
Theory of Everything

Lin Xue, the disappointment of Azure Cloud City, once famed as a prodigy, is now looked down upon by the people who once admired him. One day all that changes when he acquired the Universe Stars Method.

Abstract2 · Action
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17 Chs


Lin Xue stirred awake, his consciousness emerged from the depths of a hazy slumber. Blinking against the dim light filtering into the cavern, he found himself lying upon a makeshift bed of intertwining vines. Their verdant tendrils snaked around his form, their touch oddly comforting as they administered a nourishing fluid directly into his veins. The sensation was both disconcerting and strangely rejuvenating, infusing his weary body with vitality.

Groggy and disoriented, Lin Xue surveyed his surroundings. The cavern walls loomed ominously around him, their jagged edges casting eerie shadows that danced in the flickering torchlight. He couldn't recall how he had arrived in this mysterious place, his memories shrouded in a thick fog of confusion. Instinct guided his movements as he slowly pushed himself upright, his senses sharpening as he sought to make sense of his situation.

The entrance to the cave was shrouded by a dense veil of vines, their lush foliage obscuring the outside world and casting the interior into shadow. Only faint streaks of sunlight managed to penetrate the verdant barrier, their feeble glow offering little illumination to the cavern's depths. Seated upon the earthen floor, Lin Xue assumed the Energy Coiling Position, his body poised with precision as he tapped into the latent magical energy that permeated the air.

With a focused exhale, he unleashed the technique, a wave of raw power rippling outward from his core. The magical energy within the cave responded to his command, entering his body within a matter of heartbeats. It was a feat that would have taken others days to accomplish, yet Lin Xue remained unsatisfied, hungering for more. Despite the impressive display of mastery, he knew he had only scratched the surface of his potential.

As Lin Xue emerged from the darkness of the cave, his eyes were assaulted by the blinding brilliance of the sun. A sharp hiss escaped his lips as he recoiled, his vision overwhelmed by the intensity of the light. It had been an eternity since he had last beheld the sun's radiant glow, his senses unaccustomed to its brilliance after a year spent in the cavern's depths.

Blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden onslaught of light, Lin Xue's gaze fell upon a figure standing before him. It was the old spirit, its ethereal form shimmering with an otherworldly glow. He sensed the weight of its presence, a silent observer of his journey through the shadows.

With patient anticipation, Lin Xue awaited the spirit's words, knowing that its cryptic wisdom held the key to unlocking the mysteries that lay ahead.

"Lin Xue, you took longer than expected," the old spirit's voice echoed in the cavernous space, its tone laced with a hint of concern. "It's been around a year and a half. I fear that relying on the power of the Sword of Eternity within you may not have been the wisest choice."

Lin Xue's mind reeled at the revelation, the fog of forgetfulness lifting as memories flooded back with staggering clarity. The Universe Stars Method, the Battle of Spirits, Fu Hong Tian, Mei Ling, Kaiden—all the threads of his life converged in a rush of recollection. Even the tumultuous clash of the Spirits surged to the forefront of his consciousness, vivid and palpable as if he were reliving the fray once more.

Stunned by the sudden influx of knowledge, Lin Xue grasped at the fragments of his past, piecing together the events that had shaped his journey. The weight of his decisions, the consequences of wielding such potent magic—all of it bore down upon him with a newfound gravity. And yet, amidst the tumult of memories, a steely resolve ignited within him.

"I am Lin Xue," he declared calmly, his memories flooding back, "Son of Lin Kan, the fallen genius of Azure Cloud City." The old spirit vanished into the mist, its task complete; it had helped Lin Xue regain his memories.

Lin Xue looked back at the cave where he had slept for a year, his mind still teeming with memories. Sitting down in the Energy Coiling Position, he began to circulate his magic energy, guiding it along the path of the Universe Stars Method.

A whirlpool of shimmering magic energy began to swirl around Lin Xue, its ethereal tendrils weaving through the air like ribbons of light in a dance of power. As he sat in deep concentration, his body bathed in a soft, radiant glow, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the walls of the cave. Each breath he took seemed to draw in the very essence of the cosmos, infusing him with a profound sense of connection to the universe itself.

With each rotation of the energy vortex, it seemed as though Lin Xue's very being was being lifted to new heights, transcending the boundaries of mortal existence. The air around him crackled with an electric intensity, charged with the raw potential of his burgeoning power. It was as if the cave itself pulsed with the rhythm of his magic, resonating with the harmonious symphony of energy that flowed through him.

The magic energy coursed through his veins like liquid fire, igniting every fiber of his being with an otherworldly vitality. His senses sharpened to a razor's edge, attuned to the subtlest fluctuations in the currents of magic that surrounded him. With each passing moment, he felt himself drawing closer to the heart of the cosmos, where the very fabric of reality seemed to shimmer and sway in the unseen currents of the arcane.

In this state of heightened awareness, Lin Xue became acutely aware of the intricate interplay between the elements of magic, each one a thread in the vast tapestry of creation. He could sense the ebb and flow of their energies, the delicate balance that held the universe in perfect harmony. It was a sight to behold, a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns that danced before his eyes in a mesmerizing display of cosmic beauty.

As the magic energy continued to swirl and coalesce around him, Lin Xue felt himself being drawn deeper into the mysteries of the arcane. With each passing moment, he felt his consciousness expanding, his awareness reaching out to touch the very boundaries of existence itself. It was a moment of sublime clarity, a glimpse into the infinite possibilities that lay beyond the veil of mortal perception.

And then, in a sudden burst of radiant light, Lin Xue felt the final piece of the puzzle fall into place. With a sense of profound satisfaction, he realized that he had achieved a new level of understanding, a deeper connection to the essence of magic itself.

As Lin Xue delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, he found himself unraveling the fundamental rules that governed its existence. With each revelation, his understanding of the arcane grew ever more profound, granting him insight into the very fabric of reality itself.

Rule 1 resonated within him like a timeless mantra, echoing through the depths of his consciousness. Magic, he realized, was not a finite resource to be depleted, but an eternal force that flowed through the very veins of the universe. It was the ever-pulsating heartbeat of creation, forever cycling between states of collapse and rebirth, each iteration birthing new forms of wonder and awe.

Rule 2 brought a sense of caution, a recognition of the delicate balance that must be maintained when wielding the power of magic. The fusion of magic with other energies was a dangerous endeavor, fraught with the potential for catastrophic consequences. Lin Xue understood now why such attempts had always ended in disaster—the clash of incompatible energies could tear apart the very fabric of space itself, leaving behind nothing but chaos and destruction in its wake.

And yet, despite the inherent risks, Lin Xue also saw the tantalizing potential that lay in the fusion of magic with other forces. If harnessed with care and precision, such combinations could unlock untold depths of power, reshaping reality's very landscape in unimaginable ways.

Rule 3 brought a sense of wonder, a realization that the rigid constraints of logic and reason did not bind magic. It was a fluid and ever-changing force, flowing like a river through the tapestry of existence, shaping and reshaping the world in its wake. Magic was everything and nothing all at once—a paradoxical enigma that defied easy categorization or explanation.

With these rules etched into the very core of his being, Lin Xue's consciousness shimmered with newfound clarity. The concept of the 9 Open Stars and their alignment with the 9 Dantian centers within him made him akin to a legion of warriors encapsulated within a single vessel. Each Open Star pulsed with raw potential, and with every stride along his martial path, their radiance only intensified. Unlike traditional cultivation methods, the Open Stars were not mere repositories of power; they were resilient bastions that thrived amidst chaos, flourishing in the face of destruction.

For Lin Xue, this realization was akin to unlocking a hidden reservoir of strength. Every battle and confrontation served not as a threat but as an opportunity for growth. Each strike exchanged, each blow endured, became fuel for his ascension. With every clash, the harmonious dance of his martial arts fed the burgeoning brilliance of his Open Stars, propelling him ever closer to his apex.

The moment to put his newfound power to the ultimate test had arrived. Lin Xue resolved to confront one of the formidable beasts of the Thousand Crossings—a creature of the Spiritual Gathering level, its essence pulsating with the raw energy of Magic. He deemed this encounter the perfect crucible to gauge the depths of his strength.

In the realm of Spiritual Gathering, a rough equivalence was often drawn between the might of ten peak Martial Disciples and that of a single Martial Master. Yet, this comparison was but a crude measure of brute force. The distinction lay not only in power but in the refinement and potency of techniques and skills. A Martial Master's techniques and skills far surpassed that of a Martial Disciple's.

Lin Xue made his way to a King Beast territory, more specifically, the Flying Dragon Serpent.

Legend has it that nestled deep within the rugged, mist-shrouded mountains, lies the domain of the Flying Dragon Serpent, a creature of unparalleled majesty and power. The tale of this legendary beast has been whispered among the people of the land for generations, each retelling embellishing its magnificence.

According to ancient lore, the Flying Dragon Serpent is a colossal creature, with scales as impenetrable as the hardest of stones, shimmering with a lustrous sheen that rivals the radiance of the moon itself. Its sinuous body twists and coils with graceful strength, capable of striking with lightning speed and deadly precision.

The origins of the Flying Dragon Serpent are steeped in mystery and wonder. Some believe it to be the offspring of the celestial dragons that once roamed the skies, while others speculate that it emerged from the depths of primordial waters, imbued with the elemental forces of air and water.

Legends speak of brave warriors who dared to venture into the heart of the Flying Dragon Serpent's territory, driven by the desire for glory or the quest for ancient treasures hidden within its lair. Few who embarked on such perilous journeys ever returned, their tales woven with awe and terror, describing the serpentine guardian that defended its realm with unmatched ferocity.

As he took to the skies, Lin Xue felt the currents of Spiritual energy coursing through him, propelling him upwards with an otherworldly grace. With each beat of his wings, he marveled at the sensation of weightlessness, the sensation of defying the very laws of nature.

Below him, the world unfolded in all its splendor, a tapestry of lush forests, winding rivers, and towering mountains. From his vantage point among the clouds, Lin Xue beheld the beauty of the land with newfound clarity, each detail rendered vivid by the boundless expanse of the sky.

Lin Xue alighted upon the ground, his mastery of the Spiritual Gathering realm lent him a newfound freedom. With his ascension came the extraordinary ability to soar through the heavens, unbound by the constraints of earthly gravity. Unlike magic energy, which demanded considerable exertion to lift a being from the ground, the ethereal nature of Spiritual energy granted effortless flight, a testament to its refined and potent essence.

Lin Xue touched down upon the hallowed grounds of the Flying Dragon Serpent's domain, he sensed the shift in the very fabric of reality around him. His presence alone seemed to command the elements, drawing forth the latent magic energy of the surroundings toward him in a breathtaking display of power. With each influx, the energy flowed into his being, undergoing a profound transformation guided by the celestial dance of the nine open stars, refining it to an unprecedented degree.

The azure hue that suffused the air spoke volumes of the potency of Lin Xue's magic energy, now imbued with a purity that surpassed all that had come before. With this newfound reservoir of power coursing through him, he knew that the limits of his capabilities had been forever expanded. No longer bound by the constraints of mere mortals, Lin Xue could traverse the skies for days on end, his magic reserves seemingly endless.

But it was not only his magic energy that had undergone a metamorphosis. With a shrewd understanding of the strategic advantages that lay in concealment, Lin Xue made the bold decision to mask his spiritual energy, weaving it seamlessly into the fabric of his being. Through subtle manipulation, he ensured that even the most astute observers would be unable to discern the true nature of his power, mistaking it for naught but ordinary spiritual energy.

Though untested, Lin Xue harbored no doubts regarding the might of his spiritual energy. In comparison to the auras emitted by the likes of Fu Hong Tian and his peers, he felt a confidence swell within him, a conviction that he could face even the most formidable adversaries and emerge victorious. With his magic and spiritual energies working in perfect harmony under the guidance of the Universe Stars Method, Lin Xue stood at the top of the control of Magic and Spirit as one.


As the ominous hissing sound pierced the air, Lin Xue's instincts kicked in, prompting him to react with lightning speed. With a fluid motion, he seamlessly transitioned into the "Cascading Creek" form, embodying the relentless force of nature as he unleashed a flurry of swift, agile movements akin to the rushing waters of a cascade. The serpent, caught off guard by Lin Xue's sudden onslaught, was sent hurtling backward with a forceful impact.

Yet, despite the setback, the serpent swiftly regained its composure, its mastery over the wind evident as it stabilized itself with remarkable agility. Lin Xue's keen eyes narrowed as he observed the creature's next move, recognizing the telltale signs of a formidable technique at play. With a whirlwind of motion, the serpent invoked the Tyrant Hurricane Bloodline Art, its two dragon horns spinning with ominous intent.

Amid the confrontation, Lin Xue found himself struck by a startling realization. Memories, not his own, flashed before his eyes, revealing a wealth of knowledge about magic, spirit energy, beasts, and spirits. These were the memories of the Old Tree Spirits, with whom he had fused during a moment of profound transformation. As the fragments of the Spirit's experiences coalesced within his mind, Lin Xue found himself possessed of a calm clarity that belied the chaos of battle.

Among the myriad memories, one stood out with particular significance, prompting a knowing smirk to grace Lin Xue's lips. "I'll have to thank the old man when I see him again," he mused, his confidence unshaken as he prepared to face the serpent with something new up his sleeve.

Lin Xue stood amid the Forest, his sword sheathed and his mind racing with revelations. Memories, not entirely his own, flooded his consciousness, unveiling secrets long forgotten by time.

"This technique," he murmured to himself, his gaze fixed on the gnarled branches overhead, "it seems to be a Palm technique that the Old Tree Spirit stole from a group of people known as the Sky Sovereigns."

He closed his eyes, delving deeper into the recesses of his mind, where the fragments of memories lay scattered like leaves in the wind. Faces and voices flickered before him, whispering secrets of a bygone era.

"The Ethereal Karmic Void Palm," Lin Xue breathed, the name resonating with a sense of ancient power. "In this old Spirit's memories, only the first three stances were listed."

He lowered his hands to his sides, palms open as if reaching out to grasp the threads of destiny itself. The first three stances... What secrets lay hidden within those elusive movements? What truths awaited him on the path ahead?

With a newfound determination, Lin Xue began to practice the stances, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next. He focused his energy, channeling the essence of the technique as if drawing strength from the very roots of the earth.

As he moved, he felt a shift in the air around him, a subtle vibration that seemed to echo with the whispers of ancient spirits. The forest itself seemed to come alive, the trees swaying in rhythm with his movements, as if acknowledging the power he wielded. The three stances are.

Tranquil Ebb Stance: This stance embodies the tranquility of a calm sea, where the ebb and flow of energy are in perfect harmony. Practitioners of Tranquil Ebb Stance draw upon the serene depths within themselves, attuning to the subtle rhythms of the universe. With each movement, they cultivate inner peace and clarity, creating a foundation of stillness from which to wield the power of the Ethereal Karmic Void Palm.

Ethereal Cascade Stance: As practitioners enter the Ethereal Cascade Stance, they become conduits for the primal forces of creation and dissolution. Each gesture sends ripples through the fabric of reality, unleashing a cascade of ethereal energy. Within this stance, the boundaries between the material and immaterial worlds blur, allowing the wielder to tap into the boundless potential of the void. Every movement is a testament to the raw, unbridled power of cosmic forces harnessed by the Ethereal Karmic Void Palm.

Karmic Resonance Stance: Within the depths of the Karmic Resonance Stance, practitioners delve into the intricate tapestry of fate and destiny. They perceive the threads of karma that weave through the universe, connecting all living beings in a web of interdependence. By attuning themselves to these threads, wielders of this stance can manipulate the flow of events, guiding the course of history itself. With each strike, they resonate with the echoes of past deeds and future possibilities, wielding the power of the Ethereal Karmic Void Palm to shape the very fabric of reality.

In a moment of realization, Lin Xue grappled with the enigmatic power before him, grappling with its unfathomable depths. Determined to harness its potential, he opted for the Tranquil Ebb Stance, channeling his spiritual energy in a bid to counter the formidable force arrayed against him.

As his palm surged forth, a surge of intense energy rippled through the air, shattering the hurricane of destruction into mere ashes before his very eyes. The world seemed to momentarily freeze, cast in a stark contrast of black and white as the chaotic tempest dissipated into oblivion.

Yet, victory came at a cost. With a sickening crack, the bones in Lin Xue's palm shattered, sending waves of agonizing pain coursing through his body. The searing sensation was akin to a thousand suns scorching his flesh, leaving him reeling in shock and disbelief.

the searing pain overwhelmed him, Lin Xue's consciousness ebbed away, his body succumbing to the relentless torment. In a moment of unconsciousness, he was thrust away from the epicenter of the serpent's explosion, hurtling through the air until he landed in a distant region inhabited by humans.

Unbeknownst to Lin Xue, the ferocity of his technique had not merely inflicted physical harm upon the serpent; it had unraveled the very essence that tethered the creature to this world. In his unconscious state, Lin Xue inadvertently targeted the core of the serpent's being, shattering its existence with a precision born of desperation. Without its essence, the serpent became an anomaly, an aberration that the natural order of the world could not abide.

Lin Xue lay unconscious near a tree, and two figures approached his body, "Big Sis, who is this." a young girl around 8 or 10 said cheerfully.

The older figure, a woman with gentle eyes and a kind smile, knelt down beside Lin Xue's unconscious form, her expression filled with concern as she studied his features. "I'm not sure, little one," she replied, her voice soft yet tinged with curiosity. "He seems to be injured. We must help him."

With a sense of purpose, the woman gently lifted Lin Xue's body and carried him to the shade of the nearby tree, laying him down with utmost care. The young girl, her eyes wide with wonder, watched intently as her older companion tended to the stranger, fetching water and bandages from their meager supplies.

As the woman worked to revive Lin Xue, the young girl approached him cautiously, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious stranger. "Do you think he's a hero, like the ones in the stories, Big Sis?" she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

The woman smiled at the girl's innocent question, her heart warmed by the child's boundless imagination. "Perhaps," she replied softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from the girl's face. "But heroes come in many forms, little one. Let us simply do what we can to help him."

Together, they tended to Lin Xue's wounds, offering him water and shelter until he stirred awake, his eyes blinking open to the sight of their caring faces.

As Lin Xue's eyes fluttered open, he was greeted by a world shrouded in pain and uncertainty. The remnants of his recent battle lingered in his mind, a reminder of the formidable forces he had faced. Yet, as he attempted to tap into his reserves of magic energy and spiritual power, he was met with a startling realization.

A hollow emptiness pervaded his being, devoid of the familiar thrum of magic energy that had once coursed through his veins. His spiritual energy, too, lay depleted, drained by the exertion of his recent endeavors. Without the magic energy to catalyze its restoration, the road to replenishing his spiritual reserves stretched dauntingly ahead.

With a sense of resignation, Lin Xue realized the gravity of his predicament. The technique he had employed, capable of erasing existences that posed a threat to his own, had exacted a heavy toll upon him. In its wake, he found himself stripped of his most potent abilities, left to contend with the harsh reality of his weakened state.

"Mister, who are you?" the cheerful little girl inquired, her eyes fixated on Lin Xue with unwavering curiosity. A faint blush graced her cheeks, a telltale sign of her robust health, her vitality evident in the pure hue of her blood.

Lin Xue regarded her with a gentle smile, touched by her genuine concern and the kindness she and her companion had shown him. "I am Lin Xue," he replied softly, his voice carrying the weight of his recent trials. "And I am deeply grateful for your assistance. I find myself indebted to your care."

The girl's eyes sparkled with interest as she absorbed his words, her youthful innocence radiating warmth and sincerity. "We found you in the woods three days ago," she continued, her tone brimming with curiosity. "But you were hurt. We've been looking after you ever since."

Lin Xue extended an offer of assistance, eager to repay their kindness and depart, but his current state left him dependent on their hospitality.

"Oh, yes, just what I hoped to hear," the older girl, Lu Fara, chuckled. "Lin Xue, I am Lu Fara, and this is my younger sister, Lu Fey." Lin Xue regarded her with a blank expression, unsure whether he had been duped or if he was simply reciprocating their benevolence.

"I run a flower store in the City marketplace," Lu Fara continued, her tone brimming with self-assurance. "Quite renowned, you know. We stumbled upon you in the woods because I was in need of fresh blooms for my dwindling shop. The trees seemed to be protecting you, shielding you from harm. If you were to work at my store for a year, I would consider our debts forgiven."

Lin Xue's realization hit him like a thunderbolt. He was being manipulated, his vulnerability exploited for their own gain. Lu Fara's proposition amounted to little more than coercion—work for her or face the harsh realities of the world alone. And in his current condition, survival without their support seemed nigh impossible.

With a light chuckle, Lin Xue harbored no ill will towards the two siblings. Despite the circumstances of his predicament, he recognized the practicality of their arrangement. While the younger girl attended the Magic Academy, he would lend his hand at the flower store.

For the first month, Lin Xue rested, allowing his battered body the time it needed to heal. Slowly but surely, minor function returned to his arm, a promising sign of recovery. Then, with newfound determination, he threw himself into his work at the flower store.

Unbeknownst to anyone but Lin Xue himself, his presence had a remarkable effect on the flowers. Each day, as he tended to them with care, they bloomed earlier and with a beauty more captivating than ever before. Little did anyone realize that this phenomenon was a result of Lin Xue's unique connection to the Evergreen Seed and the Spirit Tree Seed.

Fused with these seeds of endless life, Lin Xue unknowingly imbued the flowers with a portion of their vitality. Though he couldn't contain all of their boundless energy, traces of it seeped into the very essence of the flowers, enhancing their overall quality in ways that defied explanation.

Lin Xue immersed himself in the daily rhythm of tending to flowers under Lu Fara's guidance, he underwent a subtle transformation. The rough but nurturing tutelage of his mentor instilled in him a newfound sense of gentleness and grace, qualities that resonated with those around him.

With each passing day, Lin Xue's popularity burgeoned, earning him a reputation as the "Flower Boy of Fuhong City." His striking looks and gentle demeanor captured the admiration of women far and wide, drawing them to the flower store not only for the blooms but also for the chance to converse with him.

Unbeknownst to Lin Xue, his presence had become a magnet for attention, with admirers flocking to the store just to catch a glimpse of him. Yet, amidst the flurry of admiration and attention, Lin Xue remained blissfully oblivious to his own burgeoning popularity.

For him, the simple act of tending to flowers brought a sense of fulfillment and purpose, unaware of the subtle impact he had on those around him. And as he continued his work, his genuine kindness and unwavering dedication only served to further endear him to the hearts of those who crossed his path.

"Good morning, Lin Xue," greeted a customer with a warm smile as she entered the flower shop. "Today, I'd like to purchase a Pink Flower River Lily."

Lin Xue returned the greeting with a friendly nod, his eyes lighting up with genuine enthusiasm as he prepared to fulfill her request. Retrieving the delicate blooms with practiced ease, he arranged them into a beautiful bouquet, ensuring each flower was carefully positioned to accentuate its natural beauty.

"Here you go," Lin Xue said, presenting the bouquet to the customer with a smile. "A Pink Flower River Lily, fresh and vibrant as ever. I hope it brings you joy."

The customer's eyes sparkled with delight as she accepted the bouquet, expressing her gratitude before departing with a spring in her step. And as Lin Xue watched her leave, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had once again played a small part in brightening someone's day with the simple beauty of flowers.

As Lin Xue continued his work among the blooms, he marveled at the diverse array of flowers that adorned the shelves of the flower shop. Each blossom held its own unique charm, captivating him with its delicate hues and intricate patterns.

Among his favorites were the ethereal Cherry Blossoms, their soft pink petals evoking a sense of tranquility and fleeting beauty. He found solace in the graceful elegance of the Calla Lily, admiring its sleek, trumpet-shaped blooms that exuded a timeless sophistication.

Lin Xue also had a fondness for the vibrant hues of the Peony, with its lush, ruffled petals that seemed to burst forth in a riot of color. And he couldn't resist the allure of the fragrant Jasmine, its sweet aroma filling the air with a sense of serenity and calm.

But perhaps his greatest fascination lay with the humble Sunflower, its cheerful yellow petals turning towards the sun with unwavering optimism. To Lin Xue, the Sunflower represented resilience and hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always light to be found.

As he tended to each flower with care and reverence, Lin Xue discovered a newfound appreciation for their beauty and symbolism. And though he had never imagined himself as a lover of flowers, he found himself drawn to their enchanting allure, finding comfort and inspiration amidst their delicate petals and vibrant colors.

Lin Xue looked up from arranging a bouquet as Lu Fey entered the flower shop, her presence bringing a momentary pause to his tasks. Despite the limited space within the store, her cheerful demeanor filled the room with an infectious energy.

"Big Bro Lin," she greeted him with a bright smile, her eyes alight with excitement. "Big Sis said she wants you to take me to the Magic Academy."

Lin Xue's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected request. He couldn't help but wonder what Lu Fara had in mind this time. It seemed there was always a new scheme or plan brewing beneath her seemingly innocent facade.

"Magic Academy?" Lin Xue echoed, a note of skepticism creeping into his voice. "Why does she want me to take you there?"

As he awaited Lu Fey's response, Lin Xue couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Lu Fara's request than met the eye.

"Well, my friends at the academy don't believe that you're my big bro. Could you bring some flowers and help me out?" Lu Fey's words carried a blend of innocence and determination as she made her request.

Lin Xue's smile softened at Lu Fey's earnest request, a gentle warmth spreading within him as he recognized the purity of her trust. In her unwavering belief, he glimpsed a simplicity that often eluded the complexities of adult life, offering a welcome respite from the burdens he carried.

"Of course, Lu Fey," Lin Xue replied with a soft nod, his excitement tinged with a sense of purpose. "I'd be more than happy to help you prove that I'm your big bro."

With a smile plastered on his face, Lin Xue carefully selected an assortment of flowers, each bloom chosen with the precision of an artist crafting a masterpiece, they were quite heavy, and with his current body, he was weaker than Lu Fey. As he prepared to accompany Lu Fey to the Magic Academy, he felt a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins, fueling his resolve to rise to the occasion.

Carefully stepping out of the flower shop, Lin Xue strolled down the bustling streets and winding roads, his pace measured and deliberate. Accompanying Lu Fey to the Magic Academy filled him with a sense of anticipation, mingled with a tinge of nervousness at the unfamiliarity of the journey.

"Lu Fey, could you hold these for me? My arms are feeling quite tired," Lin Xue requested, offering her the bouquets of flowers he had prepared for the occasion.

With a quick snatch, Lu Fey took the bouquet from his hands, her remark dripping with playful jest. "Big bro, you really are weak," she teased, her words laced with innocent humor.

Though her remark irked him slightly, Lin Xue refrained from responding. He couldn't deny the truth in her words—he was indeed weakened compared to the spirited young girl beside him. Instead, he chose to focus on the task at hand, determined to accompany Lu Fey to the Magic Academy with as much grace and dignity as he could muster.

During their stroll toward the Magic Academy, Lin Xue found himself waving at familiar faces along the way, his smile warm and welcoming. Yet, he couldn't help but notice a curious pattern—most of the passersby who eagerly greeted him, were women.

Perplexed by this observation, Lin Xue couldn't fathom why flowers seemed to hold such a strong allure for the female population. Despite his months of experience at the flower shop, he had never fully grasped the extent of their appeal.

As they continued their peaceful walk, Lin Xue couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that lingered in his mind. Perhaps there was more to the enchanting power of flowers than he had previously realized, a mystery waiting to be unraveled amidst the petals and blooms that adorned the streets of their city.

As Lin Xue and Lu Fey reached the gates of the Magic Academy, they found them closed, indicating that they had arrived a bit early. With twenty minutes left until the gates opened and classes began, they had a brief window of time to prepare.

Lin Xue couldn't help but notice Lu Fey struggling to hold the bouquet of flowers, which were nearly as large as she was. He felt a pang of sympathy for her, knowing the burden she carried. Normally, he would have stored the flowers in his storage bag to lighten her load, but he hesitated.

Despite his desire to help, Lin Xue knew that accessing his storage bag required a certain amount of magic power. Unfortunately, his current condition left him depleted, unable to tap into the magical reserves needed to open and close the space within the bag.

With a heavy sigh, Lin Xue glanced at Lu Fey, his heart filled with a mixture of guilt and determination. Though he couldn't alleviate her burden in that moment, he vowed to find a way to make it up to her, even if it meant enduring his own limitations for the time being.

they approached the gates of the Magic Academy, Lu Fey was quickly surrounded by a group of excited children eagerly awaiting Lin Xue's arrival. Despite his presence, they seemed completely absorbed in their anticipation, paying him little heed.

Before Lin Xue could process what was happening, Lu Fey exclaimed, "Here he is, my big bro Flower Boy!" His introduction seemed to ignite a frenzy among the children, who swarmed around him with unbridled enthusiasm.

Feeling overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of attention, Lin Xue found himself unable to resist as the kids engulfed him in their excitement. His weakened body struggled against the onslaught, his attempts to voice his concerns drowned out by the clamor of youthful exuberance.

Yet, just as he felt on the verge of being consumed by the crowd, Lu Fey's voice cut through the chaos. "Guys, come over here," she called out, drawing their attention away from Lin Xue. "Look at all these flowers my big bro got for you."

With her guidance, the children redirected their focus to the bouquet of flowers in Lin Xue's hands, their expressions lighting up with wonder and delight. And as Lin Xue watched their faces light up with joy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Lu Fey for her quick thinking and unwavering support.

Amidst the flurry of excitement, Lin Xue began to calm the children by distributing individual flowers to each of them. With gentle hands, he offered them blooms of various shapes and colors, each carefully selected to match the unique personalities of the children.

As he handed out the flowers, Lin Xue took a moment to inspire them, instilling a sense of responsibility and purpose. With a soft smile, he leaned in close to each child, whispering a small goal into their ears: to keep their flower alive until the next time they met.

For some, it was a simple task, while for others, it posed a challenge they were eager to accept. Regardless of their initial reaction, Lin Xue's words ignited a spark of determination within each child, filling them with a sense of pride and purpose.

With their newfound goals in mind, the children clutched their flowers tightly, their eyes shining with determination. Lin Xue watched them depart with renewed enthusiasm, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had planted the seeds of inspiration within their young hearts.

With a soft whoosh, the gates of the Magic Academy swung open, and the students began to file in, each holding their flowers as if they were the most cherished possessions. Lin Xue patiently waited until the last child remained—a small boy standing hesitantly with a person looming over him.

The boy's eyes were filled with longing as he gazed at the bouquet of flowers, but the man beside him seemed determined to hurry him along into the academy. Despite the boy's silent plea, the man refused to let him go, pulling him along by the arm.

Lin Xue's heart went out to the boy, sensing his desire for a flower of his own. Ignoring the strain on his own body, he sprinted over, his muscles protesting with each step. It was the first time he had run since his injuries, but he pushed through the pain, driven by a desire to help.

Reaching the boy's side, Lin Xue plucked the last remaining flower from the bouquet—a magnificent King Blue Spider Lily. He offered it to the boy with a gentle smile, his voice warm and reassuring.

"Young fellow, I noticed you eyeing the flowers. Would you like this one?" he asked, extending the flower towards the boy.

The boy said nothing, his shyness evident in his hesitant demeanor. But he accepted the flower with a grateful nod, his eyes lighting up with a mixture of joy and surprise.

Lin Xue's heart swelled with warmth as he watched the boy clutch the flower tightly, a sense of hope blooming within him. Before the boy could disappear into the academy, Lin Xue leaned down and spoke to him once more.

"Little boy, can you promise me something?" he asked softly.

The boy nodded eagerly, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"The next time we meet, I want to see this flower," Lin Xue continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "Can you help me take care of it until then?"

The boy nodded again, a bright smile spreading across his face as he followed the other students into the academy, the King Blue Spider Lily held tightly in his hand. Lin Xue watched him go, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for the future, knowing that even the smallest gesture could make a world of difference in someone's life.

First Chapter of the Second Vol. Please tell me your thoughts or any mistakes I've made.

Abstract2creators' thoughts