1 Prologue

She was supposed to be the Empress of the kingdom. She was supposed to be the Lady of the Most Noblest of Houses. She was supposed to be the wife of the Grand Priest. She was supposed to be the Great General's Wife-

She was supposed to be a lot of things. They promised a lot of things to her; how they would not leave her, nor will they push her to do something for their own good.

"Don't worry, Rose. I will take care of you." Broken promises- they were all lies. They were all just that; words that are so sweet and flowery repeated so much so that she would believe them.

Oh, but the foolish person that she is would believe them because...she loved.

Love... what a fragile thing to put someone's trust on.

And the first one who broke his promise, the one who told her that she would take care of her was the heir.

Then, she was picked up, broken like a doll, and was repaired by someone that she knew so well. The brother of the heir.

"If he wouldn't take care of you, then I will." Such sweet and flowery words... and she believed in it because she thought that this man would be different from his brother.

Oh, foolish, foolish Rose.

She was forced to use her name in his stead, so that his brother would not kill him and would let him be.

After that, she was dumped to the side again.

And it all happened again, four times.

Foolish woman, foolish woman, foolish woman, foolish woman-

She was foolish for believing in the power of love. Now, she was seen as a woman of Love, or in other words, a whore.

But, she hadn't even gave them herself. All the endeavor that she gave them are nothing but chaste kisses, and hugs.

Hmmm... maybe, that is the reason why they left her. Because she was not ready to give her all to them, always leaving something for herself after the first heartbreak.

And she was wise to do so.

"Eustace," she called out to her loyal servant.


"How many years have they used me?"

Silence followed them, her loyal servant not knowing how to answer his lady. Of course he would be uncomfortable to speak out the facts, knowing how broken his lady is right now.

But, this is what she needs to move on.

"Do not be afraid. Tell me." She urged, wanting this to be her eye-opener. These men are nothing but creatures of use, lust and greed, and she would not idly sit by as they disrespect her and all the things that she has done for them.

"For five years now, milady." Well... they started when she was but a young foolish lady of the court, with all the wealth, honor and power because of her family's name.

Something that she would have exchanged a long time ago for the life of her family who tragically died when she was young.

"It all started when I first entered the court, right?" She was still calm on the outside, but on the inside, she was seething.

"Yes... at the age of sixtee when you have met the crowned prince as yout betrothed." She sighed in frustration, not because the memory of the prince broke her heart, but because she just realized how much time she wasted on these pretty boys with probably little to no use to her.

"Then it continued on, right? I made him use me, then his brother, then his close confidant, then his most trusted, then... his most loyal, and last but not the least, his most revered." Six people used her.

"Yes, milady."

At that answer, she suddenly stood up. She looked out at the window, watching as the man who just recently tossed her aside flirt with another young woman who, she is sure, willing to give her all to him.

She was seething, not for the lost love, but for herself.

"Prepare the horses."

"Yes, milady. Are all the staff going?"

"Only the original ones and those loyal to me."

She could feel the satisfaction radiating from Eustace. She turned towards him, and let out a smirk, making him gasp. Ever since she was with the prince, she have not indulged herself even with the littlest of things that she does so freely before, always wanting to look perfect beside any of the men she was with before.

"They must have forgotten who my father is." She knew that they did, and that made it all satisfying.

The magic that she carried on her blood is like none other. The only one who does have this is from another kingdom, an enemy of theirs.

But, maybe, not anymore.

"Where shall we go?" She quickly walked towards her bookshelf, opening the chest that her father has given her when she has turned ten.

"You have the world map, milady?"

"My father entrusted it to me when I turned 10." A year before he died, along with the rest of her family.

"Point to where, milady, and your trusted servants and guards shall do as you wis-" She raised a hand to stop him. She have decided.

"We will ride on horses, side by side, without any carriage. We will just bring with us things that are necessary and are family treasures." She can leave the dresses, the jewelries and other things that the men have gifted her. She does not need them.

"You have only brought your father's staff, map and book. There is nothing more then." Eustace and her other loyal servants really are a blessing to her from the heavens.

"We will go in the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep."

"But, the ruckus that we would be causing by taking the horses-"

"Nothing a little 'ol me can't do. A simple flicker of my magic, and they would all be in the deepest of slumber." This time, it was Eustace who smirked at her. Magic, ahh, magic. The staff would also help her in combat, the book would have all the knowledge that her father would want to impart to her.

"Welcome back, Lady Rose."

"You can call me by who I really am."

They would never track her down. As she said before, she never gave a hundred percent of herself to these man.

She would only do that with the person she really is comfortable with, someone who can wait, and would still be loyal to her. Someone who would give her absolute freedom.

"Rosalinda is back."

In the middle of the night, as she started casting the sleeping spell. Everyone who really knows and supported her cheered for her so loud, that maybe even the dead could be awoken. But, never the people in the manor, her magic is just strong and powerful like that.

As they ride far away from the kingdom, another servant of her asked something.

"Milady, what did you leave... those bastards with?" Rosalinda just smirked, knowing that her letter is just full of all the things that she felt, and how they would never see her again.

And also, a curse.

"Something they would never forget."

That night, they started riding towards the enemy kingdom, knowing that they would treat her better than her own kingdom would.

In the morning, a celebration happened on the other, while the others are awoken up with the realization of what just happened. The Lady Rose is gone, and along with her are her beauty, power, and wealth.

"Rosalinda never left."
