
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 3

"Princess, your skin is excessively dry. We need to give you a milk bath," a maid said as she felt Nash's skin.

There were five maids who were assisting Nash in taking a bath. Two for massage, one for the hair and the other two is the head maid who deals with Nash's body and the head maid's assistant who holds the needed things for taking a bath like towels and milk.

"You have a lot of bruises. Just what exactly are you doing?" Asked the head maid.

The head maid has been working in the imperial palace ever since her twin siblings were born. She was also the appointed nanny solely for Nash before because she's the only one who could take Nash's mischievousness.

"Well... that's because I received training from Uncle Vicor," Nash responded. Her eyes were closed as she felt the fresh cold water on her body.

"And what kind of training is it?" The head maid asked again while pouring the milk bath.

"Martial Arts and Sword Training."

"Does his Majesty know?" The head maid asked, her voice was calm. Nash has always enjoyed physical activities, so Rose assumed it was simply another one of her physical pastimes.

"Nope. But he'll find out later." She was so relaxed that she dozed off.


"Princess, where are you going?" A maid asked. The head maid and her assistant left, leaving the other three maids to dress Nash up.

She glanced in the mirror after the maid braid her hair. She's wearing a lolita dress that belonged to Celeste, her sister. Her prior outfits were clearly too small for her, so she took unused clothing from her sister.

"You are not needed to assist me. I'm not going to leave the castle. I will just check my family."

"Princess, Imperial Princess Celeste wanted to tell you that you are not allowed to enter her majesty's office as they are currently busy." Nash pouted.

"Then I'll just check father,"

"His majesty is currently having a meeting with Prince Lawrence," her face gone blank again.

"Then, brother Da—"

"He's busy training swords with the knights. He doesn't like other people watching him train" Nash sighed.

"How about brother Vincenzo?" The maid shook their heads, meaning Vincenzo didn't mention anything. "Okay! I'll rest there. You can go do your things. Thank you."

The new maids were taken aback when they heard Nash say "thank you", while the older maids who had been in the palace before Nash left were already used to it.

"Yes, princess," the maids left. She carried Dopey and walked towards Vincenzo's office.


Vincenzo Marqueza,

He was named after his great grandfather. He has his mother's brown hair and green eyes. He is a serious type of person like his father who's always frowning.

Before Nash arrives, he is busy going through the files for the forthcoming Accolade of Knights and the knight's entrance test, which will take place in 5 months. As he went through his files, he stopped as he sensed a negative aura approaching him. He sighed when he recognized who it was.

"Brother!" Nash flung open the door. She places Dopey on the ground, and Dopey runs towards Vincenzo, who doesn't seem to mind.

"Leave. I'm busy," Nash remained silent and looked at his brother's bookshelves. "As I previously said, I'm busy"

"I heard you,"

"Then leave,"

"Don't want to." She said as she sat on the couch and lay down while reading a good book. Dopey leaped onto the couch and sat next to Nash.

"Go bother Daniel or Celeste," Vincenzo said while his brows were almost touching each other because of how irritated he is.

"They're both busy and don't want to be disturbed."

"I don't want to be disturbed either."

"Too late." she tucked her tongue out and continued to read,

Vincenzo let out a sigh and accepted his defeat. He realized that her spoiled sister won't budge.

After a few minutes someone knocked. "Sorry for bothering you, it is I, Vernon."


The butler Vernon did enter and stated his intention. "I heard the youngest princess is here, do you want some snacks? Tea, perhaps? Oh right... you don't like tea, do you. Princess? Then, how about a cup of hot cocoa?"

"I'd like some Iced cocoa!" Nash said, "And chocolate cake, please."

"How about you, your highness?"

"Iced coffee is fine,"

"How about some snacks?"

"I'm fine,"

"Then, I'll be back" the butler left and the room became silent again. Nash was too mesmerized reading and didn't move an inch until Dopey moved from his seat and went to Vincenzo. Nash watched her brother pet her dog stiff as it was Vincenzo's first time holding a pet.

Despite the fact that Vincenzo despises her youngest sibling for being spoiled, Nash on the other hand likes Vincenzo. She prefers him over her twin siblings, Celeste and Daniel.

Their snacks arrive after a few minutes. Nash just sat down because their food was right in front of her. Vincenzo remained seated.

"I heard you became the Knight Commander" Nash opened up the topic.

In terms of knights, Knight Commander is the second highest rank. Vincenzo is just 24 years old and was named Knight Commander at the age of 22.

"Yes, so?"

"Tsk. I'm just saying,"

Nash looked outside and saw that it's not particularly sunny.

'Perhaps I should go out later.'

"What are you planning?" Nash turned to face his brother, who was approaching the couch and taking a seat in front of her. Dopey followed him and sit beside Vincenzo.


"If it's trouble then stop it already."

"It's not. This is the first time I've come up with a smart idea." She smirked, "Perhaps you'll be proud of me."

"If you actually do your job as the Imperial princess, I'll be proud of you. Consider what you can do before your coming-of-age. You have to make people like you." Nash didn't respond.

Nashtassia Freya Marqueza is the emperor's youngest child, but no one in the empire knows about her existence except close relatives and acquaintances. Nash was believed to have died from an unbalanced Pneuma. The empress Ivelisse, her mother, believed that it would be dangerous for her to be identified, especially after she had become a demon vessel. As a result, they hid her existence. Nash didn't seem to mind because she could do anything she wanted without someone watching her every move.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to join the ceremony," she whispered in the air but her brother heard.

"WHAT!?" He yelled. "Just what exactly are you really planning to do, huh? You're now 16 and about to turn 17! You should be mindful of your responsibilities."

"Don't worry. This thought of mine will be the last thing you'll call 'trouble,'" she said as she finished her drink and snacks before leaving his brother's office.

Vincenzo sighed and shifted his gaze to the book his sister was reading.



"Where are you going, princess?" the butler asked.

"Garden. I have to exercise Dopey."


When Dopey is running around playing with butterflies and bees, she walks quietly in her mother's garden. She sat on the grass despite the fact that the chair was just a few steps away.

"Ahh... I hope dad approves." she sighed.


Nash immediately shifted her attention to the walkway, where she saw his uncle Lawrence, the second prince, the younger brother of his father, and currently the Knight Grand Cross—the highest rank in knighthood.

"Uncle! I heard you had a meeting with dad. I suppose it's finished?" She said as she approached him.

"Well, yes. Wow! You've finally grown! You're this little when I last saw you" Lawrence said, pointing to his waist.

"Isn't that a bit too short?" Lawrence broke out laughing. Lawrence is so shallow that he will hysterically laugh at the most cliché joke.

After calming down he wiped his tears, "I wanted to talk to you more but I really have to get home. Raella and the kids would be shocked when they see you if you come to our mansion."

"Sure! Bye, uncle! Safe trip!"


Night has come and it's finally time to hear Nash's request. They've all finished their meals and are now staring at Nash, waiting for her to speak.

"Speak," Roven ordered.

'Here goes nothing.'