
friends huh?

I go through through the crowed and went in my house inside the four angles are talking to my parents I go upstairs with out them noticing when in my room I kill time by doing hand stand push up after a while the angles go out the door when I look at the time seems likes it time for bed.

"Sugiyama Yoshio handsome I wonder how many girls he cheated on the info I got"

I decide to sleep the next day when I wake up I ready my self for the useless school lesson I ran full speed at school when I got in my class there were some student they look at me but I do not care I go to my seat after a few hours class started.

when class ends I just sweep out and go to the roof top when I got there a student sitting there looking at his phone crying.

"Oi why are you crying"

"huh hitsuki sorry is this your spot?"

"no I'm asking why are you crying" he sit there for while.

"My girlfriends cheated me"

"how long have you been with her and how do you know she cheated in you?"

"we been dating for 3 years I found out when she cheated on me when go to a hotel with her and her phone got a massage from someone I don't know"

"what's the guy name"

"Sugiyama Yoshio"

after hearing that it's like a bomb drop I just wondering how many girls he cheated on last night and his gf that fucker already have a girlfriend a beautiful kind loving and caring that a man dream to have some one like her.

"and what's your name?"

"uh I'm Okamoto Akio"

"so okamoto how long has she been cheating on you?"

"well she meet him with only half a month and it's been 3 month she cheated me she already offer her virginity to him before I did I don't know why I can cook clean and work too why because he's more attractive them me WHY!??!!" he started to cry again she break him worst than I thought and I know how it's feel as well.

"okamoto I will help you I have something to pick on that fucker too"

"you will help me?" his voice were fill with rage and hatred

"oh I will alright I'll make her regret so hard got it?"

"yes so what the plan?"

"first has she break up with you yet?"

"no she complain that she dose not want a boyfriend that always go to the same place"

"WHAT RIGHTS SHE HAS TO SAY THAT TO YOU" I scream with make okamota shiver.

"alright what is you girlfriend name?"

"Kawano Haruka"

"ok do you know where she gonna go next?"

"I don't know in the text they gonna go to a hotel" he showed me the picture of they chat.

"well they might having sex in 1 month of cheating and Sugiyama might bought new a expensive thing for her"

"seems like the case when I see the massages I feel betrayed" he eyes change it's full with hatred and anger it's the face I want her to see.

"now that the face I want you to look at her but you need to wear a smile mask first ok okamoto"

"you want me to smile when she betrayed me"

"that little photo is not enough tell me have she ever go on a date with you on all week?"

when I asked him that he tried to remember the day she did not go out with him.

"monday and tuesday that's the day is the day she disappear on friday saturday and sunday we eat together and have fun now she disappear on wednesday too"

"well in those three days she having a good time in bed ok today is tuseday if she have a excuse call me if she go on a date with let me know

"yes I will inform you that but why are you helping me?

"like I said that guy made me look like criminal in my middle school"

"what did he do?"

"well make me look like a molester"

"can you tell me your story?"

"fine I'll tell you"

I tell him how they betrayed me and my sister looked at me like I'm a trash and my parents bought two washing machine and they believe my sister friends since that day they don't bother looking at me they treat me like I'm not existed and I always think that I make the wrong choice ever since that day I never trust anyone when I look at him his face was like he understand what I'm go through.

"wow I see why you hate people so much"

"don't get the wrong Idea I didn't help you to be friends I'm getting my revenge"

"yes I understand your feeling I wonder what the student treat you in your middle school?"

when he said that I clutch my fist and rage that memory every time I remember him I want to break him.