
Chapter 24: Prescriptions

Evening time,

The construction workers of morning duty left and night duty workers came to continue the work.

As the Boss gave them to complete the task as soon as possible.


High School Afiiliated to Hunan Normal University.


Morning till evening in the library,

The teachers who were teaching the two ancestors were so stunned. They did not expect these two kids to learn too fast.

In return they were shocked, stunned, stupefied by them when they gave the prescriptions to them on their health for cure.

They know that they are not even 10 years old!

This is definetly a genius!

Even if they start studying from their mother's womb, it won't even reach this level.

When one of the teacher asked them to treat using needles as the teacher gave them the needles to them but when the other teachers saw the ancestor's faces, it contained some disdain and frowned.

It looked very funny but they don't dare laugh.

The principal who was sitting, chatting with librarian, saw these two ancestors face frowned.

He knew that he was gonna be troubled. He could only wait for TingTing to come as fast as possible.

The teacher who gave them the needle for treatment wanted to know why they don't use the acupuncture needles he gave them for treatment, then the little two ancestors replied that they disdain to use these kinds of acupuncture needles.

The teacher finally was speechless.

These acupuncture needles are available on market for use but these two kids disdain to use it?

But who knew that these two ancestors made the teacher cry with no tears.

He finally gave them service, by calling them ancestors, grandpa, grandma, etc.. and was finally freed.

One says, the other supports; one shoots, the other comments; one gives advice, the other gives treatment; one gives remedy, the other gives solution on how fast you want to get cured.

If you don't want to get cured fast remove each medicine from lists and it will take longer for each medicine removed to be cured.

The teachers finally knew that these two ancestors cannot be offended. Who knows if anger them, their health can't be cured?

Even if they are healthy, they don't dare say that their friends and families won't have any health problems.

The teachers were finally satisfied with their treatment and taught them vigourously.

As the two were sitting, the teachers were lined up to teach them.

After each lesson or subject, the ancestors will give out remedy to their health problems and some prescriptions to consume, if they are satisfied with their lessons.

If they are not satisfied, they won't say anything. The teachers would explain them slowly giving examples and real life scenarios.

This was one of the case of some teachers.

The principal who saw these scenes was speechless.

Actually he also understands it. Sometimes health check up does not give accurate answers we want, so they go for traditional method. But most of traditional physians are quack trying to cheat people and only genuine professionals are true to their level and demand is high and sometimes medicinal herbs cannot be even found for the required.

So they want to see but it's too packed with people always. And they could only hide it for years.

Some teachers who had hid their illness for years, were given prescription just before they taught the ancestors.

Those teachers who left after teaching them, making them satisfied, took the prescription, went to the largest Traditional Herbal Store and bought the medicine and went home.

Some went back to the quarters, some to their house, some to their rents.

The store manager saw that today lots of customers who are from High School affiliated to Hunan Normal University are coming to buy medicine.

He did not think anymore and just gave them what the customer needs.


Hunan University.

School of Design,

Morning till evening in the classroom,

When TingTing entered the class today, the classmates looked at her with wolf eyes, especially boys.

She did not care about the gazes of those she just ignored it.

As for the girls, they began to talk what kind of products she used and they were guessing it.

One of her best friend called out her name and asked her to sit beside her.

She asked her what kind of cosmetics she used but TingTing said she did not use any.

Her best friend took out the pocket mirror from her bag and showed her face into the mirror.

She was stunned.

She did not see it clearly in the morning but when she saw this time clearly, she thought about the food her Grandpa Guanzi cooked.

It maybe due to that reason otherwise how could it be changed suddenly?

She did not say anything but her friend kept pestering her.

She did know how to answer, she just said she used some traditional medicinal herbs given by her grandpa and did not know the name.

By this answer she swat away the annoying flies and escaped.

She drove the car to where the two ancestots were dropped in the morning and politely said to the security guard that she came to pick her siblings.

She parked the car in the parking lot and walked towards the library.

She did not know what to say when she saw the scene "teachers waiting in line to teach these ancestors." If they are satisfied with the teaching they gave out prescriptions to cure their helth problems.

She was too speechless. She walked towards the principal, grabbed his beard and knocked his head with a knuckle.

"Little Girl Bai, don't you have some respect for the old man? Didn't you hear the saying - Respect the old and give way for the old?" He was dissatisfied with her behaviour.

"Hmph, instead of teaching, you are sitting silently and making them encourage to do this kind of thing? So should I respect the old and give way for the old?" TingTing spoke to the principal disgruntedly.

The principal was embarassed and his words were returned by her.

"Little girl, it is not me who encouraged but they started giving prescriptions without any warning, so this matter spread making the teachers come and wait in line." Principal looked at those teachers who were waiting in line and they looked at the ceiling as if not noticing their principal's eyes.

"Hmph, I was planning to tell about this matter to grandpa." TingTing was naturally dissatisfied with the principal's answer.

"Little girl Bai, you can't be too ruthless, can you have some dignity for the old? We are old and not like you youngsters. So don't care about the old man, ok? I just want to live in peace." Old man finally had to succumb to please her. Otherwise who knows that she will trouble more.

"Ok, for the sake of these two kids, I won't cause you trouble."

She came aside the two children who were taught by one teacher each.

Other teachers who were waiting in line scattered away like birds when they saw their principal's eyes.


After finishing their lessons, and giving prescriptions to the teacher who taught them, they saw TingTing and called hugged her in Unison.

She said good bye to the principal, librarian and teachers and got into the car with two ancestors and drove to the villa.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Aeseptyucreators' thoughts