
There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

Zein was a rogue Guide living in the god-forsaken land of the red-zone, guiding for money and survival. Until the guild he used to work with caused a tragedy. Driven by sorrow and guilt, Zein became a mercenary guide in the land bordering the forbidden Deathzone, working like a suicidal monk. One day, an overbearing Esper suddenly appeared and told him, “If you’re so hellbent to die, why don’t you come with me to the Deathzone?” A strange proposition, a nostalgic smirk. Had Zein actually met him before? Following the man into the deadly zone, will Zein find the respite he seeks, or will he get engulfed in a storm? But there’s no such thing as love in the deathzone...is it? * * * The story is set in a sentinel-verse, so there will be: - Sentinel (Esper) and Guide - Dungeon! - Romance - Action - …smut? ;) It’s a (kinda) love story wrapped in dungeon system shenanigans, with abilities and action and whatnot

Aerlev · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
558 Chs

Chapter 66. A Guide’s Harem

It was the quietest the Trinity tower had been. The eyes of the guild members were glued to the video, whether it was those that watched it through the commlink stream or saw it through the conference room screen.

And the quietest of them all was the seventh floor where the guides were congregated.

Because on that recording was something that a green-zone guides like them couldn't imagine ever doing. No—even someone who worked in the red-zone before like Nora wouldn't dare to say that they could do it like what was depicted in the video.

It wasn't some kind of promotional video, or a choreographed stunt. It was a real recording of a place so horrendous that Ashur's last undead dungeon felt like an amusement park ride. The recording was done with dark-vision cameras, from the rearguard point of view and a bystander civilian.