
The Z legacy


On the planet Zorphia, where human-like aliens with superpowers thrived, King Alpharain lay on his deathbed, his powers waning. He summoned his two sons, Lebo and Rext, to his chambers. Lebo, the younger son, possessed the extraordinary ability to manipulate reality with his words. Alpharain decreed that Rext, the elder son, would succeed him, bypassing Lebo. This decision sparked a devastating war between the brothers, ultimately destroying planet Zorphia.

Chapter 1 - Escape to Earth

Lebo, fleeing the destruction, crash-landed on Earth. He wandered the desolate landscape, his powers weakened. In a small village, he met Ishar, a kind-hearted woman who nursed him back to health. They fell deeply in love, and their union produced a son, Jade.

Chapter 2 - The Young Jade

Jade, half-human and half-Zorphian, inherited Lebo's reality-manipulating powers. As he grew, his abilities intensified. Lebo trained him to control his powers, but Jade's curiosity often got the better of him. When Jade turned 16, Lebo fell ill with an incurable disease.

Chapter 3 - The Uncle's Revenge

Rext, seeking to claim the throne of Zorphia, discovered Jade's existence and set out to eliminate him. Rext arrived on Earth, his malevolent presence darkening the skies. In a horrific confrontation, Rext mistakenly killed Ishar, leaving Jade consumed by grief and anger.

Chapter 4 - The Quest for Revenge

Jade dedicated his life to honing his powers, fueled by a burning desire for revenge against Rext. He faced numerous challenges, battling formidable foes and overcoming treacherous landscapes. His powers grew stronger, but his obsession with vengeance threatened to consume him.

Chapter 5 - The Final Confrontation

Jade finally confronted Rext on a desolate, war-torn planet. The battle raged, reality distorting as the two clashed. Jade's powers surged, unleashing a maelstrom of destruction. Rext, realizing his mistake in killing Ishar, begged for mercy. Jade, his anger and sorrow boiling over, delivered a crushing blow, ending Rext's reign of terror.


Jade, now the rightful heir to the throne of Zorphia, stood victorious but scarred. He returned to Earth, his powers diminished, his heart heavy with the weight of his journey. He vowed to use his abilities for the greater good, honoring his father's legacy and his mother's memory.