
You Better Not Mention That You’re From The Bai Family

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The old man had been thrifty all his life and always felt unhappy about the extravagant expenditure in the family. If her grandfather were to hear that Bai Chuwei was unsatisfied with a mobile phone worth ten thousand yuan, he would definitely have a bad impression of her.

Bai Yinyin expectantly looked at Bai Guofu and the white beard on his face slightly trembled before his eyes widened in anger.

"Yinyin, what's the matter with you? Since the ancestor is unsatisfied with a 256GB phone, isn't there a 512GB one in the market? Purchase the best one for her! Is fifteen thousand yuan insufficient? Will twenty grand be enough?"

The smile on Bai Yinyin's face froze and then gradually disappeared.

Had her grandfather gone crazy?

Bai Yinyin felt as if something was lodged in her throat and she could not utter a single word.

On the contrary, Bai Chuwei seated on the other side appeared calm and picked up her school bag as she walked outside.

Bai Yinyin had also lost interest in eating breakfast any longer and she carried her bag while following Bai Chuwei's footsteps.

Even though the Bai Family was not extremely affluent, they were still considered to be a powerful family in Sea City. Bai Yinyin was usually chauffeured back and forth from school. As per the new arrangement, the driver would be sending both of them together starting from today.

Both girls were seated in the back seat, next to the window on each side. There was enough space between them to accommodate two more people.

Bai Yinyin suddenly asked her. "Which class are you in? If we're in the same class, you had better not mention that you're from the Bai Family."

Bai Chuwei smiled and recalled. "Year 3 Class 9."

Bai Yinyin nearly jumped up in surprise and her voice turned sharp. "Year 3 Class 9? Duan Xingye and Xu Xingchen's class? Class 9 is not a place you can enter simply if you wish for it. Did you take the entrance examination and get good grades?"

Bai Yinyin had barely managed to enter Class 11!

Bai Chuwei shook her head and responded, "Nope, Bai Guofu made the arrangements."

When Bai Yinyin heard what she said, she started boiling in anger.

Wasn't grandfather too biased towards this creature? He even went through the back door to get Bai Chuwei enrolled in Class 9! Why had she never enjoyed such preferential treatment from him?

Instantly, Bai Yinyin's sense of insecurity shot through the roof and she stared at Bai Chuwei's gilt brocade clothes. She gnashed her teeth in anger.

The car had already arrived in the vicinity of Henghua Secondary and students in uniform could be seen walking towards the campus, smiling and chatting.

Bai Yinyin immediately told the driver to stop the car and threatened Bai Chuwei. "I'll enter first, you get down five minutes later."

She did not want them to be seen walking together.

There were numerous beautiful girls in Henghua Secondary School, but not only was Bai Chuwei beautiful, her demeanor was outstanding and ethereal.

If the both of them walked together, she would definitely appear like the supporting character.

Bai Chuwei revealed a look of indifference. She glanced at Bai Yinyin who hastily opened the door and walked towards the school gates.

Through the window, Bai Chuwei saw some students going up to greet Bai Yinyin.

"Yinyin, why do you seem unhappy today?"

Just as Bai Yinyin was thinking of ruining Bai Chuwei's reputation, she suddenly heard a loud tearing sound.

Countless threads on her white uniform suddenly loosened and tore into pieces. The fallen garments included even her inner innershirt, resulting in her lace bra getting revealed in public.

"Ahhh! My clothes!"

Bai Yinyin covered herself and screamed. The surrounding students were all stunned and some wretched male students even fished out their phones…

Bai Chuwei stroked her jaw and enjoyed the scene with great interest before she checked the time and exited the car.

Since Bai Yinyin was in a mess, a male student took off his sweaty, stinking jacket and draped it around her shoulders. During this turmoil, Bai Chuwei calmly walked past them.