
I’m Sorry I

"I'm sorry, Mom…" A lonesome lean, middle-aged man says as he stares out at the chilly dark waters below, standing at the precipice of a famous bridge in San Fransisco. The wind blew through his short-cut jet-black hair as his heterochromatic crystal blue left eye and deep brown right eye stared into the inky black void.

"I'm sorry, Sammy…" The man says while ripping his shirt open to reveal a chest binding as tears start to flow down her face mixing with the salty mist of the bay that lies before them.

Wiping the tears from their eyes, makeup comes with it, softening their androgynous features and revealing them to be sharp albeit unmistakably feminine, "I tried going on without you, I tried fighting back against those who tore apart your legacy… It was all for nothing, I made too many mistakes and lost everything again… I hope… To see you again…"

The woman says, letting go of the railing of the bridges before falling towards the bay as the world slows down.

'If I get a chance to see you two again, I promise… I'll protect you this time… No matter what…' Is the final thought of the woman before she hits the water and feels a jolt from the impact. Before opening her eyes to see a hospital room.

'Fuck… Whatever idiot said hitting the water from that high up would be like hitting concrete was dead wrong… It feels like I was in a car crash…' She thinks to herself before trying to stretch and sit up only to grip her ribs in pain.

"Ahh!" I cry out as I touch my chest making a peculiar discovery… 'Why are my boobs smaller? Did the water smash them?'

"My baby!"

"Big Brother!"

I freeze as I hear voices I hadn't heard in nearly 16 years. I turn to see my 33-year-old mother holding me to her chest, her jet-black hair and brown tear-filled eyes staring into my soul, filled with concern and love hitting me like a truck. Besides her, my ten-year-old little brother, bawling his golden amber eyes out as he buries his jet-black bowl cut into my side, sending a lightning strike of pain throughout my chest. But I bare through it as I hug them tightly back, crying my eyes out with them.

After what feels like hours of crying out all the pain and loss I'd been bottling up for the last 16 years drains away and I feel a catharsis like no other… And as the emotional pain resolves itself… The physical returns with a vengeance.

"Ouch! Mom! Sammy! I can't breathe! My ribs!" I cry out as the physical pain finally overwhelms me.

"Ahh! I'm sorry baby! Sampson! Let your brother go! He's hurt!" My mother shouts, dragging Sammy off of me despite his protest.

"No! I'm not letting big brother go!" Sammy protests before being dragged off of me by mom.

"I'm fine, Sammy. I promise, just sore is all." I reassure him, visibly calming down.

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