

"Aurora Foundation for Children's Homes," which organizes events that immerse benefactors directly into the process of helping.

After clapping a few times to attract the attention of the staff, a medium-sized girl announced, -We'll be leaving in 10 minutes.

After a couple of hours, 14 people stood looking at a small building two stories high, which was in a weeping state, from which children of different ages rushed out, the oldest of them looked to be about 13-14 years old. The children, who for the first time had seen the people who had come to them, with the exception of the workers of the foundation, were happily running around the guests, thus greeting them. The latter did not stand in confusion, because before leaving at the general meeting of the trip participants, the organizers distributed the duties for everyone for the duration of the visit to the orphanage. Someone in a small group handed out gifts, someone started cleaning the surrounding area, someone started preparing food, a special dish that children rarely eat on ordinary days. The director or staff of the orphanage always give a tour to new guests, familiarizing them with the problems, both those already solved and those of the moment. "In fact, we exist thanks to responsive and generous people" showing gratitude, the director often repeats on such walks.

Children, under the guidance of mentors arrange a performance, recite poems by heart, sing songs in chorus, change into different costumes and get something like a theatrical production. Not seldom the guests cry when they see and feel the efforts of unselfish childrens. This trip was also not without tears, not tears of pity, but tears of pride and compassion for the children who continue their life's journey.

The silent trip back home, always and practically for everyone passed not noticeably. After all, these people, strangers to each other, gathered for a good cause, at least for a small percentage are not the same as they were a day ago. This feeling, forgotten or not at all familiar to many, the awakening of which was one of the goals of the founder, who was also sitting silently in the back seat of one of the cars.

On their way back to the foundation's office, the participants of the charity day thanked Aurora, who had organized such an important cause at such a young age. Along with gratitude there was also praise, a promise to support the foundation with money, but most of all people talked about expanding and soon returning to this good cause, performed in this way. When asked how she came up with the idea of involving people donating money in the process, Aurora replied, "It's not enough to just take money out of your pocket. Parents also give money to their children, but not many of them feel the warmth of it. It's also important that those who give money without direct involvement receive only a fraction of the benefit that comes with it."

Aurora was helped to set up the foundation by her parents, who gave her the office as an eighteenth birthday present. Running a charitable foundation had nothing to do with Aurora's parents' business and was entirely her own idea and desire.

Soon, Aurora was to be interviewed by a television station as part of a morning show. There was no preparation for the interview, she just woke up, washed her face and left the house. After arriving at the set and receiving some instructions and guidance, one of the morning programs on a local TV channel started live. In their usual manner, the host and hostess began with a dialog between themselves, always discussing something that attracted the viewer's attention and related to the topic of the broadcast, cleverly arousing interest in the next guest.

- Good Morning Aurora, we'd like to welcome you to our studio.

- Hey.

- Tell us a little bit about yourself before we talk about the business you founded.

- Uh. Probably better to talk about the business, to be honest I've never been able to talk about myself, especially on camera. - Aurora said with an embarrassed smile.

- It's easier than it looks, you look at the camera, say hello and wave, and somewhere on the other end a new participant of the charity trip is born.

- Hello participant, happy birthday, we've all been waiting for you.

- So how did you come up with the idea of starting an immersive charity? As far as we know, this approach is relatively new in the world, perhaps someone tipped you off?

- I'm convinced that the most important events in a person's life happen suddenly. That's what happened.

- What exactly happened?

- Once I was refueling the car and near the gas station I saw a small bird, it could not fly and only jumped. After refueling the car I came closer, and the bird hid under a nearby car. I could not understand where it came from and where its family was, it was very small. I was afraid it would be crushed or eaten by a cat, so I prayed to the Lord for the welfare of this bird.

- I hope God helped? - The host interrupted Aurora.

- Yes, of course he did. The interesting thing is how. First, I started looking at the bushes nearby, thinking of taking the bird there. But the bushes were across the road, and it's unlikely that a bird that can't fly could jump across the road. All this time, about 15 minutes, the bird sat calmly on my palm. In the end, looking for rescue or help for the bird, I found none. I wondered why, because I had asked the Creator to help. And almost leaving the bird to its fate, I realized that it was me that God had sent to help the little bird. I came home, fed the bird and made her something like a nest, but only from a box.

- Did the little bird stay at your house?

- No, although I do miss it. I don't know what sex the bird was, but I named him Himura.

- What an unusual name you gave your bird," the presenter marveled, and the presenter, wanting to hear the end of the story, just nodded her head.

- The next day the bird started to chirp and fly around the kitchen, after another day we went outside and Himura preferred to fly away with the other birds, hopefully he is doing well.

- Is that when the idea of helping people came up? And still very interesting, why did you name the bird such an unusual name for our place?

- Yes, most importantly I realized how much we do not understand the signs that God sends us, and the fact that wanting to help, we dump this help on others, and this is more like an imitation of help, or rather help there is no smell of help at all.

I named the bird "Himura" after my favorite writer, I don't know his real name, "The Himura" is a pseudonym.

- How long before your foundation started?

- Initially I didn't think about opening a foundation or anything like that, we took some money and went to one of the orphanages. There the idea of meeting once a month for charity arose, gradually more people wanted to do it and then the foundation appeared.

- So a little bird made a big difference in your life. That's an incredible story! We wish success to Aurora and her foundation, for those who want to immerse themselves in the process of helping, the doors of the foundation are always open, and for those who want to support the foundation with money: 4169 **** **** **34.

- Here we say goodbye to you, see you as always on weekdays at 08.00 am on our favorite TV channel, - added the co-host.