
A Touch of Emotion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The injured woman was, after all, just a young girl. Although her mind was much more resolute than the average person's, she couldn't help feeling shy and embarrassed when a man saw and touched her sensitive areas, and she also worried about being violated.

But her worries were unnecessary. Luo Ziling didn't make any indecent moves. After removing her pants and placing her on the toilet, he quickly left the bathroom with rapid steps.

She breathed a sigh of relief, tidied her disheveled hair a bit, then relaxed her body to release the pent-up pressure.

Luo Ziling didn't dare stay inside any longer. He had neither the heart nor the courage to do anything to the injured woman. Accidentally seeing her exposed body had already made his face turn red with embarrassment. After all, he had seen her plump buttocks while she was conscious, and he was thin-skinned.

His body's reaction needed to be concealed, and he didn't want to embarrass her too much, so his only choice was to run out of the bathroom.

After running out of the bathroom and taking a couple of deep breaths, his panicked feeling finally subsided a bit.

It was a while before he heard the woman's voice calling out, and he, who had been waiting outside, entered with a flushed face.

As he entered, he wondered whether to sneak a peek or find an opportunity to touch her when he pulled up her pants.

However, as soon as he entered the bathroom, he immediately realized he had been overthinking.

After finishing her business, the woman had already pulled up her pants and was sitting on the toilet lid.

"Uh, can you manage on your own?" Luo Ziling asked foolishly, his eyes scanning the woman's body.

Would his earlier action of pulling down her pants be considered lecherous?

The woman showed a bit of coyness, but it quickly disappeared, and she said gruffly, "Help me back."

"Can you walk?" Luo Ziling stepped forward to support the woman's arm.

His movements were a bit rough, accidentally touching the woman's unrestrained chest, which immediately made him shiver.

To avoid pulling on the wound and to make dressing easier, the injured woman wasn't wearing a bra under her clothes, leaving her chest bare. This was beneficial for the wound's healing and also made it convenient for Luo Ziling to change her dressing. But without restraint, her breasts seemed very free and mischievous.

Her chest mischievously made slight contact with Luo Ziling's body, and the woman's body instinctively tensed up, but seeing that Luo Ziling didn't do it on purpose, she ultimately didn't say anything and leaned on Luo Ziling's arm, ready to head back to the room.

But after just one step, the piercing pain in her leg made her let out a low cry, and her body went limp on Luo Ziling's arm. Now, Luo Ziling could strongly feel the two hot and full mounds pressing against his arm, with no way to dodge them.

The feeling was so real and elastic that Luo Ziling's body embarrassingly reacted again.

He was in a sorry state, and the woman was also embarrassed, but in the end, it was Luo Ziling who reacted first, scooping up the woman's body and carrying her straight back to the room, placing her on the bed.

"If you need to go to the bathroom later, I'll carry you over to avoid falling or tearing open the wound," Luo Ziling instructed softly after covering her with the blanket, "Your body is recovering well, but don't overdo it, or the wound won't heal properly."

The woman had already closed her eyes. After hearing Luo Ziling's instructions, she nodded slightly without speaking.

Her fondness for Luo Ziling increased further.

A very pure and kind young man, and also quite handsome. More importantly, he didn't make her feel threatened at all.

In the following days, the two cooperated tacitly. Whenever the woman needed to use the bathroom or get out of bed, she would call Luo Ziling, and he would immediately come over to lift her down. She didn't need his help for other things, as she could manage her pants and clothes on her own, which made things less awkward.

The issue of eating still depended on Luo Ziling. Worried that too much movement would tear her wound, he tenderly fed her.

He also administered her daily medicine.

After a few days, the woman's guard was almost completely down, and her gaze towards Luo Ziling became much warmer.

She even asked Luo Ziling to help her wipe her body after one meal.

While wiping her body, Luo Ziling was very restrained, not daring to touch her sensitive areas at all.

Seeing Luo Ziling's embarrassment and nervousness, the woman's heart was slightly touched.

She felt embarrassed too and took the towel from Luo Ziling's hand to wipe her own sensitive areas.

While she was wiping, Luo Ziling quickly turned away, not looking.

After she finished wiping, it was still Luo Ziling who helped her put on her clothes and pants.

While dressing her, Luo Ziling was still nervous.

Because he was so nervous, he accidentally touched the woman's sensitive areas several times.

Fortunately, the woman wasn't angry or blaming him; she could tell that Luo Ziling didn't do it on purpose.

But Luo Ziling was embarrassed, and after dressing her, he fled with a red face.

Watching Luo Ziling's flustered retreat, the woman couldn't help but smile a little.

Too bad Luo Ziling couldn't see her cute expression when she smiled.

In the following days, Luo Ziling spent most of his time in the house with the injured woman, except for when he went to the mountains behind the village to gather herbs.

The woman hardly spoke all day. One day when he asked her name, she replied impatiently with two words, which he didn't catch clearly. He thought she didn't want others to know her situation, so he never asked again, not liking to make a nuisance of himself.

The woman was still wearing Luo Ziling's clothes. Her own clothes had been washed and dried by Luo Ziling, and he had even mended the torn parts. All her clothes were placed at the head of her bed, but she hadn't changed into them.

The woman's injuries still needed daily dressing changes.

Day after day of changing dressings, Luo Ziling saw the woman's body over and over again.

The temptation and embarrassment were always there, but Luo Ziling was now able to control his emotions well.

During the dressing changes, the woman's reaction went from being very reserved, tense, and on guard at the beginning to being relaxed.

After a few days together, she no longer felt threatened by Luo Ziling. Although there was a lot of physical contact, she didn't sense any sleaziness or deliberate advantage-taking from his actions—she concluded in her heart that he was a pure-hearted young man.

Anyway, her body had already been seen by him, and there was no difference between seeing it once or several times.

Moreover, Luo Ziling's attentive care moved her.

Feeling grateful to an ordinary person was something she hadn't experienced in many years.

The two spent five days in silence with a hint of ambiguity.

After five days, the woman's wound had completely scabbed over, and her complexion was no different from a normal person's.

With Luo Ziling's support, she could slowly walk from the room to the bathroom and then to the yard.

After testing her body's condition, the woman was very pleased, but she didn't show anything in front of Luo Ziling, still acting weak and powerless. She let Luo Ziling feed her, drank medicine from the bowl in his hand, and had him support her when walking.

Early that day, Luo Ziling helped the woman to the bathroom and prepared breakfast for her before heading up the mountain to gather herbs.

This was the task his grandfather had given him before leaving.

The weather was still good, and the heavy snow hadn't closed off the mountains, making it a good time to collect various herbs.

When Luo Ziling left, the injured woman, who had finished her breakfast, lay back down on the bed and fell asleep.

Luo Ziling tucked in the blanket for her, placed some tea and snacks by her bedside, and then quietly closed the door and left.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he left, the woman lying on the bed immediately opened her eyes and nimbly got up from the bed.