
The Zero Boy-Man

The Zero Boy Man chronicles the fantastical journey of Kiyon Yutaka, the last descendant of the legendary Wind Blades clan. Born into a decaying floating city and burdened by a legacy of faded glory, Kiyon finds himself yearning for a life of heroism beyond the realm of dusty stories. A chance discovery unveils a hidden chamber containing a mysterious scroll, whisking Kiyon away on an adventure that will redefine his future and uncover the secrets of his past.

Novito_Akishi · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Last Son of the Wind Blades

Chapter 1:

Kiyon Yutaka, a wisp of a boy with eyes the color of a summer sky, was born into the dying embers of a legendary clan. The Wind Blades, once protectors of the floating city of Zephyrhold, were now but a whisper in the tales spun by old men in smoky taverns. Their ancestral blades, imbued with the power of the summer winds, hung heavy on the walls of their ancestral home, a monument to a bygone era.

Kiyon yearned for the tales of heroism to be more than just stories. He dreamt of wielding the wind blades, of soaring through the skies alongside his ancestors, defending Zephyrhold from monstrous sky serpents and raiding pirates of the Cloudreach. But reality was a harsh taskmaster. The once vibrant city was now shrouded in a melancholic lethargy, its once pristine skylanes choked with smog from failing manufactories. The wind blades remained inert, their magic fading with each passing generation.

One fateful day, while scavenging through the dusty archives of his ancestral home, Kiyon stumbled upon a hidden chamber. Inside, he found a shimmering scroll, its surface etched with swirling patterns that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly light. As Kiyon unfurled the scroll, a wave of energy surged forth, enveloping him in a blinding light. When the light subsided, the chamber was empty. The boy, Kiyon Yutaka, was gone.

These story will be my last story . So Please Read it and give a nice feedback Thanks


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