

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Finding her

Chapter One-

Austin Daniel's POV-

"Hurry up!" My father, the former Alpha, growled. Even when it's my birthday, he still gets mad at me. He's not the loving type. Neither am I. I guess I got it from him.

Today was my 18th birthday, which means I would find my mate. The future Luna of The Dark Moon Pack. My father has looked forward to this day ever since I was a pup. He knows that I grew up without love, because he was always so busy. He had always relied on my future mate to comfort me and live with me forever. Me? I didn't care. I doubted that I would fall in love with someone I just met, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't love me. I wasn't what you would call easy to love. I had that kind of aura in which girls only wanted me in bed. I don't do relationships.

"Get ready for school. Hopefully you will find your mate there. It has some humans, but that's okay." My father said. I hoped that I wouldn't have a human mate because then I would have a lot to explain to her.

I got into my car and sped off to school. When I got there, my friends came over to come and annoy me, just like they always do.

"Hey, bro, you find her yet?" Hayden asked. He found his mate a little while ago, and he was always trying to make sure that I found mine. I shook my head. "I just got here. You expect her to magically appear in front of me?" I said. He scoffed. "I need to go find Sophia."

Sophia was his mate, and she wasn't that bad. The only thing that annoyed me was how much those two were constantly kissing. I was throwing up on the inside whenever they were around. I hoped that my mate and I won't be like that all the time. We would keep those things private. Then again, I would want to show her off. Doesn't every man love to do that?

I walked alone all the way to the cafeteria, smelling the air for the scent of my mate, but I didn't find anything. I grunted in frustration and kept on walking.

I looked around. Everyone was either cowering away from me in fear, or gushing over me. I was used to girls doing that. I tried to ignore those girls who were going after me, but some of them were pretty persistent. Nevertheless, being the Alpha had some perks. If I was getting really annoyed at them, I could just command them to go away. Most of them were pretty annoying, but I only had to do that to one of them.

My thoughts were cut off when my beta, Hayden came up to me again with Sophia. She had a huge smile on her face. She and Hayden were the perfect match. He was more on the quiet side, but you had to usually beg Sophia to shut up. I didn't mind though. She was a decent person, and probably the only girl who hadn't made a move on me. I had yet to see a girl who was single and hadn't made a move on me.

"I'm so exited! You're growing up! You're going to find your mate today, and you're going to love her. Who do you think it is? I honestly have no idea. What if it's a human? Anyway, I bet we're going to be best friends!" Sophia squealed, saying everything in one breath. Hayden and I both stared at her in disbelief and amusement.

"What? What is it Austin?" She demanded. I could tell that Hayden was trying to hold in his laughter. "Nothing." I said, waving her off.

"Oh, did you hear? There's a girl in school who hates you." Sophia said, jumping up and down.

What a way to start a conversation, huh?

I stared at her, hardly believing what she was saying. A girl who hated me? How? What does that even mean? Most girls threw themselves at me. Was there really a girl who wouldn't?

I prentended to laugh it off. "Sophia, that was the worst introduction to a conversation. Come on, let's go."

"Yep. You better believe it. It's true. Her name is Andrea Stephens. She's gorgeous, and she's human. But that's not the point. I overheard her today scolding one of the girls who were fangirling over you. She called you a waste of space and that you were just a player. She told the girls to get themselves a man who appreciated them. It was impressing. She seems like a pretty confident person. I actually really like her! What do you think Austin?" Sophia asked. More like rambled. She really was the enthusiastic type.

I stood there, dumbfounded. I was still shocked that someone actually hated me. Andrea Stephens. Had I seen her before? I don't think I had. Maybe she was just a nerd. But why did I get tingles in my body when Sophia said her name? I wondered what happened.

"Austin? Are you alive?" Sophia asked, waving her hand in front of my face. I blinked again. "Y-Yeah. I'm good." She nodded and we both walked inside. I looked around, sniffing for my mate, but nothing. Where was she? Was I not going to find her?

I sat down with Hayden and Sophia. Both of them were talking, but I was concentrated on finding my mate. I needed to find my Luna. I needed someone just like how Hayden needs Sophia. They are always there for each other. I want someone like that for me. Not that people didn't care about me, but that mainly they didn't have time for me. My dad was always busy, and Hayden and Sophia mainly spent all of their time together. I was pretty much alone. I hope she will be here soon.

"Hey baby." Came a sound from behind me. I immediately knew who it was. Jessica Mayes. I inwardly groaned. She was the girl who wouldn't give up. She always came after me. She's been doing that since eighth grade. I have been rejecting her, but she still doesn't understand. She follows me everywhere. I sniffed quickly, hoping that she wasn't my mate like she claimed she wants to be, and luckily she isn't.

Jessica and I used to be friends until she started going crazy for me. I tried to make her understand that I don't love her, but she didn't listen to me. She never did. In tenth grade, she tried to corner me in a closet and kiss me, but luckily I was able to push her away before she could do anything. After I said no to her, she threw a tantrum and became insane. At least more insane than she used to be. I feel kind of bad for my future mate, because she will have to deal with Jessica's constant attempts to get in my bed. It'll be fine, though. I'll have her by my side as much as I can, so Jessica won't be able to hurt her.

"Why are you sitting with them? Sit with me! Please?" She gave me a fake pout. I looked at her in disgust. Yuck. "Go away Jessica. You're not my mate. Go sit somewhere else." I said, glaring at her. She glared right back, making it clear that she wasn't moving anywhere. We had a staring contest for about a minute, and then she rolled her eyes and walked away in her 6 inch heels. How could anyone walk in those things? They looked like foot killers. She flipped her hair, sending me one last glare and disappeared out of sight.

Hayden was staring at me in disgust. "What's her problem?" He asked. He's seen her do this before, but not often. She mainly cornered me when I was alone, which was pretty often. I used to go everywhere with Hayden, but now that he found his mate, he mainly spends time with her. I don't mind. I will do the same thing when I find my mate. I will go everywhere with her. I thought of what I wanted her to be like. I wouldn't mind a chase. That's what makes the prize rewarding. I know she won't be able to resist at the end, and nor would I. I know that we would be together forever. I was so hopeful to finally meet her.

I hoped that she would accept me for who I am. "Come on dude. We have class. Maybe you'll see your mate in there." Hayden clapped me on the back and Sophia nodded eagerly. I grunted in response, still sniffing the air. Then all of a sudden, Sophia spoke.

"Look! That's the girl who hates you. Andrea. Isn't she pretty?" Sophia said. I looked at Andrea, my eyes taking in her beauty.

She was so pretty. She had long brown hair that extended to her waist with fierce green eyes. She held her head up high and walked, with so much confidence, that it surprised me that she wasn't a wolf. I had never seen humans walk with so much power and confidence. I could smell her beautiful scent from over here. Mangoes. Sparks traveled down my body. Andrea met my gaze and scowled. She obviously really hated me. I smirked, and to my surprise, I heard my wolf growl.

Mate. Andrea is my mate.