
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 52

"Did your dagger shatter as well?" Jaxael inquired. Nash shook her head and pulled the dagger from her sleeves, placing it in front of them. "It doesn't appear to be broken at all."

"That's because this dagger is made of a different metal. The materials I requested from the swordsmith are combinations of strong metals in the empire."

"Won't it cause complications?" Aeries asked.

"No, it will not." Nash studied her dagger with her hands. "I'm sorry for not asking if you want another sword; I know how precious your swords are to you, and I assumed you'd deny my request to ask for another weapon as to why I don't ask for your opinion about having a new sword."

"We won't, if only you explained it first." Yjhan said.

"Because we don't have much time, I asked the swordsmith to forge the sword in a month and a half." "You can use both swords and your bow," Nash said to Kane and Aeries.

"We can use the swords solely," Aeries said,

"No. There will be flying creatures so it's best to still use the bow," Nash said,

"Where did that money come from?" Kane asked.

"The emperor."


"It was a reward for telling information about creatures." She winked, feeling proud of herself, though her father scolded her.

"The swordsmiths will soon be swamped with commissions, which is why I go to the swordsmith before everyone else." Smirking, Nash said.

"Anyways, wait for me, I'll just change my clothes and join you in patrolling the capital"


2 weeks later (February 8)

"This is exhausting," Nash muttered as he plopped down on the ground.

"The ground is dirty, stand up" Jaxael said and pulled Nash back up.

Nash looked at Jaxael with dissatisfaction.

"Excuse me, are you squad 15?"

They all look in the direction of two knight guards.

"Yes, we are," Yjhan answered.

"The Grand Knight Commander asked for you. Please come with us."

Despite the fact that they were wondering why Prince Lawrence had requested them, they did not inquire and instead simply followed the knight guards.

They are led to the Emperor's chambers. Thed, the senior knight, as well as the Emperor and the Grand Knight Commander, are all present.

Squad 15 salute as soon as they enter.

"Come close," Lawrence said, escorting them. On the emperor's table are six letters from the squads indicating their conclusion and departure.

"One letter is missing," Kane whispered.

"That's right!" Lawrence's unexpected, booming voice startled Nash.

Aeries patted Nash on the back as he noticed her flinch.

"Today is supposed to be their departure day, and before they leave, I asked them to send me a note to let me know how they are. These letters arrive all at once today, but the letter from Squads 1 and 2 stationed at Amethyst Village is missing. And thus—-"

The Emperor's office was barged into by a knight. "Sir! I regret for intruding uninvited, but a letter from the Amethyst Village had arrived."

"Is it from our knights?" Lawrence inquired as he unfolded the letter.

"It isn't. The messenger bird is not from here, and it bears the Amethyst Village mark."

Lawrence read the letter, and his brow furrowed as he finished it.

"What does it say?" Roven asked.

"They said they saw the Imperial Knights as well as the young knights all beaten up in a restricted area. They are looking after them."

Lawrence faced the squad knights. "You will accompany Thed and his knights to Amethyst Village. I'd like you to investigate what happened to the knights there."

"When will we go?" Nash asked, hiding her excitement. 'The people are in danger, don't show your excitement, Nash.'

Yjhan glared at her for not using honorifics.

"Now." Roven stated.

"Now?!" Nash was the only one to exclaim. The others are just calm as usual.

"Nash, don't shout." Yjhan said.

"But I don't have a sword!"

"Then stay here," says the Emperor.

"No way!" Nash covered her mouth after yelling in the face of the emperor in front of the knights. Nash immediately kneels and apologizes. "I apologize for shouting in your face and being impolite, Your Majesty; I typically have this impolite demeanor."

The Emperor glared at his kid, "Stand."

Nash followed the emperor and rose to her feet, her head bowed. "Please allow me to accompany my squad."

"After yelling right in front of my face?" Nash bit her lower lips and scratched her fingers with her hand on her back.

"I'm really sorry for my impolite behavior," she said as she bowed once more.

When he heard Squad 15 arrive, Vincenzo entered his father's office in the middle of Nash's apology. As soon as he walked in, his gaze was drawn to his sister's hand, where they scratched each other.

'Is she bothered?'

"Do you understand that if you show me that type of attitude again, I'll have no choice but to punish you?" As he scowled at Nash, the Emperor said.

"I understand, Your Majesty,"

Vincenzo looked at his uncle and asked, "What happened, uncle?"

"She yelled in front of your father."

"Lawrence, give this brat a sword."

"As you wish, Your Majesty"

Nash kept her head down and fidgeted her fingers. Fortunately, she is wearing gloves; else, her fingers would have bled by now.


Lawrence arrived a few minutes later and said, "Here it is, your Majesty."

"Hand it over to her."

Lawrence gives it to Nash.

"Thank you; I'll return it as soon as we return, your majesty." she bowed once more.

"I'll give you an hour to gather your belongings and return here."

Squad 15 left the Imperial Palace. Nash walked faster than anyone.

"Na--" Yjhan held Idris' shoulder before he even called Nash.

"Just let her,"


"Once you enter the portal, you will be sent straight in the middle of the village. Go straight to the other knights before examining the village," Lawrence explained. "You could enter now."

The senior knights went in first and the Squad 15 followed with Nash behind them. Before Nash entered the portal she looked back and grinned.

"We'll get going, Your Majesty," she said as she jumped to the portal, leaving Roven frowning.

He despises hearing the phrase "YOUR MAJESTY" from one of his children.

"You raised a real demon, brother," Lawrence said, grinning.


They observed a few individuals walking as they arrived at Amethyst Village.

"I thought there would be a lot of people here," Idris said as he examined the area.

"Are you knights from the Imperial Family?" An elderly man approached them and inquired. He is accompanied by two middle-aged men wielding spears.

"Yes, we are. We've come to check on the town and our injured knights," Thed was the one who respond.

"I see, come with me to the center. Your knights are being treated there."

They followed the old man to the so-called center.

"I'm Gaton, the local chief, and I'm the one who delivered the letter to the Imperial Palace. One knight suggested that we inform the Emperor about what is going on in our village."

They arrived at a massive storehouse-like location after a few minutes of walking. As soon as they walked in, they noticed the knights laying on the bed, looking sick.

"They don't have many injuries other than wounds and bruises, so it won't be difficult to transport them back." Gaton explained.

"Are there bites or such found in their body?" Ken, the right hand of Thed during missions, asked.

"There aren't any, which is why we weren't sure whether they were actually attacked by the evil beasts because there was no evidence of them being bitten." Gaton stated.

"May we get closer?" Aeries asked.

"You may." Nash walked directly to a random knight and was going to talk to him when she noticed the one opposite him.

It was Mhurt.

Her rage poured through her as she stared at him, but she didn't move, and she absentmindedly said, "You should've just died."

"Nash!" Aidan made her face him. "Get yourself together."

Nash scoffed, "ohh sorry."

Nash pushed Aidan's hand away and moved closer to the others, forgetting about questioning the knights.

"Let's go to where they were discovered lying." Thed said and went outside the center, followed by the knights.