
The zenith of zephyr

a story about Zephyr, a character in a world filled with people possessing extraordinary powers. Despite having no powers of his own, Zephyr finds himself working as a janitor at a convenience store. Although, there's something, something within him, a supreme right to power, a craving for something deeper... expect a chapter every night before midnight!

Tzed · Action
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15 Chs

Salt to the wound

As Flint and his gang closed in, Zephyr's heart pounded like a drum in a storm. He knew he couldn't fight back, but he refused to cower. He straightened his back, his jaw clenched, and he met Flint's fiery gaze with a determined but wary look.

Flint smirked, his fingers crackling with fiery sparks. "Well, well, the janitor's got some backbone. Let's see if we can clean that up too!"

Before Zephyr could react, a burst of flames erupted from Flint's hand, searing toward him. It was only through sheer reflex that Zephyr managed to dive behind a nearby shelf, narrowly avoiding the blaze that ignited a display of potato chips. The store's sprinkler system activated, dousing the flames and creating an unexpected chaos of soggy snacks and puddles.

Amidst the chaos, Zephyr struggled to catch his breath. His clothes were soaked, and he felt a sharp pain in his side from the impact of hitting the ground. The bullies laughed, their powers on full display, wreaking havoc in the store.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bullies finally departed, leaving behind a drenched and damaged store, with Zephyr lying on the floor, battered and bruised.

Hours later, Zephyr found himself in a dimly lit hospital room, his body aching. The doctors and nurses had done their best to tend to his injuries, but the emotional wounds ran deeper. He had been powerless to defend himself or the store he held dear.

As he lay there, a wave of anxiety washed over him. The thought of facing his boss, Mr. Anderson, filled him with dread. The convenience store was his lifeline, and the damage caused by Flint's fiery assault was extensive.

Just as Zephyr was contemplating how he could explain his absence and the store's condition to his boss, his phone rang. Weakened, he picked it up, and to his dismay, it was Mr. Anderson on the line.

"Zephyr," his boss's voice was stern, "where have you been? The store is in shambles, and I've just received an estimate for repairs. It's going to cost a small fortune to fix all the damage."

Zephyr swallowed hard, his voice shaky. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Anderson. I had an accident, and I'm in the hospital. I'll do everything I can to make it right."

Mr. Anderson's tone softened slightly, but the gravity of the situation remained. "Zephyr, I understand accidents happen, but we can't afford these repairs. You'll have to cover the costs, and it's not a small sum."

Zephyr's heart sank. The burden of a colossal debt now weighed heavily upon him, and he realized that not only did he have to recover physically, but he also needed to find a way to come up with the money to save the store he cherished.

I'd leave tbh

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