
These Criminals Changes the Educational System

Love? I don’t have time for that. Money? I got what I wanted Power? They always obey me Fame? They already know who I am With these hands, I will guide those lost souls to greatness. I will show them how to sin.

Shyerin · Urban
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13 Chs

Sin's wish

"Do you want to be my assistant when you get out?"

"Huh?" I opened my mouth wide. "I don't think I'm worthy enough to become a teacher." I scratched my head.

"That sentence alone will make you a great teacher."

I was surprised once again. "I don't understand," I admitted.

"As you said before, a teacher's responsibility is to teach students how to learn. But from what I have seen from observing Drought high school. Teachers now have become an industry that has a 'one size fits all' teaching style for students. That thinking alone is already a disaster because every student has different learning speeds and preferences. Why would a future scientist waste time in singing class, or why would a future artist need to learn calculus. The education system is corrupted. And I want to change that." Wisaith said all of that as he stood up and walked around the room.

"Wisaith. I know that bothers you, but this has become the norm of the whole world. Every country is teaching like this. I'm just afraid that you and I can't do much," I replied.

"Oh?" Wisaith turned at me. "Then why did you said 'you and I'?" he smirked.


"Look at the time, I will have to go now. Sin, start preparing yourself because when you are out. You WILL be my teaching assistant." Wisaith started walking out of the visitor room.

"Wait Wisaith," I called him. He turned his head, waiting for what I was about to say.

"If it comes to this. I want to be a teacher myself!" I declared firmly.

"How will you get a teaching license?" Wisaith doesn't seem to be surprised at all that I want to become a teacher.

"Didn't you said you know people?" was my reply.

Without saying anything, Wisaith walked out with his hand raising an OK sign.