Cato?", Peeta prods.

I can always count on Peeta to remind me of my manners. I nod. "Couldn't agree more. Katniss, a knockout in green as always. Mei, or should I say Little Red, you're an absolute vision.", I charm. My roommate's already out the door as soon as I'm done complimenting his wife. He's too busy smothering her in kisses and sweet words to pay my, um, special friend and I any attention. "He's right you know. I never have and never will, meet anyone as remarkable and beautiful as you, my love.", he gushes. Katniss starts trilling at him, no doubt gearing herself up to launch into a similar sentiment. Locking and shutting the door behind us does nothing to break them up either. I move to stand before my other orange friend. "So if I'm Little Red, does that mean you're The Big Bad?", she flirts. I'm pressed to use such a word as flirt, seeing as that seems like something out of her wheelhouse. Yet the inflection of her voice leaves no wiggle room to assume anything else. She's smiling up at me with shining eyes. "Is that confidence I'm sensing?", I can't help but ask. "That's what I said, but she didn't believe me.", Katniss pulls apart from Peeta long enough to interject. I see she's back to her usual nosy self, like I said she'd be. Hope that puts her husband at ease, even slightly. He's too tense for his own good sometimes, and that's coming from me of all Shifters. "To be fair, in the same breath I said she looked pretty and she didn't believe me.", Mei defends.

Mei's POV:

Peeta looks aghast, and rightfully so. He starts buzzing around her, poetically going on and on about her ethereal beauty. It's super sweet, Cato thinks so too, but he's pretending to find the exchange nauseating. He's making these hacking noises, but the corners of his mouth are turned up and his eyes are sparkling. I lightly elbow him, he stops. "You just had to get them started, didn't you?", he jokes. I stifle a giggle, but shake my head. "They had already started before I ever said anything. Besides, at least now they're too involved with each other to pay us any mind.", I lean in to whisper. He smirks at me in a way that makes me feel like a mastermind. "Very clever Little Red.", he praises. I beam at him, feeling lighter than a feather. "Thank you Big Bad, though I'm not sure if 'Red' really works here. It's a bit confusing seeing as you're the 1 in red here. Which by the way, really suits you.", I boldly compliment. Cato looks almost as surprised as I feel. Maybe I've already gotten used to the group. I do feel more comfortable around them than I did yesterday. It's easier to be outgoing with people you've let your guard down around, or something like that. "As orange suits you. Shall I dub thee Little Orange from this moment forth? Or would Riding Hood be more your speed?", he offers. Oh my gosh, is he really offering to give me my very own nickname? I suppose I've already given him 1, but he called me Little Red 1st!

"Riding Hood would be on brand and make more sense. Plus I wouldn't want anyone getting me confused with Peeta.", I decide. It's then that the duo across from us decides that they've had enough of each other. Well, more like they're ready to leave that uber personal private couple bubble they've made for themselves. "What's your obsession with not being tied to Peeta anyway?", Katniss jumps in to ask. Thanks for putting me on the spot there roommate of mine. The group's staring me down, and I take back what I said about feeling comfortable. I feel my face heat up. Peeta looks curiously confused, Katniss is plain curious, and a quick glance over tells me nothing. Seeing as Cato's face is perfectly blank. "I'll um, tell you later. We're gonna be late to class if we end up at the back of the last minute food rush line in the cafeteria. Unless you've got us covered for breakfast?", I ask Peeta. I'm deflecting I know, but now's really not the time or place. We're still in the hallway for crying out loud. "Do you wish to indulge in cafeteria food?", Cato asks me before our friends get a chance to say anything. They're back to shooting me concerned looks. Which is better than pitying looks, but it's very pitying looks adjacent. "Either way's fine by me. Prince Chad might be there, so there's that. I don't wanna isolate you guys from the rest of Auradon Prep though. So I guess the decision's up to the 3 of you.", I shrug.

Cato's POV:

She's the one who hates conflict. Shouldn't she care more, shouldn't she be advising us to steer clear of the canteen? I'm starting to question whether or not her cloak's been enchanted with some sort of confidence booster. It's not of course, we'd be able to feel the magic prickling the air, smell it even. A quick spell from Peeta and we'd see it too. Speaking of the Kitsune of the hour, what was his wife on about? Is Mei that overly concerned about outsiders garnering the wrong impression from their friendship? If so, why? It's clearly not something she wishes to discuss at the moment, so it can't be anything good. "2 words, diplomacy mission.", Katniss throws out there. Okay, her stance is perfectly clear then, the eatery's a no go. Her husband, being the ever so supportive and an Omega, will immediately back her up. "Right so, that's 2 votes for my cooking.", he sums up. Called it, which only leaves me and the 'neutral' party. They have the majority vote right now. So even if I wanted to go to that second rate establishment, and got Mei on board, we'd break even on voting. If that were the case, Riding Hood over here would back down immediately. She may be a tad bit bolder today, but she's still that non opposing shy thing underneath. "Make that three. Are we eating in our dorm, or outdoors?", I pose the next question. My special-close friend shrugs indifferently yet again. It seems that she's shut down ever since Katniss opened her big mouth.

It's such a shame too, we were having a good time. "We're right here, we might as well eat in.", Peeta suggests. Mei nods in agreement, and Katniss looks fine with this. "It's settled then.", I surmise before reaching into my pants pocket for my keys. Had known this would be the outcome, I could've saved us all some time by pulling my date-friend inside. Leaving the golden couple out here until they conjured up some sort of self control. We silently file into our dorm, I relock the door behind us. Whipping out my phone to check the time, I come to the realization that we have fifteen minutes until class. Apparently we were standing around in that hallway for longer than anticipated. "We've got fifteen minutes to eat and get from here to first period. Peeta, I'm going to need you to kick your magic into high gear.", I inform everyone. Taking the hint, my roommate bathes the room in an orange light as he teleports a table and four chairs into the center of the room. Mei rushes to sit down, her panicked feelings swirl around us. I claim a chair next to her, Katniss follows suit. "Drinks?", Peeta prompts. Riding Hood wastes no time in mulling over her options. "Apple juice please.", she chirps. To streamline this process I toss two fingers up to signal that I'll have the same as well. "Milk.", her roommate adds on. In a flash our requested drinks have appeared in front of us. It looks like the Omega selected an orange juice for himself.

Mei's POV:

15 MINUTES! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE HAVE ONLY 15 MINUTES AND COUNTING TIL CLASS! It's probably more like 13 now or something, we'll never make it. Ms. Bell will have my hide and slap a tardy on my record! "Okay, food, go!", Peeta hurries. I'm glad they're taking being late as seriously as I do. Unless they can sense how worried I am and are doing this for me? Either way I can't complain, not that I even have the time to. "Double chocolate chip muffin.", I fire off. I forget to say please, but there's no time to go back now. I immediately feel guilty. "Banana nut.", Cato states. Bread or muffin? I guess it doesn't really matter. There's not really much of a difference, 1 you have to slice, and 1 you don't. "Pumpkin.", Katniss answers. A bright orange glow shoots from Peeta's hands. Looking around it seems like we all got muffins. I think our chef for the morning gave himself a blueberry muffin. I don't ask, I'm too busy tearing into my own breakfast. He throws himself into the empty chair to catch up with the rest of us. Man this muffin's amazing! I'll be sure to thank him on the way to class, or after. I'd have more time after. "How many minutes've we got left?", I ask with my mouth still full. If my grandma could see me now, she'd surely be throwing a hissy fit at how unlady like I'm being. Cato digs out his phone. "Nine.", he mumbles around his last bite of food. Crap! I shovel the rest of my meal into my mouth, furiously chewing and choking it down with juice.

I jump up, earning startled looks from everyone. "Sorry, the muffin was delicious, but we gotta go now.", I urge them. Cato flies from his seat, throwing back the last of his apple juice as he does so. "You heard the lady.", he says with a clap. I smile over at him at our friends scramble up. "We could save some time by teleporting.", Katniss smartly points out. I slightly cringe, they all notice. Peeta's already moving to reassure me, probably thinking I'm just scared of being teleported or something. I sidestep him, but smile kindly all the same. "I wouldn't mind, but the faculty would. I don't want any of us to get in trouble, and I'm pretty sure getting on the teachers' bad side isn't a part of your 'diplomacy mission'.", I explain. He lets out a hum of understanding while nodding. Phew! For a moment there I was worried I end up offended them. "You caught on to the whole diplomacy thing I see.", Cato snorts. Katniss rolls her eyes. "Don't even start, aren't we meant to be in a hurry or something?", she reminds us. My eyes widen to comedic proportions. Cato scoops me up into his arms, I let out a squeal. If any of them asked I'd swear it was out of surprise, but I'm sure they were able to sense it was out of delight. I know I should be feeding into the, 'damsel in distress must be carried everywhere' stereotype, but being carried like this is so much fun! "And I'll reiterate that we'd be lost without you Everdeen. Peeta get the door please.", he laughs.

Cato's POV:

I take quick strides across the room with my girl-my friend along for the ride. She likes being carried, by me at least. It's radiating from her every pore, good to know. "You're damn right you would be.", Katniss is quick to follow after us and agree. Peeta's rushing to front door, holding it open for us and being tasked with lockup duty. "Either of you, time.", I request after we clear the hallway. "Five!", he calls as we're barreling down the staircase. "It's official, we're goners!", Mei groans as we leave the dorms. It's still dim outside, morning dew's coating the grass. It wets our shoes as we race across the courtyard. "Maybe not, Katniss! How would you feel about dipping into your chronokinetic abilities?", I ask her. Confusion gets lost behind us as we streak through campus. "Chrono-what?", Mei wonders. I'd scoff at her lack of knowledge if I didn't share the exact same classes with her. I've seen what these Auradonians are teaching, and it's not much. Definitely nothing Shifter or magic related. A shriek fills the air as the world turns green. We'd slow down, but I'd be unfair to the Beta if we had her waste energy just so we could have a morning stroll. Riding Hood looks around in wonder and more confusion, no surprise there. "Why's everything green? I mean I get that Katniss did something to help, which I appreciate, but what exactly did she do?", she queries. We turn a corner, having the portion of the castle that holds the classrooms in our sights. "She stopped time of course.", I explain. She looks more stunned than the time she realized Peeta can teleport.