
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 58

As Nash was walking towards their inn, she noticed the brats playing. Nash grinned as she remembered she hadn't played with them in a long time.

"Sister!" They yelled as soon as they saw Nash. They hurriedly dash over her.


Nash looked at the metal attached to the ground Shiela stepped onto, 'What was that?'

"Sister! We missed you!" Bret said.

"I miss you too! I was too busy to play with you, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Can you play now?" Mackie asked.

"I can't,"

"Ehhh... why?" The brats pouted.

Nash chuckled and raised the hem of her skirt to show the bandage around her legs, "I'm hurt."

"That's big!" Puru said pointing at it.

"I hope it heals quickly," Trish said, shyly.

"Me too! So that sister can play with us again." Shiela said.

Nash bid her farewell and walked straight to their inn. As she walks, she remembers the metal attached on the ground. 'It's not a canal, I'm certain of that.'

Nash breathed a deep breath, as a smile formed on her face and knocked on the door.

"Wait!" She heard Idris' voice. "Who is...it...Nash!"

Idris quickly embraced her.

"Nash?" They all peek from the dining area and once they see Nash, they head towards the door, "Nash!"

"Hehe, I'm back," she shows them her brightest smile to assure them that she's all good.

"How's your wound?" Jaxael asked.

She lifted the hem of her skirt to show them the bandage, "it's not completely healed but almost. Serio is really good at treating wounds."

Squad 15 let her in and they all sat in the dining area.

"What happened within the weeks I was gone?"

"Not much, we're still patrolling the capital." Aeries said.

"I see..."

"I thought you would be unconscious for months," Idris said.

Nash smiled, "I woke up after 2 days of being unconscious. Why didn't you visit me?"

"Yjhan said not to," Idris said as he glared at Yjhan.

Nash looked at Yjhan, "It was hard to get them out of the Palace the first time, so I didn't make a request."

"He lied to us." Idris sighed.

Nash chuckled. "About what happened to the Amethyst Village..."

"You don't have to think about it anymore," Jaxael said.

"No, it was about my magic ability. Though I have something to say during the attack..." Nash used her gravitational power to lift the fruits in front, "I sincerely apologize for throwing you."

"It doesn't matter," Jaxael answered.

"Why did you stay behind?" Aeries asked.

"Cause I know I will be the creature's target," Nash put down the fruits, "Then a few minutes later, I simply followed you."

"You shouldn't have done that if you knew you'd be targeted. Tsk. Idiot," Kane said.

"Well, everything went well, right?"

"What do you mean by well!?" Aeries chastised, "Your wound was deep. You should've said so the moment you feel pain!"

"I thought it was just a scratch," Nash pouted.

"Didn't you feel something pierce your legs!?" Idris said.

"I did, it's very painful. I thought it would split my legs in half! HAHA."

Idris struck Nash on the back of the head.

"You're killing my brain cells!"

"Brain what!?"

"Nothing," She pressed her lips thin. 'I guess there's no such thing as brain cells here.'

"Why did you hide your ability?" Jaxael asked.

"I didn't hide it, I just don't use it... there's a difference."

'Once I used too much of my power just like what happened before, my magic ability would want to release causing the seal to force it back, but my desire to use it overpowered which caused it to mix with my demon power, that is why my eyes turned red. Fortunately, I didn't cough blood that time.'

"Why don't you make use of it?" Aeries asked, 'It really did help us back then.'

"I don't know where to use it much, so I just use it when absolutely necessary," Nash shrugged.

"What else can you do with it?" Idris asked.

"Hm... I can change the shape of something solid. For example, a boulder, I can turn it into a perfect circle or make a sharp object."


Nash showed her smug face as she grinned.

Yjhan shook his head at the sight of Nash.

They talked more about Nash's power as well as her health during the two weeks.


"Aeries, can you wrap a bandage?" Nash asked as soon as she saw Aeries outside her room. She was just about to call him.

'I can actually do it but it's hard for me to reach my leg, I can't even properly bend it yet.'

"I'm not good at it. But wait," Aeries went downstairs and fetched Kane, "He's the one who wrapped your leg before, so I figured he'd be useful."

Nash squinted her eyes. "Looks like he'll hurt me more."

"He won't. Now go." Aeries pushed Kane inside.

They went inside Nash's room. Nash sat on the bed while Kane sat on the floor.

"I know we're not on good terms, but try to be gentle. I do feel pain, too."

"Tsk. Shut up." Kane said, 'The way you said it is misleading.'

Nash bites her lower lips as Kane puts the ointment on her wound, 'it hurts!'

"It's not that deep anymore. That's surprising." Kane looked at Nash suspiciously.

"That's because Serio is a good healer," Nash said.

She tends to use Serio's name as an excuse on why her wounds are healing quickly.

"Is that all it is?"

Nash's brows furrowed. 'Is he suspicious of me?'

"There. It's done," He stood back up, "There's never a time that you weren't injured huh?"

"This is the first time," Nash raised her brows as she thought of a few incidents from before.

Kane smirked, "Really? How about the time on the alley?"

"What alley?"

Nash tried to recall the past and her eyes widened when she finally realized what alley it was.

"You remember now?"

"You were there?"

"I merely walked by and noticed you being pulled, so I followed you and kept an eye on you from above."

"What are you an angel?"

"Funny. Tell me if it bleeds," Kane exited her room and noticed Jaxael approaching.

"What were you doing inside?"

"I bandaged her wound,"

"I see," Jaxael passed by Kane and went inside his room.

"I see..." Kane whispered.

"What did you see?" Idris appeared behind him and rested his chin on Kane's shoulder.

Kane smacked him across the face and entered his room.

"That hurts..." Idris said, holding his face.


"I'll come with you!" Nash trailed behind her teammates. They're on their way to the stables.

"Stay here! You haven't fully recovered yet." Yjhan stated.

Nash pouted. "Fine!"

Nash stomped back to their inn.

"She'll follow," Aeries said.

"She will," Idris said.

"Yes. She will," Aidan added.

Yjhan sighed, "Let's go."

Nash changed her clothes for training and headed back to the stables. "No one can stop me."

She brings her horse out and prepares to ride it.

"Why are you so big and tall?" She shouted to the innocent horse. "Can't you lower yourself?"

"Don't be scared if that horse will answer back," Nash turned around and spotted Ren.

"Eh? What brings you here?"

"I was passing by and saw you shouting at the innocent horse. I heard you were injured. You should just stay at home."

"Nope. I'll get sick more," she said as she attempted to ride the horse again, but her legs refused to cooperate.

'I don't want to be alone, especially on this day.'

"Would you like to ride with me?"

Nash looked at him suspiciously, "Didn't you just say a while ago that I should just stay at home?"

"Well, I'm afraid you'll get sick more." Ren jumped down the horse, "Come on."

Ren helped Nash to ride the horse.

When it was Ren's turn to ride, Nash moved back and let Ren in front of her.

"W..wait! Why am I here?!" Ren flushed with embarrassment.

"That's fine. You look cute there HAHA," Nash took hold of the reins and began to move.

"Wait! This is not what I imagined!"

"I'm sorry, but I'll be uncomfortable if I ride in front," Nash whispered. Ren didn't hear it due to the wind.

They run fast and have already spotted Ren's group.

"Shit, they will tease me!" Ren mumbled.

Nash smiled and slapped the reins, causing the horse to run faster.

"Ren!? What the... HAHAHAHA"

His squad started to laugh nonstop. Ren shot them a lethal gaze, but that didn't stop them from laughing.

"I wish we could see my squad mates,"

"I heard they're going to stop at the capital's entrance to greet your senior knight."


"I'm not sure."

"If that is the case, we may be able to catch up to them."

"What!? This fast is enough already!"

"Shh... just keep quiet." Nash took a look behind him, where Squad 13 was still chuckling. "We'll be moving quickly!"

They ran much faster than before to catch up. They didn't see them at the capital's entrance, so they continued to go to the training ground.

'My... they're quick.'