
There is something wrong in my world

Several Eons had passed, the world where Adam lived and had a family had disappeared due to the apocalypse, Adam knew that every creation always has an end. In limbo where life and death do not apply, time is uncertain and even stopped, which should end all forms of anything. But, Adam did not end. Unlike his family, his wife, daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter died one by one leaving him alone, just like his first life. His system had a surprise in store that he didn't know about, a surprise that he would once again enjoy the same things he had almost forgotten. Back in Adam's original world, there was a surprise waiting for him in that world.

Shaywalloppp · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Eleventh Wave

The news that America, Russia and Canada wanted to conquer the S Rank Dungeon in Montreal became a hot topic in the media.

The American government approved Richard and I to go and so did the Russians.

The Canadian government didn't send their S Rank because their S Rank was only 2, not an option if they lost another S Rank.

I prepared with my Magnum pistol that I borrowed from a familiar place.

"Adam!!!" Selena shouted seeing that her collection of weapons was missing one, her magnum pistol.

The three of us entered the dungeon which was a vast forest with towering trees in the cold winter.

I tracked down the Diamond Chest here, it's not there, which means it's the Raid boss.

There was an animal howl not far away, we immediately alerted and I knew whose howl it was.


This Wendigo is not just any Wendigo, this Wendigo is immune to the name death as long as he is hungry, and the ridiculous thing is that Dimitri's power is White death or the ability to die which includes hypothermia which is the ability of the Wendigo itself.

This Wendigo has Immunity where he can survive even nuclear bombs and Richard's power is a nuclear bomb.

So this is very unfavorable for these two people, except for me.

I found this information in God's treasure room, I read all the possible S Rank Dungeons around the world that even down to several Levels, Level 2 is still within reach, Level 3 is total city wipe out, Level 4 is total country wipe out, Level 5 is total Continent Wipe Out, Level 6 is total World Wipe Out, Level 7 is Covenant Race.

The higher the rank level of the dungeon, the more desperate we get. And the worst thing is that when Level 4 is reached, monsters can come out of the dungeon, and this chaos is what makes the evil gods and goddesses happy.

Fortunately I had made the best impression for the 2 S Rank Boss who had a mind of his own, Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Wendigo? Dimitri now" They both attacked me immediately, Wendigo was still hiding in a tree not far away, waiting for the right time when we were off guard.

"Bastard" I tried to attack them with Magnum and dodged Dimitri's attack which was quite camouflative due to the cold weather and snow here.

Differentiating Dimitri's ice and dungeon ice was quite difficult without the Father of Nature skill.

"Ahahahah, die, die, die" I shot Dimitri accurately and hit his head, Dimitri staggered then he got up again, Richard attacked me with his nuclear greatsword and made a nuclear explosion here.

I retreated to the God's treasure room, waiting for Wendigo to execute them.

"He's gone, good job Richard"

*Pissed Wendigo noises*

The two men looked at the 4 meter tall Wendigo who was full of blood.

"Shit, Richard we must" Dimitri's head was immediately cut off by Wendigo, Wendigo tore Dimitri's body to pieces.

I watched this thriller movie with great enthusiasm with a cake in my hand.

"DIMITRI!" Richard attacked Wendigo by slashing his nuclear sword, Wendigo caught Richard's sword then there was another Nuclear explosion which was more powerful.

This forest dungeon was devastated even Dimitri's body was also vaporized leaving only Wendigo and Richard.

Richard was surprised to see that Wendigo was not injured at all, not even a sword scratch.

Wendigo's hand pierced Richard's chest which was now holding Richard's heart, Wendigo then tore Richard's body in half and ate his heart.


I applauded and then walked out of the treasure room, Wendigo saw me and approached me. I took a large portion of food for him.

Wendigo ate the food greedily, and then I cooked a meal that could remove Wendigo's curse of hunger.

I cooked this meal with love and affection, to enhance the effect of this meal even further.

Wendigo finished eating and I served this food in front of him, There was a miracle where Wendigo's skinny body became stocky and full plus his alien-like form became normal like the embodiment of nature itself.

"Thank you, visitor, my name is Namku Digo, Elder Shaman of Fantasia Forest" This cool wendigo is awesome, i like his appearance.

"My name is Adam, tell me why you became a Wendigo" Digo sat down and looked at this scorched savanna.

This dimension used to be full of mystical creatures everywhere that were peaceful and got along.

Digo was a medical Shaman here, due to the lack of raw materials for medicine in this world, a practice error made Digo lose his rationality.

Digo ate all the mystical creatures here until there were none left and he became the Wendigo that I explained just now.

"Then if Mr. Adam is pleased to give me a proper death as penance for all my previous deeds" Digo was desperate it seemed, I would not allow it.

"No, how about a second chance" I got up and looked at the sky.

I summoned Frostmourne, a dark cloud appeared in the sky that covered this entire dimension, then from under my feet appeared a death aura that moved in front of me gathered into one beautiful blue sword.

Frostmourne gave off a powerful aura of death that sent chills down my spine, and even Digo trembled violently as he felt Frostmourne's power.

I held the Frostmourne's hilt and stuck it into the ground.

"Frostmourne, Death in Reverse" Frostmourne's blue and black aura turned gold and white.

Frostmourne revived all life here, mystical creatures, rivers, lakes, mountains, hills, caves, houses of mystical creatures, the entire essence of this dimension was alive again.

Digo was overwhelmed with emotion seeing everything in this dimension come to life again.

This is the hidden effect of Frostmourne that I carved out when I was in the hentai world, where Frostmourne can take souls and give souls to anything, Now death and life to anything.

Only I know how to activate it, that is why Frostmourne lives in my heart because I am closer to death and life itself.

"Mr. Adam thank you, I can't give you anything comparable to this, I can only give you this" Digo gave me 2 Books of S Rank Shamanism. S Rank Goddesses Akka, S Rank Goddess Biejjenniejte.

Nadie is going to go crazy getting these, I had an idea pop into my brain.

"Thank you, As long as you can take care of the creatures here it is your best gift to me, Thank you again about this book Digo" Digo nodded and I started to leave here, I carried this book and waved my hand to all the residents here.

[Goddess Eva was touched to see what you did]

[All the evil gods and goddesses are happy to know that you can control death and life]

[All the evil gods and goddesses will help you in whatever you ask]

[All the gods and goddesses are touched by your kindness, they will help you in any way]

"Thank you, help me to do this act" I took Richard's dead body and Dimitri's body, leaving my body contaminated with nuclear radiation and severely hypothermia.

Outside the dungeon, all the reporters along with some other Hope were waiting for our arrival, Nadie was waiting for us to come out in front of the dungeon entrance.

I threw Richard's body with all his equipment and Dimitri's body with all his equipment.

Everyone was shocked to see Richard's body missing his heart and split in two, Dimitri's body torn to shreds with his head hanging from his hands.

I came out with half of my body burnt by the nukes and half of my body frozen by hypothermia.


"Don't come any closer, please don't come any closer" I fell down and dragged my body away from the dungeon entrance, the dungeon vanished and I then threw the two books to Nadie.

"We made it if not for the sacrifice of Mr. Richard and Mr. Dimitri, Take me to the hospital right now. Ugh" I pretended to be in pain and I was lifted up by a medic in a hazmat suit.

"Mr. Adam can explain what happened" I nodded and blurted out whatever came into my head.

I told them that we were ahead during phase 1 and during phase 2 we were overwhelmed because Richard's Nuclear ability was ineffective, then during phase 3 Dimitri's ability was ineffective so they made great sacrifices to kill the boss.

I was ordered not to interfere and leave the dungeon but because I couldn't bear it so I brought their bodies home even though my body had to endure nuclear pain and hypothermia at the same time.

And as a result of my boasting, Dimitri and Richard became the world's spotlight as the first Hope to defeat a Phase 3 S Rank boss.

Thank me you bastards, even though you attacked me but your names are displayed in human history as the bravest Hope, am I not kind enough even though you are greedy political people and people who like to play with women.

I gave the loot that I opened in the diamond chest to the Canadian government, the Russian government and the American government as a form of our success.

The American government immediately gave me the best health facilities and was supervised and guaranteed by the president and the pentagon.

After all, Bullshitery makes profit in the end.

The Canadian government gave me the privilege to go to their S Rank dungeon, and the Russian government was ready to give me the opportunity to participate in their S Rank Dungeon conquest.

I'm in the hospital on health quarantine, I asked for console games and tapes of Burnout, Most wanted, NFS Underground 2, all kinds of nostalgic Ps2 games.

I thought the American government thought I was childish but they seriously bought all the old and new edition console games, even old to new edition game tapes for me here.

Best health care and priority was on me all along, Some government officials visited me to ask about my condition and loot.

They were all good people but some were greedy, I gave them the loot I got in the diamond box and handed it all over to them.

And as a reward for my dedication to America, the American government gave me permission to enter Area 51, a great place for me to experiment there.

While I was busy playing Most Wanted, Nadie opened the door to my room, Nadie brought a fruit parcel for me.

"Thank you, have a seat" Nadie placed the parcel on the table and sat next to me.

"You kept these two books just for me? Why?" I paused the game and looked at Nadie, I gave the book because of its compatibility for you, just like Selena, it's a good investment for you who will become Hope in the future.

"An investment, be America's number one hope and make America great again!" I wish there was an American flag transition behind me, Nadie was wide-eyed and shook her head at my behavior.

"Yeah whatever" She so done with me, but i dont mind it because thats my wish for this country after they gave me all gamer dream, Free console and all the games in here.

Maybe i can ask Steam game, or even pc game. that will be more epic, no money wasted, my money should go to Gacha, Food and daily necessities

I went back to playing my game, while Nadie read the book I gave her, after finishing this game. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, I ate too much and forgot to move, my metabolism was too much in my stomach.

"Adam, Im going home" I heard Nadie behind the toilet cubicle.

"Yes, thank you for coming" I rinsed it all off and exited the imagination room, I then selected a variety of games all this.

I tried God Of War I, copying the power of Zeus thunder bolt and Army of Hades, I needed an army that could bring me victory faster.

[Do you want to copy that power and upgrade it?]

[Do you want to copy that power and upgrade it?]

[Omni Lightning. every essence of lightning, form of lightning, and form of lightning is in you and you have full control over it without any limitations]

[Reaper Army. An army that has unlimited loyalty. An army that will appear when you call]

Thank you Cory Barlog and thank you God Of War for your power.

I then tried to summon the Reaper Army.

"Arise" Wait for it, Nothing happened.

"Descend, Come out, Gather, Online, Ready, At ease" I tried thousands of words that I copied from Manhwa, Manhua, Anime, Comics, Novels and all sorts. nothing came out.

Unless, Hand sign. I tried all hand signs even naruto style didn't do shit.

"Reaper" Still nothing? Well this is fraud I need to upgrade this power even more.

I then rested for tomorrow because I was tired, maybe next time.

Then a portal opened beside me, a general with clothes that dominated his aura appeared.

"I came"

Because Christmas holiday, i can update daily for this. Check out my other 2 fanfic if you cultured people, one is number sauce the other was Video Sauce.

As always, thank you for reading this

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