
There is only me, never we

Human, the very definition is still questioned several millennia after they had been found yet, we know what it means to be human. We are biased, We are cruel, we are free. Bound to nothing and no one. But we are also alone, I am alone. They were no we during the purge neither will they be we now. I shall do my part with great devotion, see to it you do yours. Author's Comment : Either I release 2 chapters per week or 2 chapter per month. At least 1k words per chapter.

56Neutralists · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

It was dim, the surrounding of the academy darkened as the nights sky invaded that of the mornings.

Forcing it to withdraw back, awaiting it's opportune time to strike back and take it's place.

It was a huge gathering, in the dozens perhaps hundreds. All kneeling and equipped with the same gear.

From helmet to shoes to even weaponary, those not kneeling seemed to be of superior rank or simply performing some sort of action.

The place was soon illuminated into a bright place as dozens of candles suddenly came on in sync.

" The time had come for your oaths."

A single sentence was said, one would expect a speech to be given.....yet none was said. There was never a need for it.

"The life that is our own is forsaken before our grand duty, thus by swearing an oath; there is nothing that chains me. The past and relations are put behind. Let it only be our duty we are subjected to."

The sounds of in sync voice created an Air of power, there was no doubt...no unnecessary emotion nor shouting.

Rather it was calm, eerily calm. When the fact that many of them here are practically going out to die, or to serve unknown masters.

Or even to fight things or beast they had never seen before was known by each and every one of them.

You would think that just maybe, there would be sort of doubt or resistance or perhaps even second thoughts or hesitation.

You would be wrong, there was none in these weapons. They were simply tools sharpened and is now being put to use.

They made the Academy proud, they made their duty the only thing that mattered to them. The individual never mattered....only their duty.

Armed with weapons and clothing as well as the scrolls of missions and task. They left the academy en Masse.

On the 1st of the 5th month of Annual 358 in the Oath Academy. Batches 65 to 68 of the 18th generation had graduated and left to serve.

Many would change and even fewer would make it to 30 Annual of age. Life mattered little in the grand scheme of things, there was never the individual.

-[ There is only me, never we ]-

3 days, that's how long the Journey was for Larnry to get towards the destination. Arriving on the early morning of the fourth day, sunshine would have been preferred.

But to Larnry's utter luck, it rained that day. Quite heavily too though his hooded cloak did help shield him from the lashes of the rain.

The cold and wetness however, was still neighbors which the cloak couldn't prevent in any helpful way.

As the horses trod through the wet ground softened by the rain, at times moving into shallow puddles of rain.

Causing some extra tumbling and whatnot, they finally arrived at their destination.

Huge black gates guarded by dozens of troops with watchtowers built beside them. Armed to the teeth with light armour, spears and shields.

At their hip was a sheathed one handed sword, good for close combat. Their head where protected by helmets which included their ears and back of their heads.

It did however leave their front face completely exposed, their chest was protected by a chest pieces which also had a back piece.

There was armour for their Knees down to their feet, along with their lower elbow which connected with their wrist.

They had light pointed shield styled shields, looked like a rectangle but much broader. Their inner clothing was that of dark red with streaks of black in it.

Their shields had the Crest of their family in the middle of it. It was a long sword with cross guards, two sets of chains twirled around it, interlocking with each other.

The pointed piercing side of the sword faced downwards, into streaks of Flames. At the middle of said Flames was a single fierce rose.

The chains and the tip of the sword seemed tied to it, at the middle of the cross guard sword handle was the emblem of a rose.

They didn't seem to stop the carriage likely meaning they were already informed of our arrival. So we moved on, undisturbed as the gates opened up for us.

It took some time but we finally reached their main gates leading directly into the household of the Duke's family and lineage.

The doors of the carriage opened forward as two people stepped out of it, both covered in hooded dark cloaks that reached all the way to their feets.

Even under that hood laid a mask that covered their faces, before them were another set of guards. This ones were adorned with an extra set of chainmail above their armour.

Their shields seemed stronger and sturdy and so did their helmet. Their helmet however covered their nose and mouth and their styled of dressing was drastically different.

In the middle of those guards was a single man, in grey hair and a butler styled clothing. All neat and arranged as not a single speck of dirt was on his white inner wear.

He held an umbrella above his head which cause the drops of water to glide off it and completely avoid his body. He had white gloves one and a full beard.

He smiled to the two hooded and cloaked figures before analyzing them and the emblem on the carriage.

" Permits "

He said calmly but cold as his deep voice seemed to echo strangely enough. His out held right hand with had all his fingers pointing at the two 'guests' awaiting it's prize.

The two figures seemed unfazed as they brought out scrolls but rather than handing it over, they opened it and showed it.

The rain dropped down into it as the words were clear so was the stamp on the Duke's household and his signature.

On the stamp was a Crest of this great household. This seemed to satisfy the old man as he smiled a bit more gently and withdrew his hands.

" I see you have arrived on times, the Lord awaits your arrival. Do tell, do you have names I could call you. "

He said, uttering his words aloud with a happy voice which hid somethings his eyes could not.

" I am Larnry 079 of batch 68, rank of Oath chained. "

Larnry said calmly as he looked over his companion whom had also accompanied him.

" I am Gremswort 076 of batch 68, rank of Oath chained "

Gremswort replied, his voice light and soft. His tone was oddly cheerful or at least sounded that way to Larnry but then again he shouldn't really Judge others on how he Judged himself.

Thoughts by Larnry, observed by Larnry too as he noticed that the old butler was a former Full fledged shadow Assasin or maybe a partial one but definitely trained.

I have the pictures for some things like some of the shield shapes if you'd like.

Also next chapter comes out later today

56Neutralistscreators' thoughts