
Believe Me, I'm Just A Cosplayer

The gruesome act unfolded, and the woman, already shaken, collapsed in shock. As Seraphina absorbed the man's memories, a rush of information flooded her consciousness.

Flashes of his life, experiences, and even mundane details overwhelmed her senses. In mere moments, she grasped insights into the complexities of this Earthly existence.

Her special ability, a macabre means of gaining knowledge, was reserved for moments of desperation. Originally intending to learn about this world through the Hero, this man's provocation altered her course.

Seraphina was not a pure-blooded Demon but a chimera, and could absorb people's memories by consuming their brains, something unique to her existence.

Clearing her throat, she spoke an awkward and croaky English. "Ah me Serapna. I, Seraphina." After a second attempt, her English became fluid. "My name is Seraphina."

It was another unique ability of hers, Adoptive Muscle Memory, where she could choose a skill of the victim and integrate it into her system. In this case, she selected his language skills, the foreign words transforming into a familiar cadence.

Unable to absorb all memories at once, Seraphina gained a basic understanding of this new world. She removed the man's jacket to cover the traumatized woman, and, unfamiliar with Earth's technology, awkwardly dialed 911 on the woman's phone.

In amazement, she heard the dispatcher's voice. "911, what's your emergency?" Flawlessly imitating the woman's voice, in a panicked tone, she conveyed a false plea for help, providing a location based on the man's memories.

After the call, she ensured the woman's safety and emerged from the alley, curious about the "taxi" she had glimpsed from the memories, these metal carriages called vehicles.

As Seraphina emerged from the alley, the night unfolded around her, the dimly lit streets casting elongated shadows.

And after some time, a taxi came around the corner, the glow of the its headlights creating a surreal ambiance. The air held a chilly stillness, amplifying the tension in the atmosphere.


Freddy's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, navigating through the quiet, dimly lit streets minutes past midnight. His wife's warnings echoed in his mind, chastising him for working late. Yet, the allure of earning a little extra had always overridden her persistent nagging.

His phone call with Laura ended, and he prepared for the next pick-up. A fairly isolated part of the road lay ahead, and as he turned, he caught sight of a figure in his headlights. Blood-red hair, demonic horns, and a dress soaked in crimson.

A gasp caught in Freddy's throat as he slammed on the brakes. "Laura was right," he mumbled, fear pooling in his eyes. "I should have listened."

His trembling hands reached to lock the doors as he fumbled to reverse. The ghostly figure started jogging towards him, shouting, "Taxi! Taxi!"

Panic surged through Freddy as he shifted gears. "Not today! Please, not today!" But before he could escape, the ghost materialized beside his window.

"P-please! Don't kill me! I'm a kind man! I pay my tithes! I have a wife and children waiting for me!" Freddy stammered, desperation in his voice.

Seraphina chuckled, enjoying the theatrics. "Greetings, kind sir! Apologies for my unsettling appearance; it's all part of my cosplay for a fantastical event."

Freddy's eyes widened, disbelief etched on his face. "Cosplay? Lady, you look like you just stepped out of a horror movie!"

And what normal human moves like that!

The smile on Seraphina's face deepened. "Oh, you're quite the observant one! My character is from a dystopian fantasy realm, all the rage these days."

In a last-ditch effort to survive, Freddy played along, nodding hesitantly. "Fantasy realm, huh? Well, I'm not judging anyone's fashion choices. Just don't cast spells or summon demons in my cab, okay?"

Opening the door and settling inside, Seraphina grinned eerily. "Why summon a demon when there's one right before you."

As Freddy's soul nearly left his body, he managed to squeak out, "W-what?!"

Her laughter filled the cab. "That's my character, sir. I cosplayed the Demon Queen."

The humor in Seraphina's tone clashed with the terror in Freddy's eyes, creating an odd and surreal atmosphere in the quiet night.

Finally, he tuned the car's music player, switching to the few Christian hymns he had in possession.

And feeling that he could still make it alive tonight, he gingerly asked. "Where is your destination?"

But he only got silence in response, peeking through the rearview mirror.

Freddy couldn't believe his eyes as the crimson-clad passenger stared at the car's interior as if she'd landed on another planet. He mumbled to himself, "Laura was right, I should've listened to her warnings about the night shift."

He observed the strange sight of her knocking on the doors, her eyes wide in amazement, and then pressing the chair as though measuring it's softness, inadvertently dying it red.

He knew it! That was fucking blood!

Besides, a strange, pungent smell hung in the air since she entered the car.

Calming himself down again, he cleared his throat to get her attention, which he did, repeating his question, and got a reply this time.

"Just go North, I'll tell you when to stop."

As he navigated the eerily quiet streets, Freddy couldn't shake off the absurdity of the situation. "A ghost from the medieval era in my taxi? What's next, a dragon ordering fast food?" His anxiety peaked, and he muttered, "I just want to make it home alive."

Attempting to break the tension, Freddy nervously cleared his throat. "So, um, nice night, huh? Bet you've never been in a taxi like this before."

Seraphina, seemingly intrigued by the seats, responded with an innocent smile. "Indeed, your horseless carriage is quite fascinating. Back in my realm, carriages required actual horses."

Freddy chuckled nervously, "Yeah, well, we've upgraded a bit since then."

The glow of the taxi's headlights danced off the towering buildings, casting long shadows that seemed to play tricks on Freddy's imagination. He couldn't help but glance at his passenger through the rearview mirror. "You know, you're not what I expected when I signed up for the late shift."

Seraphina, still exploring the car, grinned mysteriously. "Expectations can be deceiving, dear driver. In my realm, appearances often conceal true power."

As Freddy made a turn, he swerved a bit wider than usual, earning a startled gasp from Seraphina. "Easy there, kind sir! I'd prefer not to meet an untimely demise in this metal contraption."

Trying to keep the conversation light, Freddy chuckled, "Don't worry, my driving's scarier than any ghost. And speaking of ghosts, you're not planning to haunt me, are you?"

Seraphina's laughter echoed in the car. "As I said before, I'm a cosplayer, and this is merely role-playing."

Like hell I'll believe that!

Approaching a busy intersection, Freddy, now sweating despite the cool night, made a quick decision. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe I should've stuck to daytime shifts."

Seraphina, now seated comfortably, raised an eyebrow. "Daytime, you say? How fascinating. Tell me more about it."

As Freddy rambled about his job, city life, and modern conveniences, Seraphina absorbed the information with genuine curiosity, because absorbing memories, was in Earthly terms just like watching a 'video', meaning she still remained unfamiliar with everything.

And despite the initial terror, Freddy found himself slightly enjoying the unexpected exchange.

Finally reaching the location where the Hero's scent was strongest, Seraphina gestured for Freddy to stop. With relief, he pulled over, wondering if he'd ever fully comprehend the bizarre events of this night.

After alighting, she walked to his window and asked.

"How much was the ride?"

Freddy smiled, and said. "Don't worry Ms. Demon Queen, my last ride for the day is usually free."

She gazed at him with suspicion. "Is that so?"

Of course it was a lie!

But he replied. "Yes ma'am." Yet this stubborn ghost didn't want to let him go.

With an "I insist" she started rummaging through the blood-soaked dress, and that was when he noticed it was just a tattered cloak, and beneath it was an intimidating crimson armour.


"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing ma'am." It was truly a ghost from the middle ages! Dear ancestors! I'll curse you if I die for your sins!

It didn't take long for her to take out some blood-soaked dollars, shoving it into his hands and showing a 'benevolent' smile. "You can keep the change. Consider it a token of appreciation for the enlightening journey."

Freddy watched in disbelief as she exited the taxi, disappearing into one of the tall buildings. Once certain she wouldn't return, he threw the money out the window and sped away, muttering, "Laura, I swear, no more night shifts."

We reached a milestone of 5 chapters people! Yeah, don't give me that judging look, it's a milestone.


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