
The Young Master’s Idol Agency


aigotcha · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Do I have Plot Armor?

A large.. chimera? Landed in the arena.

It immediately began to breathe fire all around me, and I didn't dodge/iframe it in time, and was slightly grazed by it.

A large black screen with text appeared.


''What the fuck? That's way too broken for the first boss!'' I shouted.

Something began to speak.

''Such an unfortunate Tainted.. the first thing you encountered was that Chimera.''

Footsteps progressively became louder from the screen.

''Take my blessing, and with it, the ability to 'level up'.''

My character respawned in the arena, with the chimera's corpse in front.

I sighed in relief that I didn't have to fight this thing. I've fought rage-inducing bosses in a few games, and this definitely seemed like one.

I walked past it, and noticed a purple thing. I began to walk to it, and saw a little prompt.

[Rest at Fire?]

I clicked ok, and my character began to get into a sitting position.

The screen turned black for a second.


I punched the air.


Now let's see what I have..

I stopped resting.

I went into my inventory and saw a sword and shield.

That seems pretty basic, what does the game mean by 'Weaponmancer'?

I sped through the rest of the game, until we finally reached the start of where we could freely move. Large white text appeared.

Umbra's Lair, East

Well then, time to explore!

I noticed a nearby fire, and rested at it. I had no clue what they were for, but they must be useful somehow.

I was strolling around, killing random things I saw, when Boss Music began to play, yet again.

''What now? I haven't even aggroed anything..''

A large health bar began to appear.

[Night Scout


A large creature covered in pitch-black armor on a brown horse, making weird growling sounds.

''I'm not dying already.''

I said to myself.

I knew the parry mechanics and I'd even tested it just now. I could do this.

I ran forward and slashed. It took 1/30th of its health bar.

I sighed. This was going to be a long fight.

It charged forward, and I rolled to the right, Iframing through it.

It charged yet again, and I rolled to the right again, but it stopped for a second. I got 2 hits, until he charged and I DIDN'T Iframe it.



I took a deep breath in.

''You can do this. You're him. You're that guy.''

Filled with motivation, I tried again.

I walked up to the Night Scout.

It attacked, and I parried, using the short amount of time to do as much damage as I could.

Rinse and Repeat.

''Yes! It's almost dead, let's fucking go!''

I got greedy.

''NO! NO! NO! FUCK!''

I just switched off the console right then and there.


Alright, it's a new day, I've sorted out most stuff, now finally time to defeat that fucking Night Scout.


''I'm just rusty.. a few more tries will do it..''

Try #2. Nope.

Try #3. Nope.

Try #6. Nope.

Try #20. Nope.


''I'm just gonna go fight other stuff, this is way too hard.''

I ventured East, and stumbled across a cave.

I entered, and noticed a purple campfire.

A waypoint!

I ventured in, and noticed a drop. I ran to it.

A skeleton appeared and comboed me with a poison effect.

''What the fuck? It appeared outta nowhere and insta-killed me!''

''I know where they come from, let's kill this skellie.''

I dodged the first attack and picked up the item.

[Item Acquired:

Purple Qi]

Huh, what's that? Well, I'll find it out later, gotta kill- wait, no, it's a skeleton, but just get rid of this guy before I can check it.

I parried the incoming attack, and my opponent fell to the ground for a second. I took this chance to stab him, but a special animation began to play, and it had died(if you could even call it that).

Weird, but it seemed to do with how it was on the ground.

Well, then, let's explore a bit more.

There was a door. My character pushed it open, and there was a strange yellow portal. I entered.

More boss music…


(A/N: just so you know it's only been like 40 minutes)

I don't know how long it's been. Hours, months, days, weeks, years?

This one boss I fought to get away from the Night Scout is even more rage-inducing than it.

My Brother came in.

''Oh, you're playing that? Never thought you'd ever use it, haha. Can I watch?''

''Yeah, but be quiet.''

I didn't even look at Gu Jian. The boss was at low HP, and was about to die.

''Let me have a turn!'' He shouted.


''Goddamnit! Just be quiet for a second.''

I accidentally released a bit of my cultivation.

Gu Jian spoke,

''Why.. I'm sorry..''

His lifeless body crumpled to the floor.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. I just killed my brother. Nononononononononono this can't be happening, I'm dreaming, right?

I slapped myself. Every bit of the pain was real.

My father appeared.


''You.. you shall never step foot in my house again. You have 30 minutes, take your shit and return to me.''

I grabbed all that was needed and ran. If I had to return to him, it was probably for a punishment of some sort.

I used my qi to keep myself in the air, and made my escape.

After I'd gone far enough, I took a break, rested and recovered some Qi, and contemplated what I had just done.

I'd just killed my brother.. over a bit of anger?


A group of people pointed at me.

Back to hiding, I guess.

I flew away, and continued doing so, until I was around the known weakest area, where the MC of this novel is. I ran out of Qi and fell to the ground.


''He's waking up.''

That was a nice nap..

A blonde-haired, yellow-eyed woman stood in front.

I don't remember any of this.. It was all a dream, right?

''How are you feeling? I was exploring the habitats near my sect, looking for a place to hunt when I found you, lying there on the ground.''

''I'm feeling a lot better, thanks, but I need to go.''




''Yes, I'm leaving no matter what you say.''

''I, Feng Qing, swear on the heavens that if you leave this room without being fully healed, I'll be struck down.''

''Never mind…''

Feng Qing was someone I knew well. She was the protagonist, after all.

Knowing this made me come to 2 realisations: everything that had just happened was real, and I'd now met the MC.

D-Do I have plot Armor?

A/N: well yes but actually no and btw join the discord https://discord.gg/aEkp3pXqfR