
The Zero Division Commander Manage The Whitebeard Pirates Temporarily

Goro Majima travels through the Pirate World, becomes the captain of the Zero Division of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and activates the comic system. this is fanfic is not mine i just translated it so i can atleast try to make it readable the author of this fanfic: Ruiqi Xiangyun note: one piece is not mine, Eiichiro Oda is the creator of One Piece, a popular Japanese manga and anime series. He first started publishing One Piece in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1997, and it has since become one of the best-selling manga series of all time. Oda is also known for his unique art style, creative character designs, and world-building skills, which have helped to make One Piece a beloved and enduring franchise. 2 chapters per day

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61 Chs

Chapter 12 Marco’s chance

Marco's eyes widened in disbelief. Was it possible that Majima, who drew the comic that taught Jozu such powerful physical skills, was the one who also created the technique? Could it be that he was a hidden boss, despite his unremarkable appearance?

"Are you joking?" Despite believing that Jozu learned the Eight Inner Gates, Marco was still skeptical about it being a physical skill created by Majima.

The idea seemed too incredible to be true, and if it were, it would be incredibly impressive as he had personally witnessed the improvement in Jozu's strength during their match.

"Oh my, Marco, I understand that it's difficult for you to accept such a shocking truth. But it's not your fault, I also had a hard time believing it at first. My assumption is that this could be a result of Brother Majima Devil Fruit ability. The specifics of it will be revealed when we meet him and ask."

Jozu felt a sense of superiority in his heart upon seeing Marco's lack of exposure to certain information.

he felt a little proud, as he had seen more of the world than Marco, despite their similar age.

"Alright, let's go find Majima," Marco replied, determined to uncover the reason why he cant unlock the eight gates.

He suddenly transformed his hands into wings of blue flames, and started to fly

"Wait for me!" Jozu shouted and jumped up, grabbing Marco's feet and the two of them flew away together.

In the cabin of the Moby Dick:

["Jozu has completed the SECOND GATE: THE GATE OF REST training]the Host gained the training progress along with it," a notification sounded.

Another notification followed,

["Host has gained 40,000 energy points!"]

Majima was surprised to see that Jozu completed the training of the second gate so quickly. He wondered if Jozu's physical talent was truly exceptional.

He also noticed that Jozu's completion of the training not only synchronized his progress but also earned him 40,000 energy points, twice the amount he earned the last time.

Based on this trend, Jozu may earn 60,000 points for completing the third gate, which would enable him to have more ten golden consecutive draws.

He was pleased with Jozu's progress and considered him to be a "cool" brother who they can celebrate together.

"Brother Majima"

He was lost in his daydreams when Jozu's voice interrupted him. This time, Jozu's voice contained more gratitude and respect.

"come in." Majima called out for Jozu and Marco to enter the room.

Upon entering, Jozu immediately walked up to Majima and awkwardly expressed his gratitude, saying "Brother Majima, I really want to thank you very much!"

Marco rushed to Jozu's side and clasped his arm, saying, "Jozu, be careful and keep an eye on Majima's drawings."

"I'm not worried, Marco and Jozu you are my family. It's just a drawings, it can be fixed or redrawn by Jozu if it's broken."Majima smiled.

Marco chuckled and said, "Haha! Jozu looks like he's about to cry from fear."

Jozu scratched his head and said "I may be good at fighting, Brother Majima, but when it comes to drawings, I might as well be dead."

The room was filled with laughter.

After all the laughter, Majima inquired, "Jozu and Marco, what brings you here?"

Jozu became excited again when they started talking about business.

"Brother Majima! Remember when you asked me to read your comics? I ended up reading "Might Guy 'The Leaf's Noble Green Beast' Biography" and discovered the Eight Inner Gates. It's really amazing! When I open the eighth gate, I'll take down the Marine Admiral and the Fleet Admiral one by one!"

Jozu's previous worries were replaced with complete fighting spirit as he thought about the upcoming war.

"Excellent Jozu!, opening two gates in such a short time is impressive. It looks like this physical technique is really suitable for you. Keep it up, and when the war arrives, the world will be astonished by you!"

Majima was surprised by Jozu's fast progress in opening two gates within half a day.

He speculated that Jozu's physical aptitude in the Pirate World might have contributed to his quick progress. However, Jozu and Marco were shocked that Majima was able to perceive Jozu's progress despite not revealing anything.

They were also certain that Majima was the creator of the Eight Inner Gates, which he taught Jozu through his comics.

Jozu's eyes were filled with more respect and admiration as he thought about this.

"Brother Majima's words are too kind, I'm humbled. I was not naturally gifted, and without your guidance, I wouldn't have the chance to learn such a powerful technique. Speaking of which, Brother Majima your comics are truly incredible! I've spent several months training in the comic world, but only a few hours have passed in reality, and my physical condition has significantly improved by a few hours."

As Jozu shared his experience of training in the comic world for several months, Majima was surprised and realized that his comics had a mysterious ability to accelerate time in the comic world. This explained how Jozu could open two gates in just a few hours. This discovery made him wonder if he could find more people to practice Eight Inner Gates using this ability to gain more energy points.

Majima turned to Marco and suggested, "Marco, why don't you give the Eight Gates skill a try as well?"

Upon hearing these words, Marco's face turned red.

"I came here for this purpose, Majima. I've also read the entire 'Guy's Biography' but I haven't been able to understand the Eight Inner Gates. Is it because my physical talent is too low?"

Majima was surprised that Marco didn't realize the Eight Inner Gates despite reading "Guy's Biography." He couldn't help but feel a bit sad that such a powerful physical skill couldn't be learned by everyone.

He wondered if the comic was selective in who it could teach, similar to a magic weapon in a fantasy novel that recognizes its owner. Perhaps it was reasonable for the comic to choose certain individuals as its learning objects.

He thought for a moment and responded, "Brother Marco, it's not a matter of talent. If you didn't grasp the Eight Inner Gates from 'Guy's Biography' it simply means that you don't have a destined connection with this physical skill."

"Why don't you have Jozu take you to my studio where you can explore other comics. Perhaps there you'll find your opportunity to learn a suitable skill." He suggested to Marco

"Sure, thank you, Majima!" marco responded

Upon hearing this, Marco's despondent mood was suddenly lifted. The fact that there were other comics available gave him hope that he still had a chance to acquire skills like the Eight Inner Gates. He was overjoyed at the prospect of acquiring such skills.

Marco is a man who shows his gratitude through actions rather than words, and he deeply appreciates kindness. This trait is much stronger than those who merely make verbal promises. Majima recognizes this and after Marco expressed his thanks, he left with Jozu to the eastern cliffs of Dillock Island at a fast pace.