
The zenith of zephyr

a story about Zephyr, a character in a world filled with people possessing extraordinary powers. Despite having no powers of his own, Zephyr finds himself working as a janitor at a convenience store. Although, there's something, something within him, a supreme right to power, a craving for something deeper... expect a chapter every night before midnight!

Tzed · Action
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15 Chs

The flatline?

As Zephyr accompanied Mrs. Henderson to the hospital, his mind couldn't help but return to that brief, inexplicable moment when he had seen the flash of dark purple. It was such a fleeting occurrence, and he had always considered himself an ordinary individual in a world filled with extraordinary abilities. He couldn't fathom what it meant.

The hospital staff attended to Mrs. Henderson, and Zephyr remained by her side, providing comfort and support as she underwent examinations. Her injury turned out to be more severe than initially thought, and the doctors recommended surgery. Zephyr's concern for her deepened, and he couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, his presence had influenced her fall.

Over the following days, Zephyr continued to visit Mrs. Henderson in the hospital, assisting with her recovery as best he could. The dark purple spark remained a perplexing mystery, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was related to his feelings of guilt and responsibility for her accident.

One evening, as he sat by Mrs. Henderson's bedside, she looked up at him with a weak smile. "Zephyr, you've been such a dear to me throughout all this. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Zephyr's heart warmed, and he replied, "You've always been like family to me, Mrs. Henderson. I'm just glad I could be here for you."

As he spoke, he couldn't ignore the faint sensation of warmth and comfort that emanated from him, a feeling he had never experienced before. It was as if an invisible force enveloped him and Mrs. Henderson, soothing her pain and hastening her recovery.

Unbeknownst to Zephyr, his subtle ability, the source of that mysterious dark purple spark, had played a part in Mrs. Henderson's healing process. It was a power he was only beginning to grasp, and its implications were still shrouded in uncertainty.

As Zephyr continued to support Mrs. Henderson on her journey to recovery, he couldn't help but wonder about the hidden depths of his abilities and how they might impact his future in a world where extraordinary powers were both a blessing and a curse,

However, the faint sensation that had comforted him and Mrs. Henderson now took a dark turn. Mrs. Henderson's condition worsened, and she was suddenly in a critical state, seizing and juddering across the hospital bed. Zephyr couldn't help but feel that his newfound abilities were somehow responsible, though he couldn't understand how or why. Guilt and uncertainty gnawed at him as he stood by her bedside, hoping for her recovery but fearing the unintended consequences of his unbelievable luck.

In this world, Zephyr finds himself at the lowest end of the power scale, but his recent experiences have left him questioning whether there's more to his abilities than he initially believed. As he navigates the complexities of a society structured around these power categories, the emergence of his purple powers adds a layer of intrigue to his journey.

I think he is getting the short end of the stick but on a side note I remember having flashbacks of screaming like goku

expecting to turn blonde

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