
chapter 1 ~the beginning~

L used to have a family happy a sweet home my mother was a helper while my dad was in army he sometimes comes to see us everyday and celebrate holidays everything was good but something horrible happen my parents took me to see around and we saw people running away and the one thing l saw it was blood everywhere and my dad carry me while grabbing the hand of my mom we went to our house big and locked the door and put a table and a chair and the zombies were trying to get in then they break the door and my father grab me and my mother then we went to a room and my father was talking with my mother while l was hiding and my parents went to me and my father said Christa get out from the back door me and your mother will take care of this and run away from home got that and Christa said yes papa and went to the back door and run away and stop and turned around and saw her house burning and Christa was crying and screaming no papa ,momma and zombie stared coming towards her and Christa was running and trip and was crying and trying to cover her then she heard gunshot and saw her friend Ruben (boy) with his dad and Ruben grab Christa and his father put his gun back and grab the both of them and went running and saw army of people and Ruben father said over here help!!! and the army shot the zombies while the other grab the three of them and told them to go to that truck and agree and went to the truck and the truck Stared to turned on and went to a road and the guy asked them and the others to take over with blanket and they did and Christa saw many trucks behind them with people who survive {1 year later} this is me Christa yup I'm now 23 ,I'm starting to survive with my friend Ruben we got food and drinks and guns, knife, katana,and we have survive and have shelter on a basement and have a map , everything that l love is gone and I'm going to take revenge and not let any single zombie to survive in this world and I'm sure [ l survive in this hell of zombies ]