
Chapter 1

                    Sora-Melissa Soyer

It's the first night of summer and so it's the beginning of the presentation ceremony. The time I dreaded all year. 

Moonlight floods the room casting ghostly shadows on the floor boards. The melody from a violin slices through the air gracefully. The night is almost peaceful.

The Presentation ceremony was a tradition to all packs around the world, which entails each member greeting the new werewolf king— King Theodore Black The Nightwing pack has the honour of hosting the ceremony. The last presentation ceremony was seventeen years ago. I have a faint memory of my three year old self being stuffed in a tiny white dress quite uncomfortably.

"Sora we are going to be late!" I hear Callum, my brother shout followed by his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

A vision crosses my mind of the conversation that was about to happen. I couldn't control the vivid images of tonight continuing to play out. I see myself standing infront of the crowd and the entire werewolf community bowing row by row. The King takes my hand, his face his nothing but a blur of grotesque dark images.

"Sora!" The vision vanishes and is placed with a worried Callum. "Your eyes, did you see something?"

I turn to the mirror across from my bed, my once brown orbs are glowing grey. My caramel skin appears sickly pale.

"Just a stupid possibility of the near future." I didn't understand my visions. They always scared me but I learn to keep them to myself. Knowing even the slightest outcome of the future can burden even a wolf but it's a burden I had no choice of accepting.

He sits at the end of the bed and gives me a pointed look. " Are you worried?"

"Of course not," I lied through my teeth then added the most authentic smile that I could manage.

The first year of college has ended and I still hadn't find my mate. Worried is an understatement. I have to face the pack tomorrow when the festivities die down.

"Great! Then get dressed." He leaves and like clock work my father enters the room a few moments later.

"I got something for you." He says grinning. He holds a wooden box in his hands. His power filled the room with each step but I didn't cower away from him. I had grown use to his strong beta presence and had stop feeling intimidated.

"Your mother would want you to have this."

I take the box from his hands and place it next to me. He shifts awkwardly, running his hands through his soft greyish black hair. He turns on his heels and retreats to the door.

"Dad." I call for the first time since I had returned home two days ago.

"Yes?" He turns and answers eagerly.

"Do you miss her?"

He walks back towards me, I move the box and allow him to sit. It was obvious that the structure of my bed could not manage his frame.

"I will always miss her." He answers, placing a hand on my head.

"How comes you aren't sad?"

"Because if I do that then all three of us will stay sad."

"I suppose you are right."

He places a kiss on my temple before leaving. I push myself off the bed and scrambled to the closest. My dress for tonight was already hand picked by my father, since I had absolutely no interest in going anywhere this summer. My father always kept my brother and I on a straight path. After my mom died from a unforseen rouge attack when I was only fourteen;  I was unwilling to continue to adhere to pack life. My father did everything to make us appear normal and it worked. If it weren't for him, I would have slipped beneath my depression and stay there.

Callum on the hand deals with his grief through aggression. He trains harder almost every day after her death. On days that he wasn't rolling in the dirt, he was in his room, away from the watchful eyes of the pack members who were wait for one of us to snap.

The nude gown had an uneven hem, short at the front brushing my knees and long at the back reaching the floor. The lacey selves went down to my wrist but my shoulder remains bare for everyone to see that I was unmarked—All apart of my father's plan to help me find my non-existing mate.

My mother being a true blood witch and my father a pure werewolf; It's harder for hybrids to find a mate or even connect to our animalistic side. Callum transformed at twelve years old, two years above the normal transformation for average wolves. Hybrid wolves normally transforms at twenty-two.

I can sense my wolf but I try to block the connection. She's too sensitive; something that I can't afford to be at the moment.

I take one more glance at myself the made my way to car. Callum was neatly dressed in his dark blue tux and my father wore something  similar in a black. It takes half an hour before we pulled up in front of a large, white, brightly lit mansion that is secluded at the entrance of the woods.

The crowd almost makes me sick. Every eyes seem to be scrutinizing me. It was expected, Alphas and betas were considered to be royalty, that consideration extended to their children.

The hall was packed with werewolves from all around the globe. The makeshift throne sits empty upon the platform. People were becoming restless as the night looms on.

The King is either fashionable late or decided to that his subjects weren't worthy of his time. I pray that it was the latter. Being spot lighted in the presence of such a  powerful creature wasn't something I was looking forward to experiencing. Everyone is estatic.

The air becomes overwhelmed with a new sense of authority. It sent electric sparks dancing on my skin. The smell filled my nostrils and I feel alive for the first time in years. The chattering died down. The most handsome creature I could imagine steps on to the platform. His hair dark raven hair was brushed back neatly and a golden crown rests on his head. He sports a black tux with a pair of black combat boots. His head snaps towards the crowd and his grey eyes lands on me.

I was drawn to him, like moth to flame. His eyes darken and he almost steps down from the platform but a guard stops him by handing a stack of paper. He breaks our transe but I still found myself trapped as if I needed to get to him and be in his arms.

I move through the crowd, and pass the a few members who ready to present their selves to the King. The King that I'm about to walk up to.

I couldn't stop my heels from stepping on the large plateform, a few metres away from the gorgeous creature I needed to get to. I watch as he hand the papers back to guard and turns to crowd then to me.

Those eyes were on me, everyone's eyes were on me. He studies me as I walk closer to him, a guard came to stop me but the King stops him with a flick of a hand. The murmurs were nothing but a distance noise.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but when I got to him, I was so close that I could feel his breath fanning my temple. He towered over my frame but I wasn't intimidated.  His hands went to my waist and brought me closer to him. Sparks erupted from were his hands are.

My hands went to his collar, pulling him closer to me. A growl erupted from his chest.

"You are mines Sora."  My name roles of his tongue with ease, his husky voice made me pull him closer.

"You know my name" I  mumble focusing on his lips.

"I am the King, it's my duty to know the Kingdom little one." He whispers softly.

"You smell amazing." I tighten my grip on his collar and he chuckles slightly.

"Do you want me to claim you right here?"

"Yes Theodore."

He smirks at the sound of his name. "You are tempting me my angel and if my wolf should have his way he would do it right here and now." His hold my me loosens and he steps back. He turns to crowd and I was unsure what to do or what in world just happened.

"To everyone here tonight, I accept the presentation of Sora-Melissa Soyer as both a member of werewolf community and as my mate."

My eyes grew wide at the word 'Mate'. I'm his mate. That's my mate. I think I'm going to faint. I need to lie down.

One of guards leads me off the platform and Theodore continues the ceremony. His voice booms across the room.

My brother receives me and leads me to the car. I was sure why we were leaving but I was tok caught up the fact that I found my mate.

"Why are we leaving?"

" The guards said King mind link orders to get you home. The King will receive you tomorrow."

Receive me? Does that mean I will have to go with him.