

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Seeing Her Again

Austin's POV-

The moment I dropped her back home, I felt a sinking pit in my stomach. I didn't want to let my mate go, but I didn't really have an option. She would have thought that I'm a creep. Actually, she probably already thinks I am one. My bad.

"Well, at least you know it. I thought you were too dumb to even notice those things." Said my wolf

"I'll take that as a compliment." I responded

"Shut up." He scoffed

I thought about today. It was perfect. She was so adorable and shy while she was answering some of the questions, but her face was wiped of all emotion in the beginning. It was pretty obvious that she didn't want to open up. I have a sister, so I could tell. When I got to high school, she gave me a full course about how to talk to girls, how to flirt, and how to make them your girlfriend. Not that I needed that. All the girls were pretty much throwing themselves at me, so I didn't really need to do anything for them to want to be my girlfriend. They wanted to be my girlfriend on their own. I didn't have to convince them. What she told me was kind of helpful, but I never really thought that she was right. Now that I'm around Andrea, I see that everything she was saying is totally true.

I remembered the way she hid her face in her hands when she got embarrassed. She was so precious and so beautiful. I couldn't help but annoy her a little bit. She never once said no to answer a question, like most girls would. It was so amazing, being with my mate.

I have to admit, I did ask some weird questions to her that might have made her uncomfortable.

I drove back home, and saw my dad standing there with a cross expression on his face. He hated it when I was late. "Where have you been?" She asked. "Just dropping my mate back to her home." I responded. His eyes widened. "You found her?" He asked. I nodded. "Tell me about her. Have you seen her wolf yet? Or done the mating process?"

"No, dad. I don't want to rush her. And she is a human. She doesn't know that I am a werewolf, but even though she is a human, I will still love her no matter what. You don't love a girl for her perfections, dad. You love her for her imperfections." I said, looking sternly at him. I wanted him to know that even though Andrea is a human, I will still love her no matter what. He nodded. "I know, son. That is how I felt about your mother when I first saw her. Tell me about your mate. What is she like?"

"She's amazing dad. She has the most amazing personality. She wasn't all over me the moment she saw me. In fact, I don't think she liked me very much. She is so fierce, but she can be cute when she wants to be. The way she holds herself is so inspiring. She walks with so much confidence, like she doesn't take shit from anyone. And she doesn't. She has the most luring green eyes that lure you in. You try to look away from them, but you can't. They petrify you and make you feel safe. She's the only one who doesn't drive me away. I asked her some questions today, and they usually make girls uncomfortable, and they don't answer it. But Andrea did. She looked me right in the eye and answered me. She won't come to me as my mate easily, dad. I'll have to fight for her. And I will. I'll fight for her smile, her laugh, her confidence, for everything. I'll be there for her. Why? Because she is mine and always will be." I answered, giving my dad a hard stare. He better agree with me.

My dad stared at me for a few seconds. He knew that I was telling him to accept Andrea as she is. He nodded. "Even though your mate is human, you will need to complete the mating process soon. We need a Luna for the pack. Keep that in mind." And with that, he walked away.

Right. A luna. That's all she is to him. That's all he cares about. Not about Andrea or me, but about the pack. But in some way, he was right. We do need a Luna for the pack. And she was perfect for that.

I started to think. How am I going to make her actually like me? I could ask her out, but I'm pretty sure that she would say no. That sounds exactly like my beautiful Andrea. But, I could tell her that we are going out to work on the project. I could tell her that I forgot my keys to my house, and I could take her out to get to know her. I just had to come up with something.

I didn't want to do one of those stupid movie dates. I wanted to do something big for us. I wanted her to feel special. I went over to my room to think. I went on my computer. What did girls like? The moment I searched it up, I saw something that caught my eye. They liked spas. I wondered if Andrea liked those. Maybe I could ask Hayden. I took out my phone. Even though I could mind-link him, I didn't really feel like it.

Austin: Hey dude, can you find out if Andrea likes spas? Just go on the background checks and search up Andrea Stephens and go to the things she likes.

Hayden: Sure, man

Okay, that was settled. I waited for a few minutes. As an alpha, I had a background check for everyone who lives near me and my pack, werewolf or not. We do that for security, so that if any rouge shows up on our territory, we can know who they are and what pack they are from. We also do that for humans because sometimes they show up on our territories without even knowing about wolves. We just use the background checks to find out where they live, wipe the last 24 hours away from their memory, and drop them off back home. As a beta, Hayden would be able to go in the backgrounds and learn more about Andrea. Not in a creepy way, but just in a way that is easier than stalking her like most men do to their girlfriends.

A spa was a good idea, because my father actually owned one. You can stay there because it is a spa with bedrooms and suites for members, and I am his son, so I am allowed to stay as long as I want and wherever I want with no charge. Tomorrow is a Friday, so she won't have to freak out about missing school, and I could first go to her parents house to get her stuff and to hopefully convince her parents that I could take her there. Best of all, the spa is pretty far away. It's in Paris. I hoped Andrea would say yes, but I probably wouldn't give her an option. In the middle of my thoughts, my phone dinged.

Hayden: She likes spas. She also loves food, which is pretty obvious. Every girl loves food. Also, thought you would want to know that her dad is dead. Her mom is the only one who takes care of her. She doesn't work on Fridays or weekends, but I don't know why she doesn't work on Fridays. That's about all I see on her family. Why did you want to know?

Austin: Because I want to take her to a spa. The one that my dad owns. I hope she'll like it.

Hayden: Oh, okay. Sophia loves those, so I'm sure Andrea will too. Don't stress. Plus, this is in Paris. If she doesn't like it, there are a lot of other things to do that I'm sure that she will love. Anyway, how are you going to get her to come with you? I mean, the last time I checked, she hates you. At least I think she does.

Austin: I have my ways. I'm way smarter than you think. Plus, who could resist me? Anyway, thanks for finding out. I would have gone myself but I'm too lazy.

Hayden: Ha! No problem, man.

I sat back in my chair. I hoped that Andrea wouldn't cause a fuss when I told her that I wanted to take her to an overnight spa. We'll see tomorrow.

The next day

Austin's POV-

This was the day. I had already told my dad, and he had booked the tickets for us. I couldn't wait to take Andrea there, but first I had some work to do. I got in my car and entered the address for Andrea's house on google maps. I had asked Hayden yesterday after I talked to my dad about taking Andrea to the spa.

I arrived at her house, and put the suitcases in the trunk. If her mom said yes, then I could take out the suitcases and pack up her stuff for the trip. I rang the doorbell, and it swung open.

A woman shot me a confused look. "Hello. How can I help you?" She asked. "Are you Andrea Stephen's mother?" I asked her. She nodded. "I am a friend of hers. Do you mind if I come in?" I said. She nodded and allowed me to come in. "Sit on the couch, it's much more comfortable." She said.

I sat down and started to speak to her. "Ma'am, I want to ask you something. Your daughter means a lot to me, and I want to get to know her. I want to take her on a short trip this weekend. I know that this is sudden, but we have a project in school to get to know each other. We are supposed to just go to each other's house, but I want to take her somewhere special. My father owns a really good spa where she can unwind and stay for a few days. I will have her back by Tuesday, and I will have the best bodyguards looking after her, and I will keep her safe. I wanted to ask for you permission to take her after school."

"Son, I trust you. My daughter could use a vacation. She needs something to relax her. She is always pretty uptight. She could use a break from all this shit in her life. But, you need to swear on your life that you won't hurt her and no one else will hurt her either. I don't want anything happening to her." She said. I nodded. "I swear on my life. I would never hurt her ma'am." I said. She smiled. "Call me Alicia." She said.

"I have some suitcases in my trunk. If you are okay with it, do you mind if I go to her room and pack her things?" I asked. "Of course. Call me if you need help." I smiled at her and grabbed the suitcases out of the trunk. I made my way upstairs and grabbed her stuff as fast as I could, not taking many things. I just took some stuff, but the spa provides most of the things that she will need.

I made my way downstairs and thanked Alicia. "Thank you so much." She smiled. "Thank you for caring for my daughter. You're so amazing." She said. "She deserves it. And thank you." I responded, making my way out.

I drove to school and saw Andrea getting something for her car. "Hey." I said, snaking my arms around her waist. She jumped and spinned around to look at me. When she saw it was me, she immediately relaxed. That was a good sign, right?

"Hey. What are you doing?" She said. "Nothing. I can touch you right?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Sure. Whatever. What do you want?" She asked. "Really not that excited to see me are we?" She glared at me. "I'm fine. I just want to know what you are doing here." She said.

"I'm taking you to Paris. To an overnight spa." I said. She stared at me, confusion literally written on her face. "Say what?"

"My dad has an overnight spa in Paris. I'm taking you there, and we'll come back on Tuesday. Your mom already said yes and I have your stuff. All you need to do is get that pretty ass in the car and come with me." I said, taking her hand and leading her to my car.

"Why a spa? Why are you taking me there? You don't even know me." Andrea said, with wide eyes. I scoffed. "You know, I can be nice when I want to." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Hold up. I'll come, but you have to promise me something. Don't do anything stupid. Got it? And don't call me pretty ass." She said, sternly. "Of course." I said. "Fine. Lead the way." She said, a small smile on her face.

And with that, we started our trip.