
The young master’s wife

The 24 year old Anastasia was a very Beautiful and gifted young woman. Which caught the attention of a certain man. So when her father’s company was in the brink of bankruptcy, an old man offered to help them out in exchange their daughter would marry his grandson. - - - - - - - - Will they fall for each other?

Paulinexo · Urban
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1 Chs


"I can't believe you would do this" Henry screamed at his wife angrily.

"I did what had to be done and it's too late now" Helena argued back "If we take back our word we will offend the Qin Family and we will be in a much worse position than we are now".

"This is our daughter Helena, you would rather sell her off than suffer for a few months?" Henry rebutted.

"And have you heard how cold his grandson is?do you think our daughter will have a happy marriage"Henry said as he took a deep breath "We promised ourselves that our daughter will marry for love and not for convenience unlike us but what are you doing now?".

Anastasia heard her parents arguing at the living room she couldn't take it anymore so she left.

It was true, her mother accepted a marriage proposal from a powerful family just to save the family business.

Her father's company started to fail and out of nowhere the powerful Qin Family offered to help them out only if Anastasia marry the young master from the Qin Family.

And of course her father didn't accept but her mother being used to the life of luxury went behind her father's back and accepted the marriage.

She had heard stories about the man she's going to marry she had heard that he had countless women around him and that he is cold and vicious.

Although sad, Anastasia understood why her mother did it. Her mother was used to the life of luxury, so when the Qin Family offered to help she didn't think twice accepting it.

As soon as Anastasia heard her parents finish arguing she went of her room and went to her father's study.

"Papa?" Anastasia said as she knocked on her father's door.

"Come in" Henry said as he flipped through the documents in his desk.

"About me marrying..." Anastasia said as she slowly raised her head.

Her father cut her off and said "Don't worry sweetheart, papa will reject the offer"Her father said in a comforting tone.

"No, I actually want you to accept" Anastasia said determination visible in her eyes.

She wanted to help her father and besides her parents marriage wasn't out of love either but they got through it.

Her father looked at her silently looking for signs if his wife forced his daughter to say this.

"Now why would you want that?" Henry asked, not understanding what's going on through his daughters mind.

"Well I want to help the company and besides you and mom didn't marry out of love but you guys managed right?" Anastasia said.

"You don't understand sweetheart this man is a monster what if he hits you?" Henry said, worried for his daughter.

"He won't papa, I won't let him" Anastasia said in a assuring tone.

Henry looked at his daughter silently.

"Please papa, would you trust me?".

"Ok fine, but if he hits you don't hesitate to tell me okay?we will immediately get you two divorced" Henry finally said.

And with that she was going to get married.

The morning arrived after a few hours, Anastasia couldn't get much sleep thinking about the man she's about to marry.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her phone ring.

"Hello, who is this?" Anastasia answered the phone.

"I'll pick you up later from your house after work so we could get our marriage certificate" The man in the phone said.

Anastasia was shocked to hear a man's voice it was so rough and deep but before she could say anything the man cut her off.

"Pack all your belongings, you're moving out of your family house today."

Again before Anastasia could say anything the man hang up.

She zoned out for a little while before she finally understood what was happening.

She knew she was gonna get married but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Nonetheless she started packing her belongings.

Anastasia decided to only bring a small amount of her clothes since she could always shop for more.

While packing Anastasia couldn't get the man's voice out of her mind.

It was so soothing like it was pulling her in.

She had heard about the man before on how he's ruthless to his enemies and how he stormed the business world.

Anastasia searched the man up on the Internet.

And there he was although most of the photos taken of him were blurry and you couldn't really see him since he was surrounded by security you could still tell that the man was nicely built and that he was tall.

Anastasia had heard that the man was handsome, well of course he is.

He's surrounded by women after all.

Anastasia couldn't help but think if he'll stop his habit of sleeping around if they get married.

Of course if he doesn't she wouldn't be surprised. Cause why would he stop his habit of sleeping around for a wife he barely knew?

A knock on the door brought Anastasia out of her thoughts.

"Young miss, your father told me to wake you up for breakfast" Anastasia heard the maid say.

"I'll be down in a minute" Anastasia said.

Anastasia continued to pack her belongings.

She went down to the dining room and like how she expected she was the only one there

Her father couldn't eat with her since he always goes to work early.

And because her mother and father had an argument last night her mother didn't come down for breakfast.

As always Anastasia ate alone.

Anastasia decided to paint since she didn't really have anything planned to do for today.

By the time she was finished her parents have already come home before dinner.

Anastasia was about to go to her father's study to talk to him when she heard the maids talking to someone.

A maid came to look for Anastasia but she saw Anastasia was already out of her room.

"Young miss, the young master from the Qin family is here to pick you up." The maid said as she smiled at Anastasia "He's currently in the living room."

Anastasia smiled back at her and said "Well then I'm gonna have to trouble you to help me with my suitcases".

The maid helped Anastasia bring her suitcase down to the living room.

As Anastasia was going down the stair she saw the man's back.

'So he is indeed tall and well built.' Anastasia thought.

When the man turned around is when she stopped in her steps.

The man was breathtakingly handsome it's as if he was made by the gods themselves.

He had a straight nose and sharpe jawline along with his piercing grey eyes.

Anastasia was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her mother.

"Young master Qin, Its so good to meet you." Helena said as she walked down the stairs.

The man gave a short nod and said.

"I am here to pick up my future wife." The man said.

Anastasia was shocked when she heard the "my future wife" she couldn't believe it.

"I'm here" Anastasia said, finally coming down the stairs.

As soon as she said that her father came.

"Ahh,Alexander it's good to meet you again"Henry said, eyeing the young man.

"Mr Reid" Alexander gave a little nod.

"Why don't you stay a little while for some tea?" Henry offered so he could spend a little more time with his daughter.

He too didn't expect it to be so soon, when the other party said that they'll hear from them soon he didn't expect it to be this early.

"It's fine, Mr Reid I still have a lot of work to do" Alexander said.

Anastasia hugged her father and said "I love you papa, I'll visit you soon".

"I love you too sweet heart." Henry said as he hugged his daughter tighter.

God knows how much he treasured his daughter.

"Mama I gotta go now, I love you" Anastasia said as she looked at her mother.

"Be sure to behave okay?" Helena said as she kissed her daughter in her cheeks.

"Mr, Mrs Reid" Alexander said as he nodded

"Cole, help her with her suitcase" Alexander said as he went out of the door and Anastasia followed.

When they arrived at the front of the car Alexander main Anastasia go in first and then he went in.

It was silent in the car for a while before Anastasia said something.

"Um hi my names Anastasia Reid" Anastasia said looking down "Just Incase you didn't know".

The man smiled at he looked at the girl and said "I'm Alexander Qin".

Anastasia looked up and saw the man smiling at her.

She froze for a minute.

And the car was back to being silent again.

On their drive to get the marriage certificate both Anastasia and the man was silent.

None of them said anything.

When they arrived they immediately got their marriage certificate and went on their way home.

When they arrived at the man's mansion Anastasia was nervous thinking about how it's their wedding night.

So when they got in the front door she immediately tried to catch up with the man.

"Um mister Qin about tonight..." Anastasia said embarrassed on what she is about to say.

The man already knew what she was about to say.

"If you don't want to do it tonight it's fine by me."

Anastasia looked up, relieved that she wasn't being forced to do "it". But before she could rejoice she heard the man say.

"But we're gonna have to do it eventually since I want kids" The man smiled at her.

Anastasia stopped.

Looking at the woman in front of him Alexander laughed in his mind thinking on how adorable she looked right now.

"Can you at-least give me three months?so we would get to know each other?" Anastasia asked hoping he would say yes.

"Hmm,sure and I would also stop my habits of sleeping around I'm sure you have heard of that and in return you would also be faithful " The man said.

"You would sleep in a separate room before you are comfortable sleeping in my room and you will also have access to my credit cards whats mine is yours" Alexander said

Looking at the frozen lady Alexander decided to leave.

"Your stuff is already in your room just ask the maids for directions and if you need me I'll be in my study" Alexander said and finally left.

The maids helped Anastasia in finding her room since this was such a big mansion.

When Anastasia finished getting ready for bed she stared at the marriage certificate in her table.

She was married.

She was married to a powerful man named Alexander Qin.