

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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20 Chs


It's raining so heavily while two boys run keeping each other hand afraid that if they let go, they will never see each other.

"There, let's go that way, baby"

"Night, what is going on, Night?"

"I don't know baby, I just know that they are after us."

"But, but they said, it's my fault for being beside you." Light said while a tear escape and the rain wash it the next second. He was starting to tear down thinking that he put his love in danger.

"No, don't think about that, it's not your fault baby, Light, look at me, Light... Light, stay with me. Light, I'm here beside you, Light, Light..."

"sob*, sob* Night, I'm scared, Night, why us? Why can't they let us be happy? Why is wrong for them if I love you Night? sob* sob* I don't want to lose you.. Sob* sob* sob* sob *"

"Light, I promise you, nothing will ever keep us apart, Light, we will always be together. I promise you."

"Night... *sob... I'm scared Night.. Sob*"

"Light, did you know... They named me Night because they said that I am a bad luck in my family and indeed my life was a terrific darkness till the day I met you... Light.... You are my precious light, I love you my precious love... I lo..."



"Nooooooo," Night screams and open his eyes the next second.


"Yes, come in"

"Sir, are you alright?"

"I'm ok"

"Again nightmare?"

"Um, thank you for your concern."

The old man was taken by surprise, Night was never talk with him nice, let alone thanking him in the last 10 years.

"Then, I'm going to prepare the breakfast."


The old man left, closing the door while Night remained staring his ceiling.

"My baby is alive, I will see you soon Light. Now, where should I start.... Buying him clothes? But how tall is he? Damn, I should ask Shine how tall is he? From the pic I sow he looks tall... Damn, I don't know what to do. OK, let's go buy some furniture in this house.. And a BIGGER bed, " He said, pointing the ceiling. He was happy...

Night got out of bed and had a bath then got dressed and left at shopping for his dearly boyfriend. Just when he came home and close the door behind him his phone started to ring.

"Night, we are here... Come to court in two hours please."