

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"P'Night, where are we going? Phi?" The young boy said, trying to catch his breath. They were already running without a specific target for a while now.

"Shhhhh, don't make so much noise, they will catch us." Night said, touching his lips and smile tenderly at the young boy who looked so scared like he was running for his life

"But Phi, I'm your bodyguard! How am I supposed to defend you in case of danger if you blinded me?" The young boy asked restless, keeping tight his boyfriend's hand.

"Light, trust me, it's not any danger here. And one more thing my Light, before being my bodyguard you are my boyfriend." Night answered, giggling at the thought that this cute creature was his boyfriend.

"Night...." the young one was still worried. the fact that he can't see nothing around him, the fact that he can't see his boyfriend who can anytime be in danger it worried him to no end.

"Enough, mind your steps and relax, we don't want to wake up everyone."


*Prisoner 151944 wake up. Time for you to wake up.*

A voice was heard, the beautiful dream broke and a young man opened his teary eyes. Today will be a day like all days, nothing will change. Just in dreams he can still be happy. AT this moment he wishes he never wake up, that way he will ever be with his love, the love he couldn't protect. His love, his life, his sun, his Night. If he was not so afraid, if he could have been more courageous, his Night would not be dead. But past can't be changed and the future... He couldn't see it. Still, he is forced to breath. And now... Now he needs to see a psychologist. For the first time in his 10 years of prison, he will meet a psychologist. It's not like it's having any point, but at least after 10 years he will talk with someone.


"Good morning Light Khanty" the young psychologist said smiling. It was his first day there so he wanted to do his best.

"Good morning" Light said uninterested. he thought he would feel better talking with someone, but in the end he got used to be by himself.

"How are you?"

"Can't you see? Oh are you blind? Why did they send a blind man?" Light mocked the young boy who stoped, smiling instantly.

"I'm not blind" the young Psychologist retorted annoyed, but then calmed down himself, after all he was in a prison. It was normal for the prisoners to talk like that.

Then why are you asking?"

"Just wanted to start a conversation."

"Good question then. Was a perfect question for a perfect day, I'm perfect thank you, life is perfect, nothing wrong."

"I'm sorry, " the young man said and Light nodded.

"Let's start with our introduction. My name is Shine Suparin. I'm a psychologist on 1860108151944 spaceship starting today. From what I saw, you are the only prisoner here. My dream was to become a psychologist and try to understand why the prisoners were doing what they done, I want to hear their story and the reasons. And my dream came true. I was helping lots of prisoners to understand what they did wrong." Shine said calmly introducing himself.

"Than.... You are here for nothing. I already know where I did wrong. I already know... So you should leave."

Light got up from his chair and left, but before he opens the door, he heard the young man yell

"Please, let's talk, tell me your story, please."

"Go home"

"I'm not, I will stay here till you talk with me."

"OK, then stay there till you get bored and go home."

"Ugh, what cost you to stay a bit with me?" The young man scream now exasperated.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Light was now losing his temper. It was looking like this guy here was having serious behavior problems.

"Can't we just talk? I just want to get to know you a bit, at least tell me, why are you here?"

"Really? You came here without checking? What if I am the worst and kill you?"

"Then it's OK"

"Huh? Won't you need to care about your life? Are you idiot?"

"Why are you here Light? " Now Shine's voice becomes calmer.

"Killed my lover."

"WHAT?!" Shocked can be the name of the feeling that Shine was feeling right now. Looking at Light a moment ago, he would never guess something like this.


"Would you like to tell me what happened?" Shine asked curiously. Something must have happened. Light was looking sad right now so might be a mistake or something.

"It's a long story" Light said slowly sighing hard.

"I have all the time in the world to listen to you."

After two weeks Shine was already finding out all the story just one thing was missing. Who was the dead boyfriend?


"good morning Light," Shine said entering the room and closing the door behind him.

"good morning Shine"

"Light, did you think about what I told you?"

"Shine... Whatever you say, I know it's my fault. If I would be stronger..., I was failing to save him, before being his lover, I was his bodyguard, but I was weak, I was afraid, instead of fighting I just cried."

"That's not a reason for you to be in jail. Please let me hire a lawyer for you?"

"There is no point in doing this, Nong.



"Can I ask you something?"


"What's your lover's name?"

"Night Sivaro."


"Let's stop here, please" Light said tormented. he didn't expect that just spelling his love's name will hurt him so much.

"But he..." Shine tried to tell him that he knows this person, but Light was not in any condition to listen to soon.

"Please Nong." Light begged Shine to stop. he couldn't take it anymore.

"Light, I will leave to earth for a few days, I will be back soon. I'll get a lawyer."

"Do what you want, nothing will change anyway. Past can't be changed..."

"Everything will change... Just wait for me please."

"hmm" Light nodded and Shine smiled contentedly

"Thank you, I'll be back soon."