

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - A NOVEL

It was the 6 th period now . Maya asked for permission to go to the ground for selection of basketball from the respective teacher. She went with Niya . After she came Maya saw boys playing basketball they all looked like they were her seniors ( in 12 th standard) except 2,3 .

" Why are there boys here Niya , are they also here for selection?"

" No, they all are already selected they are practicing for the upcoming basketball tournament"

" A tournament sounds interesting where is it going to be held and when ? "

" Hey girl in case you are forgetting I am not in the basketball team nor I am a teacher or a peon how am I supposed to know that ?"

" Is that ... ohk"

A loud voice came from the other side of the ground it was from the P.E. sir who was calling out Maya .

" Good you are on time , then let's start ." - P.E. sir

" Yes sir "

" Do you know the rules of basketball and how to play basketball?"

" Yes , sir but not all rules "

" Alright then let's see you play first "

Maya started playing basketball with the boys that were playing before . She played really well and surprised everyone by her skills though it was only possible by the help of her powers but they didn't knew that did they .

" Good job Maya you did a really great job , now you just need to learn all the rules about this game , learn it today if possible and come to me tomorrow I will personally select you officially in the basketball team "

" Alright sir thank you very much "

" Now that you are already here why not just practice basketball with these fellows if you make a mistake they can correct you "

" Ohk sir "

" Alright then let's start playing, first of all my name is Aditya you can call me that " - unknown senior

" My name is Maya nice to meet you , please help me with my game "

" alright let's start , everyone take your positions "

They all played basketball for about 25 minutes after that they took a rest .

" Wow Maya you are cool girl " - Niya

" Hmm.. really thanks, by the way bro where is this music coming from ?"

" Oh It looks like dance sir is teaching dance to students these kind of things happen in our school often".

" Wow that sounds interesting can I go and watch "

" Alright alright , how happy you are just listening to it" - Niya starts laughing

" Hihihi we didn't have dance and all practices in our previous school "

" Oh I see , are you interested in dance ?"

" Yes I am "

" oh really you can come and dance in the practice room whenever you want just need to tell Aman sir ( dance teacher ) about it "

" Really ohk ohk "

Maya talked to Aman sir and asked for his permission to dance in the practice room whenever she want and he actually said yes because not many senior side students are interested in dance cause of studies , infact he was quite happy too .And just after that P.E. Sir called Maya .

" Maya he is the sports captain and he will be selecting you in the team as in now "

That captin was Vihaan yes the jerk who ACCIDENTALLY crushed her toes and because of him her lunch all fell down and got totally wasted .

" Oh , it's you hello again my name is Vihaan "

" Hello Brother Vihaan , myself Maya "

" Ah you can just call me Vihaan no need for honorifics, I am just 1 year older than you "

" Oh it's ohk , so shall we start now "

" Ah right "

He observed Maya's game carefully and was also dumbstruck by her skills . Maya got selected after that she rushed to go back to class with Niya .

" Niya tell me something, this Brother vihaan he doesn't even play sports why is he even the sports captain?"

" Well the thing is that he used to be good at sports but after being selected as a sports captain and a prefect he cut off himself for about a year from sports because of his heavy responsibilities"

" Oh , I see "

All the other left periods were spent in a boring atmosphere, after the school finished Maya's father came to pick her up and on the way she ate samosas. After coming to home she slept soundly without a care as she was really tired . Maya had a strange dream in that dream it was all dark like pitch black Maya saw a beam of light she followed it and found herself in front of a mirror , the other side of the mirror had a projection of Maya's life but in a different way . In there she saw a helpless Maya who doesn't have any powers and is so weak that can't even protect herself and everything is just getting out of control in her life then suddenly Maya opened her eyes it was 7:30 in the evening at that time . Maya got scared she thought that dream could actually become true maybe , maybe if one day she loses her powers then what is she gonna do as she is totally dependent on it she decided that she will become strong .

" Mama I would like to learn boxing and wrestling"

" it is actually a good thing that you think so but why so suddenly "

" I just want to be independent in some way "

Maya's mother smirked

" Alright , I will talk to your father about it when he comes home , now that I think about it he has been quite busy lately "

Maya knew the reason behind his busyness cuz she was the cause of it she wished her father's business to be splendid and he gets more and more big offers .

" Then , I am going back to my room "

Maya after coming to her room started reading her favourite novel " I will always love you " which can also be considered as her favourite novel she had atleast read it 10 times now that much she liked it , it was invetiable, rather than saying she liked I would most pleasingly say that she hated it cuz of the weak female lead the stupid male lead the cringe plots and whatsoever " I mean who proposes a girl with a banner are you kidding me "

and that really was true , what she liked about it was the badass villians in the novel .

Maya's phone started ringing it was Harshika's call she called to ask for the school assignment and soon after asking she hung up the phone .

" Can I go inside a novel with my powers ?" - Maya thought

That may seem to know ridiculous but her power was actually so amazing that there was exactly nothing she couldn't not do with it .

" Should I try?"

" I wish to go inside my favourite novel ' I Will Always Love You ' as a side character who doesn't appear in the novel "

Maya found herself inside the novel soon after she was sleeping on a soft bed , She standed up in a haste and saw her appearance in the mirror .

" This is me ?"

The appearance of the girl she had taken over was as beautiful as the first snow in winter , eyes looks as cold as a snowstorm sometimes but sometimes as warm as sun rays , she has reddish blue eyes which was definitely possible to have inside a novel . Her appearance looked more like dominating. The most important thing was that this girl was really beautiful she had light pink hairs with a little blush on her cheeks and white pale skin .

" Now the first thing I need to do is to know everything about this girl , ' I wish to recall every memory of the original owner of this body ' "