

The next day of confinement in the hospital, I got discharged. Luckily my doctors took pity on me and let me out of the asylum. Joke. The hospital. I dream of working in one too in the near future. Just let me crawl to my undergraduate diploma. It was already a Monday morning and my parents busied themselves preparing for breakfast and I was on the table, waiting for everybody to finish their tasks.

When mom and dad sat down in front of me, we ate breakfast and as usual, attention is on me. "Geiyianne, your medicines, have you packed it?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Dad."

"Do you want us to drive you to school?" Mom asked.

"I can drive…" They both stared at me like I was lying. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"Geiyianne." Mom's tone got deeper. I sighed.

"What is the purpose of asking when you already have an answer?" I said with a clipped tone. I hate these moments when I have episodes. The after-care given is driving me insane when I can just go back to my usual routine on and off school.

After eating, my Dad dropped me off school and almost gave me a list of what to do and what not to do. Exasperating? Yes. But I know I love my parents too much that's why I can't blame them.

Then after a long day of classes, I am now seated in the cafeteria alone because I can't even find Paige and Jamie anywhere. I was about to take a bite from my panini when Victor came into view and just sat in front of me. I shrugged my shoulders and continued my grub.

"I heard you were hospitalized," he asked.

I pulled my head up and stared at him. "Who informed you that?"

"Paige and Jamie. Are you okay though? Shouldn't you be resting?"

I waved my hand, dismissing the thought of even resting. "I'm alright. I mean, the doctors discharged me, assuming I am alright. But I am. I would go insane if I stayed one more day in the hospital."

He nodded and started eating.

I still sense a lot of eyes prying at us because of this devilishly hot young man in front of me casually eating his burger, but why do I feel like I am watching a burger commercial? I mean this lad right here can be marketed to the audience. I know that he came from Denmark and I have some vague memories there. It feels like a dream, but my doctors told me that is how my memories should be recalled with my condition.


"You live in Copenhagen, right?"

He nodded and just looked at me. He put down his burger. "Why?"

"Nothing. Just curious how it looks like. I feel like I have been in Denmark before, but I cannot even think when. My doctors told me, I should always acknowledge my dreams or memories. But I don't even know how to distinguish both."

"Hmm… Well, Copenhagen is a very beautiful place. I'm sure you would love it there. Why don't you try to go to Denmark to see for yourself if you have memories there?"

"I'm still trying to finish my studies. But I would definitely go there."

"If only I have no need to step out of my comfort zone there in Denmark, I wouldn't have left."

I nodded and continued my meal. We were silently eating. I wish I can only go there to prove if I can recall any memories there. I am too afraid to even ask my parents because they would be worried. I will go there soon. I can feel it.

It had been three weeks since I have been discharged. Victor and I are getting along well and most of the time, I am with him rather than my friends. Right now, we're in the library studying for an exam tomorrow. He was very smart, and I see that he is very committed in learning more, that's what I admire on him the most. Although my friends are shipping me to him, I cannot be swayed with the fact that I am to finish my studies first.

I stared at him and saw his brow furrowed on the topic he was reading. I smiled, and I have to go back to reading about the whole muscular system and the diseases. We were both asking each other questions and when we have something wrong, we don't tell the answer right off the rack. We make it hard by testing one's memory and driving us to getting the answer ourselves.

We were already in the library for three hours. About to leave, a pool of security detail ran in front of our desk. I was surprised that Victor held my hand to assure me it's fine.

"Yes?" asked Victor in a very clipped tone.

"Your father, Sir…" The security's voice failed. Victor hurriedly stood up. He was all alert all of a sudden. "He's in critical condition. You need to return to Copenhagen immediately."

Then I saw him hold onto the desk for support. I stood up and went to him and tried to help. "You have to leave now, Victor. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I think you're needed. It's your dad."

He nodded and hugged me tightly. I had to reciprocate, and I pat his back. "I will see you soon. I promise." His words struck me. I felt that loud banging in my chest that is inconsolable. He took my hand and kissed the top of it. He nodded to the guards and he went first. I didn't know what was happening and this was all of a sudden. With the whirlwind pace of events, I didn't keep track.

A guard looked at me and he immediately bowed down low to me and the others did the same. I have nod at them and just watch them leave after bowing. Why ever would they bow to me? I just followed Victor being escorted out of the library and I felt that there's something wrong. Now that I am able to absorb everything, why was there a need of escorts?

I shook my head and went out of the library. I was about to step out of the building when I see the car opening. I saw that elegant old woman from our house some weeks ago who was my parents' friend, Victoria. She was crying so hard and she hugged Victor tightly. He hugged her back and they went in the car. Wait, they know each other? I wonder what kind of family Victor has. I'm sure it's a very rich family.

But whatever family he is from, I wish his Dad will be well. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and saw Paige and Jamie behind me.

"Something happened?" Paige asked.

"Victor's dad is critical, so he needs to return home."

"Oh! Is Victor okay?"

"I guess. But I'm wondering what kind of family Victor has." I shook my head and went on with my day.

I'm still holding onto what Victor said. It makes my heart flutter and I don't even know why the heck I feel like this. Is it because I don't realize the fact that I'm slowly liking that guy?

Mom and Dad were watching a football league when three knocks on the door was heard. I stood up and opened the door, it showed me a tall man in black suit.

"Is Mr. and Mrs. Morgan here?" he asked.

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I am from the Danish Court. May I speak to your parents?"

I nodded and let him in our house and lead him to the living room. Mom and Dad immediately saw him, and they were both surprised like they know him. I just sat on the couch, eating my taco, while listening to them.

"I was sent here from the Court to inform you that your family's presence is requested in Amalienborg."

"Who requests my family there?" asked Dad.

"The Queen and the Queen Mother, Sir."

The Queen? Oh, yeah. Denmark is run by a monarchy. But how did my parents know the royal family there and why are they being asked to go there?

"You need to be there immediately as the King is in critical condition."

"Alright, we will go there at once."

"Of course, we will escort you, Sir."

After some minutes this guy left the house and my mom and dad sat beside me.

"Gei, we have to leave today." Mom said.

"But what about school?" I asked. I'm more concerned about my school than anything else right now.

"We can have you on leave of absence but right now, we're summoned by the royal family. We have to be there."

"I mean, can't that wait?"

"Geiyianne, no. This is a grave matter we need to attend to."

"How did you know about the royal family?"

"We are friends long before. Our families have already set ties."

"Please, pack now, Geiyianne. The plane is probably waiting for us. It's something we need to do immediately. We will give you answers when we get to Denmark, okay?"

"Alright." I marched going to my room and started packing. What kind of answers will my parents give me? Maybe my family knows the royal family closely that's why I have vague memories of being in Copenhagen. It's actually a lot of memories but I can't seem to have the full picture of it.

Maybe I would be able to grab some answers or memories when I get there. I had a feeling that I might be seeing Denmark soon but now it's too fast. All of a sudden, I gain a trip to Denmark.

I busied myself into packing my most important stuff and I happen to come across this wooden box. I opened it and saw a ring. I never seen this before. I took the ring and examined it. It was two stones placed beside each other. One stone is blue and the other is clear like a diamond. The band was made out of this white gold material, I think that looks like vines crawling to the stones holding it together. It was beautiful, and I don't even know where or who gave it to me? I placed the ring inside my hand carry, continued packing.

Later, I saw an old photo of me. It looks like me. I don't remember how this photo happened to me. I was standing in front of a palace complex, I can't recall where. I don't even dare to ask my parents about it because I just found this in the carton box of my things when I got out of the hospital since that accident.

I finished packing and ran down the stairs. My parents were already done with theirs and was just waiting for me. We all went out the house and I questioned myself of how long are we staying in Denmark? What kind of ties my parents had with the royal family of Denmark? I have a lot in mind.

The parade of three cars on convoy was again in sight and I suddenly remembered that Victor was from Denmark and he was also summoned immediately back to his country because his father was ill. They could not be possibly related to the royal family. There is a lot of rich families in Denmark, so, for sure, Victor might just be an aristocrat.

I will see you soon, I promise… His promise! It came true! I might be seeing him soon if only I can find Victor in Denmark. My family went in the cars and we went straight ahead to the airport where a private plane awaits us. I boarded the plane and I am excited and terrified of what Denmark has to offer to me.