

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Maya was stunned seeing herself in a morgue . " A morgue seriously nice that's a nice start " . Maya got her eyes on a body unexpectedly it was Caliphs grandfather it was his body . He was the only person who actually loved Caliph .

" This just doesn't makes sense , according to the storyline he should be alive until Caliphs coming of home and wasn't he suppose to be his biggest support when Caliph takes over his family businesses , why this change ? "

Maya got Ravens memory and saw how she found herself here she was stalking Caliph that's how she found herself here , but a question still was in Maya's mind . " Why is his body in a morgue , why isn't it buried ?"

Maya got back home where she saw the usual Caliph and the usual family of Ravens just that Caliph eyes looked more empty than before more lifeless than before is this the impact ?

" Cal , I want to talk to you , shall we go for. a walk in the garden ?"

" sure Rav "

There was an awkward silence between them for the first time .

" Rav don't you have something to say to me ? "

" Uhh , uhm yeah actually there is .

Cal are you hiding something from me ?"

Caliph stared at her in a daze as if he had seen her through just waiting for her to take a step forward.

" You must have already knew . Yes , my grandpa hi died "

" You must be really aggrieved right?"

" Huh, didn't you saw me earlier at the morgue you should know better than anyone how I feel "

" ----- I am sorry I didn't mean to follow.."

" It's alright I know you did it only because you care for me you don't have to be sorry about it"

Maya was stunned for a second seeing how mature the little boy had become than before is this the development process of a villian in a 5 rated novel , that's quite impressive.

" You see Rav he was murdered , scoffs and I am so helpless that I couldn't even help him "

" It's not your fault Cal you already did your best afterall you are just a 12 year old boy "

" That's true but.."

" Alright you don't need to regret anything. And I wanted to tell you that it's ohk to sad and it's ok to cry in front of me if you are not comfortable to with others I would never tease you for it , so you can clearly show your emotions in front of me no need to hold back "

Listening to Ravens words Caliph burst into tears all his suppressed feelings from before came rushing . Caliph was only thinking one thing that he can lose anyone in this world but not Raven . Caliph cried for an hour or so near the fountain while Raven patting his back to make him comfortable, after crying for an hour he slept on her lap like a cute puppy .

" Good timing Lapis help me carry Caliph to his room and be sure not to tell anyone about it "

" Alright miss "

Maya couldn't sleep that night she continued to think about Caliph how devastated he was . She wanted to ask him about how was he murdered who was the culprit and many other questions but she just couldn't bring herself to ask him those things after seeing him in so much pain .

" Hello , yes been a long time .

Do you have time tomorrow I would like to meet you .

yes obviously I will pay you . Alright let's meet at Yous Cafe at 9:30 a.m. "

Maya slept after making that call . The next day it was Sunday Caliph was still sleeping which has happened first time cuz Caliph is the one who wakes up first so no one disturbed him too . After eating breakfast Maya went out for her appointment at Yous Cafe .

" Do not disturb me until I myself call you " - to the bodyguards

" Hii my little kitty how are you I missed you sooo much.."

" Can you please shut up if you have forgotten let ms remind you we are here for a proper business . And how many times do I have to tell you not to call me with these wierd names "

" Good to see you too , so what is it you want my help with ? " - spy and detective ( Rowan)

" Hmm , I need you to find out everything about this person I mean his cause of death files and all the medical reports related to him "

" Hmm .. let's see , Alright this task will be a little difficult though are you ready to pay me handsomely "

" Try to do it again and you will be dead "

" Oh , come on can't I even joke about something, has our relationship have come to that point "

" Except we didn't had a relationship to begin with , alright I have given you the files containing the persons information text me when you find something "

" Can't you atleast first finish this coffee with me ( pout) "

" Fine , but this will be the last time " .