
The Zombie Horde

Damien is just your average security guard working at an apartment complex when one day his whole world changes. Join him in his adventure as a monster reborn. Will he save the world or will he be the one to destroy it. “What’s the point of humanity when you’re an undead?”

Anbuhero · Fantasy
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9 Chs


What he saw was a middle age woman biting the neck of another younger female on the floor. Blood and pieces of flesh covering the middle age woman's mouth as she continued to chew on the younger females neck. Damien stared at this scene shocked before coming to his senses and turning around to run. But before he could he was blocked by a man with red eyes staring at him creepily on the stairwell. Before the man could lunge at him, Damien slammed the door shut to his face.

He then turned back to the woman casually chewing on her meal. Before running and kicking her head right to the wall. Damien has seen zombie movies before and his fight or flight senses kicked in right there and then for self preservation. He knew the only choice he had was to kill this undead woman and run in to the open apartment that most likely belonged to the other dead female on the floor before he is beset by these zombies. So as the woman fell to the ground Damien then went and crushed her skull under his boot before running in the apartment and locking the door behind him.

He went ahead and checked every room in the apartment to look for any living being or dead creatures. When he finished he sighed in relief and laid down on the floor thinking about his current predicament. It seems the world has gone to shit.

Before he could take a breather all of a sudden a message window flashes before his eyes.

"Dungeon initiated. Full game initiated. Welcome to the new system put in place for this new world. Main Objective: Survive."

Next another screen pops up detailing his description and stats.

Name: Damien

Age: 23

Str: 5

End: 5

Agi: 6

Int: 7

Skills: None

Abilities: None

"Please take note that the average stats for humans is 5."

After reviewing the message window Damien having experience with games, animes, and Webnovels regarding these situations quickly looks around for a weapon. In the kitchen there was several knives and a detachable head metal mop. He grabs the biggest knife in the set and detaches the head off the mop and prepares for the battle ahead. He pushes down a table on its side and stacks a couple of chairs to block the entrance to the kitchen. After completing his make shift barricade the door breaks open as 3 zombies storm inside the living room. Seeing the zombies Damien prepares his makeshift metal spear while holstering his knife in one of his big pockets in case he loses his main weapon. As the first zombie looking to be the man in the stairs tries to push through the barricade, Damien quickly jabs the pointy end of his spear with all of his strength straight into the left eye socket of the first zombie. Killing it easily. However, using all of his strength in that stabbed caused the spear to get stuck inside the zombies head taking it with him on the other side of the barricade as he went down. Damien takes up his backup weapon and grabs another knife to double wield against the two remaining zombies. The second zombie appeared to be the female that was being eaten on the floor when he first came onto this floor. The female zombie then tried to climb over the barricade and ended up face planting onto the floor. Damien not willing to give up this chance, stabs the knife in his right hand into the eye socket of the female zombie. Killing it in the process, after the death of the zombie, he noticed a wispy orb floating off the zombie's body and floating into his own body.

Level up!

But before Damien had a chance to review his new message. The final zombie jumps over the barricade the ends up tackling Damien on the ground.

On the ground both Damien and the zombie gets into a scuffle in which the zombie tries to bite Damien with every chance available. Damien then uses all of his strength to keep the zombie from biting his arm. However, the weight of the zombie and gravity working in tangent proved to be too much for Damien as the zombie was able to bite into his arm.

"Argghhhh motherfucker!!!"

The zombie tears through a chunk of Damien's arm and tries to go for another bite when Damien was able to grab his other knife off the floor and stabs it through the zombies eye socket, killing it in the process.

"Huff, huff."

"Shit I'm dead."

From his knowledge of zombies Damien knows he doesn't have long yet before he turns. He quickly runs out of the apartment and climbs up the stairs to the roof before more zombies surround him. Quickly locking the door behind him, he lays down on the floor of the open roof sobbing knowing his eventual death.

That's when he hears a growl a system message.

"Dungeon boss initiated." "Roof currently inaccessible."

"Count down before zombie boss is spawned: 3 minutes!"

There on the corner of the roof a short childlike zombie with a large head blinks into existence. Seeing an enemy appear before him, Damien falls into a rage like never before. His eventual death fueling his anger he dashes towards the spawned boss hoping to kill it with all of his strength. He bashes the zombie with his arms and legs. Making sure to stomp the thing into mush. With the system still initiating it's spawn point the zombie boss was unable to move or defend against the onslaught dying in the process.

"System error. Zombie boss killed prior to spawning."

"Dungeon is now searching for a new host as a dungeon boss."

"Target located, infected Damien will be the new dungeon boss!"

"Error error, there are no current survivors, in the dungeon, due to this all rewards for dungeon completion will be given to Damien."

"Transporting dungeon back to main planet."

That was the last thing Damien sees before he falls unconscious.