
Their She Wolf

Women have never survived the bite. Women were never born as wolves. In the pack's history, that has never happened. That all changed when Katya Nix crossed into pack territory while they were hunting, when she felt the teeth ripping into her leg like white hot knives tearing at her flesh, changing life as they knew it. There must be more than meets the eye when it comes to Katya, because what makes this girl so different from other women in the past? It is a question that werewolves around the world ask as news of the first female werewolf is spread, causing tension when predators line up at Lachlan Manor to take a bite out of the newest addition to the North American Pack. How will the pack deal with this danger? Will they protect their newest member, or will they leave her out with the wolves?

Jazmine_Bowman · Fantasy
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1 Chs


She never heard them. She never saw them.

Not until it was too late.

Now, giving up her hopes on a nice evening walk through the woods, Katya was running for her fucking life.

The sound of howls and paws hitting the Earth made her heart beat inside her chest, beating so hard she swore it was fighting to bust out of her rib cage, desperate to abandon her to the death that was close on her tail.

Why she thought it would be a good idea to go off into the woods alone, she had no idea. Growing up around the trees could make her forget how dangerous the forest could be, but this wood was a stranger to her. She was only in town to visit the local university, she was supposed to be a guest speaker at the Anthropology class tomorrow morning. A morning she would no doubt miss as she heard the wolves get closer.

Katya tried to jump over a small stream, her foot slipping as it landed in the damp moss covering the ground. She glanced over her shoulder, a small gasp leaving her lips as she saw the animal only a few paces away, its pack further away. The wolf picked up speed as she began to push herself up, only making it a few feet when she felt teeth sink into her calf.

A loud, pained scream tore its way out of her throat as she fell. The wolf growls as it clamped down harder when she kicked at it with her free leg, another scream tearing from her when a blurred shadow jumped over her and tackled the animal. She stared up at the sky as a sob racked through her, the sound of growls and yelps filling the air around her as she felt her leg throb painfully.

Katya sucked in a breath as she pulled herself over on to her stomach, pulling herself up and leaning against a tree as she tried to get away. A sharp yelp echoed through the air as she pushed herself forward, away from the fight in the river. Her body was hot, sweat trickling from her hairline as she forced herself to limp forward. A gasp left her lips as her foot caught on something, her body pitching forward toward the ground when warm arms wrapped around her.

"I got you." A muffled voice whispered as they pulled her to them, a sharp cry leaving her lips as they lifted her up, their arm hitting against her calf as their arm looped under her knees. "I'm so sorry this happened." The voice continued before they began to run, rushing her through the trees as her head became heavy. Sweat ran down her face, her heart racing as she felt a heaviness run through her body, her eyes rolling back as she fell limp in his arms.