
These Criminals Changes the Educational System

Love? I don’t have time for that. Money? I got what I wanted Power? They always obey me Fame? They already know who I am With these hands, I will guide those lost souls to greatness. I will show them how to sin.

Shyerin · Urban
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13 Chs

"I know people"

"I'm Sin. What is your name?"

"My name is Wisaith."

"I was an accountant before getting here. What was your job?"

"I am a teacher"

"You're a teacher? Then why are you here?" I was surprised. I thought he would be a gang member or something because of his huge and masculine figure.

"Is there any rule that a teacher can't commit crimes?" he smiled and stood up, walking around the cell.

"What crime did you commit?" I was curious since he seemed like a good person.

"Who said I committed a crime?" he looked back at me.

"Didn't you just say that there aren't any rules that a teacher can't commit crimes?" I was confused and lost track.

"I said that in general. It doesn't apply to me," he said.

"Hm?" I scratched my head and thought a bit to process what he meant. "So you're telling me that you got here without doing anything wrong?"

"Yeah," he replied shortly.

"What do you mean 'yeah'? Doesn't this mean that they misjudge you? How can you be this calm?" I got worked up because we are somewhat similar.

"Calm down," he went up to me and patted my back. "I asked them to be here," his eyes changed from heartwarming to seriousness.

I got nervous from his glare, so I lowered my head and asked, "Why would you do that?"

Wisaith smirked and turned away from me. I felt a bit more comfortable from that. "For fun," was his answer.

"Ah I see," I replied without thinking. "Wait what!?" it took me some time to realize what he just said. "You're telling me you're here just for fun?"

Wisaith didn't answer right away. His happy tone suddenly changed. "Yeah. I want to have wild experiences for my last years. I have been working all my life that I didn't recognize how old I am until the last time I looked in the mirror. I don't have any memories with my wife and kids because of my busy schedule. To them, I am just a provider," he just told me his backstory just like that. Even though I only saw his back, I could feel the bitterness in the atmosphere.

"I… don't know how to respond to that," I admitted. For some reason, I felt like Wisaith and I have known each other for years. Maybe that's how we could be so open to each other even though we have just met for a few hours.

Wisaith slowly turned around and looked at me. Not with sorrowful eyes, but peaceful eyes. "That's why I want to spend my remaining time doing everything I wish I could do when I was young."

Seeing him happy, it somehow made me forget about my situation. "So what have you done already?" I smiled back at him.

His eyes shined like they were diamonds. It was as though he longed for someone that would be curious about his journey. "Oh! I did many things. I traveled around the world, tasting all different kinds of food from luxury and delicacies to exotic things from snakes to bugs. I worked all the jobs I could think of like being the delivery guy or a waiter…"

Wisaith was very happy and excited when we were talking about his adventure. During the conversation, I noticed that although he has a healthy body, hair was all white, skin was wrinkled, and his voice was shaking. His face has shown signs of aging, and when combined them all with his excited expressions he had. I can't help but feel bad for him.

"What's wrong, Sin?" Wisaith noticed that I wasn't focusing.

"Oh sorry! I was just thinking about something," I apologized.

He looked at me and smiled. Then, he got up from the floor and went to his bed. "Sorry about that. You must be tired from hearing me talk," he smiled.

"No that's not it. Your stories are really interesting. I honestly want to hear more."

Hearing that, he smiled even brighter. "We could continue later. Tomorrow will be tough for a newbie like you. So get as much rest as you can."

"Right," I replied and also got on my bed.

After that, everything fell into absolute silence. I couldn't even hear things outside of the cell.

"I could only hope the city could be like this at night," I self-talk.

"You could say that is one pro about being in prison," Wisaith giggled himself.

"Can I ask you some more questions?" I said as I was staring on the stone ceiling.

"Sure," he replied.

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't remember exactly, but at least one month."

"How were you able to get here? Last time I checked, prisons aren't open for tourism."

"I know people."

Hearing that, I sweated and was a bit concerned. I have heard similar lines like that many times in movies and always thought that the side characters overreact with their trembling voice and concerning face. Now that it was my turn to hear it, I could understand why they reacted like that.

"Who would be powerful enough to let him come in and out of prison like a breeze? And how powerful is HE to know these kinds of people?" These are questions I wished to know but wouldn't dare to ask.

*Ahem* "Then when are you planning to leave?" I changed the subject to feel better.

"Tomorrow," he replied shortly.
