
There is nothing I can't buy

[May drop this because I am focusing on an original novel now.] What a wonderful thing: resting in a place where no one will possibly disturb you unless you want, carrying a potentially infinite amount of money that you can use to buy anything you need, enjoying the rest of your immortal life learning and doing anything you feel like doing... But that is not what you are here for, right? You want to know how I did get to this point, not what I am going to do. Because the answer to the latter is 'Nothing', I got tired of all of this crap. So, time to turn off the lights, open the curtains, and introduce myself! My name is Victor Luis, and thanks to this unique system, there is nothing I can't buy! --------------------------- I don't own anything shown here, except for the main protagonist and some OCs appearing along the way. If you have to review, give me good critics, either good or bad so I can improve even further. I am going to erase your emojis or "EXP sect" if that is the only thing you will send, whether 5 or 1 star. Updates will be 1 week for each chapter, but I will make daily updates when I complete the volume. First: Monster Girl Quest Second: ??? Third: ??? Fourth(Final): ???

Trial_of_Humanity · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

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As Victor and Penny approached the approximate point where the 10 Bee Girls and the three Brown Bear Girls should have been ducking it out, he heard pained screams mixed with tired groans, which clearly meant that they were going in the right direction.

Soon, they found the precise spot, and saw the majority of the group of Bee Girls fighting against two out of three Bear Girls, with the third one paralyzed on the ground. The Bee Girls weren't flying anymore, now resorting to their sharp insect limbs behind their shoulders to fight back against the Bear Girls to protect their honey. Apparently, the ones that had paralyzed the first Brown Bear Girl couldn't fight anymore and left.

However, he couldn't see Luka anywhere…

"...He's there." Penny pointed at the edge of the open space, and Victor looked away from the fight, setting his gaze on an unconscious boy with a bleeding head and a ugly bruise on his right cheek.

Wow, Luka really got knocked out this time… Well, that's what he gets for fighting a monster girl with a body that is many times more powerful than him. Did he think that wearing a chainmail made in Enrika would make him invincible in the rest of the body too?

"That moron…" Victor sighed with an exasperated voice for the hundredth time in these 9 days, and began to approach him while staying outside the borders of the fight between monsters.

When they reached the spot behind the tree where Luka was sleeping on, Victor and Penny pulled the unconscious hero back into the woods with some force.

But as if some unlucky star shined over him, the other Bee Girls ultimately knocked down the other two Brown Bear Girls with their stingers, achieving complete victory with no lives lost from both sides. It took over 11 stingers to take the three bears down with their paralytic venom.

They had done it, and because of that, they had the free time to turn to Luka's direction to check him over after he tried to help them. Just then, they also had found Victor and Penny pulling the unconscious boy away.

"..." Victor silently stared back at the Bee Girls with a blank expression, although he was sweating bullets behind his neck while he started to feel his heart beating fast in his chest.

Well, shit…

Hopefully they are friendly enough to leave them alone and turn back to their honey-carrying-thingy-job.

The Bee Girls quickly picked up their honeycombs and approached the three of them.

"Are you all okay?" One of the Bee Girls asked Victor, making him relax a bit more once he saw that they were friendly. He nodded and replied. "Yeah. Sorry about this guy, he just goes around wanting to be a Hero for anybody without care of the world. I'll go to patch him up soon enough."

The Bee Girls all giggled at the same time upon hearing him. "We saw that, although it was really painful to watch him getting mauled away with a backhand… What about the Grizzly Bear?"

"She has been dealt with already." Victor told them as he forced Luka to stand up, although it was hard with only a functionable foot and a crunch. Upon seeing Victor having so much difficulty with his task, one of the Bee Girls stepped up.

"Umm… How about we help you? As a thanks for stopping the Grizzly Bear Girl from joining the rest of the group, we can welcome you to our beehive! If that Grizzly Bear Girl wasn't stopped, she would have stolen all of our Honey; helping you is the least we can do."

"..." Victor raised an eyebrow, all the panic he had before completely vanished and his face showed a contemplating look. However, he later shook his head and replied. "...We have to go to Happiness Village now, so I don't think we can stay there that much longer."

The Bee Girls looked a bit dismayed, but the one who was talking to them sighed. "I see. If that is the case…" She pulled off her honeycomb from her back and passed it to Victor. "I hope you can accept this!"

Victor blinked in surprise and asked. "Are you sure? You were protecting this from the bears…"

The monster smiled instead and replied. "It's better giving up to one instead of all 10 of them, and I don't like keeping up unpaid debts. Besides, it's more of a question of pride when Bear Girls specifically come in; I don't mind giving some honey to friends."

"Ok…" Victor gently patted the honeycomb that was filled with sweet honey, while Penny stepped closer to it and dipped her index finger on it. As Penny tasted the honey, she let an amazed sound.

"This is sweet!"

Seeing Penny licking the honey dripping from one of the holes of the honeycomb, Victor also got curious and bought a slice of bread from his shop. The appearance of that bread took the Bee Girls in surprise, while Victor also brought out a honey dipper and stuck it inside one of the holes, collecting the viscous sweet liquid with it and placing it horizontally over the slice of bread.

As if it belonged to an advertisement, the honey slowly dripped from the wand and landed on the white bread, spreading all over it.

""Ooooh…"" Although they dealt with honey on a daily basis, the Bee Girls also observed how Victor was preparing his snack in such a simple manner but with flowing movements. It was like those advertisements of McDonalds that turned something as common as hamburgers into delicious and crunchy pieces of work.

Once the simple slice of bread had one side covered in honey, Victor took a bite out of it and slowly chewed on it as he rolled the bread through his taste buds.

"...Hmm! It is really good indeed! ...However, I should use another kind of bread next time." Victor commented as he looked at his snack. The bread he used was commonly used to make simple sandwiches: Already cut into thin slices, and extremely soft.

Maybe he should toast the bread with butter to make it crunchy…

Penny pulled on his right leg and looked up to him with puppy eyes. "Can I have a bite?" 

"Sure." Victor handed the rest of the slice of bread to Penny, who happily munched on it.

"Umm…" Suddenly, a Bee Girl stepped closer to Victor, attracting his attention. "Sir Human…?"

Victor turned to the Bee Girl and tilted his head in curiosity. "You want a slice too?"

The Bee Girl hesitated before she shook her head. "If you are so generous to offer one to me, I'll gladly accept. But… Shouldn't you first help your friend?" She pointed at the bleeding Luka with her human hand.

"...Oh shit!" Victor remembered that Luka was still bleeding from his head and immediately put him down on the ground. Victor followed by slowly sitting on the ground at Luka's side and looked over at him. 

His body was mostly unharmed, and the only visible problem was the blood pouring from his head and staining his face, and a dark bruise on his right cheek. "Umm… What should I do now…?"

Well, when in doubt, check the system.

At the moment, he has 13'581 Gold Coins. He could buy medical tools from his system, including a good aptitude for it. Because as he is now, he would most likely kill the boy…

He had spent 1'200 Gold Coins to buy a compact set of intermediate medical skills, and knowledge immediately dipped within his mind without any problem. After a small pause, Victor also bought a bucket filled with water for 200 Gold Coins, which appeared at his side.

The Bee Girls once again looked surprised at this, but Victor wasn't finished. He also bought a soap and started to clean his hands with the water, to make sure Luka won't get an infection or something like that.

However, to be extra careful, Victor also bought a new pair of disposable gloves at a cheap price, along with a clean cloth. The first thing Victor did was ascertain that there was no fracture on Luka's skull; when he was sure that it was just a skin injury, he placed a firm pressure on a large gash on Luka's head. 

Seeing him acting so serious as he tried to medically aid his friends, the 7 Bee Girls that were still here watched in silence and thrill. As soon as the clean cloth was stained with blood, Victor threw it on the ground and bought another cloth. Surprisingly, this one was stained with a considerably lesser quantity of blood compared to before, almost not noticeable if he didn't use it to clean Luka's face from the blood staining it. 

The bleeding stopped in an amazingly short time of 3 minutes. Was Luka's special genetics responsible for it? After all, he was born from the mixture of an angel and a human. Victor didn't think too much of it and bought a third clean cloth, along with medical bands. He dipped the cloth within the bucket of water and put some soap on it, before it absorbed enough soapy water.

After giving the cloth a squeeze to remove excessive water, Victor placed the cloth over Luka's head injury and then binded it on his head with the medical band, stretching it enough to apply pressure, before tying it up around Luka's purple hair.

"And here is one…" Victor muttered before he spent some more Gold Coins to buy an ice pack, which he used to cover the dark bruise on his right cheek. He casually glanced at his chest, seeing Luka's lungs rhythmically inflating and a deep sigh escaped from Victor's mouth once he saw that everything was much more stable.

"Job is done." Victor pulled off his gloves and put them among the mix of bloody clothes and relaxed by stretching his bag.

"You are very good on this, Sir. Are you perhaps a doctor?" One of the Bee Girls commented as her insect wings twitched a bit.

"Nope, this is genuinely the first time I have pulled off something like this." Victor commented before he asked. "So… Do you want to eat honey on bread together?"

"Sure, we can afford to spend a dozen minutes here." The Bee Girls agreed with Victor's offer and sat down with Victor while letting go of their own honeycombs. And then, in front of them, a thin blanket coming off directly from Victor's system store.

"Mind helping me a bit?" Victor asked and one of the seven Bee Girls nodded. Six of them quickly fixed up the blanket while the last one helped Victor get back on his feet. Holding on the crutch again, he focused his attention away from the blanket, making a 4'388 Gold Coins worth of a flat top grill appear in front of him.

After that came a gas tank which he had connected to the grill, and in a couple of seconds, it turned on. Victor began to spread the butter over the surface first and move the cube around as it melted over the grill.

Then, when the grill was filled with melted butter, he placed white bread over it, as he was preparing the toasted bread, the Bee Girls curiously observed Victor's back.

"Sir, how can you do that? Making stuff appear from nowhere?"

Victor glanced back at them and shrugged. "Weird magic stuff, it would take too long to explain how it works, and it won't be really necessary. By the way, my name is Victor, no need to be formal at all."

"Oh, alright then. We are: Bethany, Cecile, Honey, Lily, Victoria, Melissa, and Lisanna." The Bee Girl called Bethany introduced the entire group one by one, and Victor stared at the third one.


The Bee Girl that was named Honey blushed and looked away in embarrassment. "My mom named me like that…"

"That's a very ironic name, isn't it?" Victor teased Honey, which made her a bit uncomfortable. Seeing that she really doesn't want to join this argument, Victor let it go and twisted the slices of bread around, letting the hot iron of the grill roast their surface.

In a few minutes, they were all ready, and Victor put down a very wide dish filled with toast bread slices in the center of the pic-nic area. He spread out the honey from his own gifted honeycomb and spoke at the end of it.

"Alright! Eat at your fill!"

Penny immediately picked a slice of bread and took a bite out of it. Her golden floppy dog ears moved a lot in reaction to the good taste of the slices of bread. Following her, the Bee Girls from 1 to 7 also picked their own portions and tasted the new combination of food.

"It's really tasty! I didn't know such a thing could be done with some bread and honey!" Melissa commented before she started to eat faster, and the other six Bee Girls agreed with her words.

While they were all eating, Victor spread out a yogurt cup for each person, along with spoons. By the end of all the preparations to make a nice picnic, he was left with a bit over 5000 Gold Coins. "If you feel your throat drying a bit, you can eat the yogurt there."

"Thank you!" Lisanna replied with gratitude towards Victor. In fact, she was starting to get a dry throat while she was waiting for food, and the yogurt really helped her in this case.

Cecile, the Bee Girl that was helping him standing straight up, helped him get down and then sat at his side, eating honeyed bread with the others.

"Hmm, it tastes much better now." Once Victor had taken a bite out of it, he commented with a better prejudge on the toasty bread. Crunchy and thin bread is just a better biscuit, and he was totally fine with it.

"Ugh…" The smell of honey and bread stimulated Luka out of his unconscious state. As his body moved a bit, the ice pack fell from his cheek. "...What…?"

He grasped the cold ice bag at the side of his head and slowly sat up. After taking a look at the ice bag, his eyes wandered to the picnic point that was just some meters away from him, noticing Victor and Penny eating with seven Bee Girls.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Are you okay or do you need a kiss to wake up?" Victor teased when he saw Luka waking up. Meanwhile, Luka winced in pain as his head started to sting a lot. Holding his head, he felt bandages all over his round head and looked up in surprise.

Seeing his speechless state, Victor explained. "I had patched you up when I found you mauled by a bear in one strike. Anyway, are you fine?" He pulled up three fingers. "How many are they?"


Victor nodded. "Good, who are you again?"

After rubbing his head a bit, Luka replied. "My name is Luka, and I am a Hero… What happened to the bear monsters?"

This time, it was Lily who answered, by pointing at a group of paralyzed Brown Bear Girls who were painfully groaning in the background upon hearing and smelling the Bee Girls and two travelers eating the Honey they wanted so much without any dignity.

"I see…" Luka muttered while Penny passed him a slice of bread.

"Take it!"

Luka didn't reply to her and stared at the honeyed bread for some seconds, before his hands moved towards it and let it get closer to his mouth. After taking a bite and digesting it, Luka started to eat faster than before and joined the picnic.

"Anyway…" Honey started out a conversation while eating the bread. "Didn't you say that you had to go to Happiness Village? We already said it was fine for us to stay here for a dozen minutes, but what about you travelers? It is still one day away on foot, and you might be in greater danger the longer you stay out of a human settlement."

"It's all fine, don't worry." Victor shrugged off Honey's worries. "Besides, I'm not eating just because I am hungry. I had already eaten my lunch some time ago."

"Oh? And why then?" Honey curiously asked, and Victor began to smirk as he held back laughter. When his shoulders stopped trembling, he answered Honey's question.

"You see, we are actually six in the group, not three. The only problem is that the other three can't show up when wild monsters appear, and for a good reason… Well, to start with, I and this person, Alice, went off with the wrong step yesterday, and stuff happened. 

Now I am eating all of this delicious food while she is watching from her hiding spot, and she can't do anything about it. I'm getting back at her for leaving me with a long-lasting erection in the middle of the night while she was fucking Luka…"

"You heard that?!" Luka was completely red out of embarrassment, and Victor raised an eyebrow.

"Man, your pathetic moans were some pitches away from waking up Penny, too. I wish I didn't hear that, at least I would have slept better."

"Hahahaha!" The Bee Girls laughed among each other as they listened to the comical conversation between Luka and Victor. When they had calmed a bit down, Victor continued his previous argument.

"Anyway, because Alice did that, now I am getting back at her by eating delicious food with delicious honey under her watchful gaze. And the best thing out of all this, even if she can easily snap my neck with a single hand, she can't touch me at all. If she does, that means that I was able to provoke her with this silly stuff. I know this, she knows this, everyone in the party knows this. She better keep the voice down the next time she wants to pull this stunt."

The monsters began to giggle a bit, and Honey suddenly moved closer to Victor with a smile on her face. "So, how about we'll fix that for you? You know, a quick one in the woods…"

Victor stared at her for a few seconds before he nodded with wide eyes. He had expected this sort of thing to happen sooner or later, but for a lone man like him, getting asked to have sex by a beautiful 'half' girl is still surprising. "Sure."

"Victor!" Luka looked at Victor in surprise.


"The commandments!"

Victor snorted. "Oh, shut up, not even you people are following those anymore. Besides, I'm not even religious, so keep all that Ilias stuff away from me. You can pray as much as you want with Eva later, okay?"

"..." Luka sighed in exasperation and continued to eat his bread. As for Victor, he had finished his own slice and then Honey helped him get up and walk away, far from where Penny could watch. After all, they couldn't do it in front of the children…

"Aww, I wanted to do it first…" Bethany muttered, and Victoria shrugged. "Well, she has been faster, there is nothing we can do unless he asks for more later."

"What is Victor going to do?" Penny asked with a curious voice, and Luka simply patted her head.

"Don't worry, he simply needs some time alone…" Luka quickly made up a lie so that the innocent Penny would not know the truth.

Victor Luis' (future) Trivia Book: Bee Girls

Bee Girls are an insect-type monster that resembles a bee. She carries a large honeycomb with her at all times to carry honey both for herself and her community, but of course, honey alone would not be enough. Either they go wild and hunt for passing travelers, or they achieve a symbiotic relationship with another community for trading honey with food.

Using the stingers present on their second pair of appendices, they can paralyze their enemies for some time. However, they only have two chances to do so before they will have to wait a long time to recover the stingers and refill the paralysis venom within their venom sacks.

However, there are some differences between Bee Girls, and the difference between the average bee girl and the average wild monster is as big as that of a Honey Bee and the beast of torture that came from the deepest caves of Hell, the wasp.

Bee Girls are generally mild-mannered and peaceful creatures, which is why it is rare to encounter ones that will assault you immediately. Even if you have encountered them, there are chances that they will let you go off if they are busy picking honey out of the alraunes or fighting bears.

In general, the Bee Girls are part of the colony-type of Insect Girls, ruled over by the Queen Bee that lives further away from their general location. However, they are still in contact thanks to a 'Proxy-Queen Bee' that can telepathically communicate with the original Queen Bee.

Bee Girls can be differentiated by their more militaristic counterpart, the Hornet Girls, from the presence of fur around the collarbones of the Bee Girls, their freedom of thoughts and behavior, and the honeycomb behind their back. If they don't have any of them, then immediately drink your emergency sugary drink and use the boost of energy to get the fuck away from that place before you get stung by their poisonous stinger, unless that is the Queen Bee and you are her breeder. It is better ending as a breeder with hopes to survive rather than die, right?