
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 15

(During the report...)

"We had no issues while instructing the merchants. There are also no street bandits that attempted to take the goods."

"There's no problem? Are you sure?" Vincenzo asked. He didn't bother looking at Jaxael and instead went back to reading some crucial files.

"There is one. However, it has been discussed."

"What is it?"

"There are traders from different countries loitering outside the warehouse. The traders attempted to steal the products from the merchants when they were taking them into the warehouse."

"Did the supervisor show up? Or did the count responsible for the warehouse show up?"

"Yes, but the supervisor stated that the products would be delivered shortly, yet the supervisor appears suspicious, as if there is something wrong with the trading goods."

"If there are commercial items, they should have arrived last night." Vincenzo set his files down and turned to face Yjhan.

"Yes, and that is why a member of mine advised the traders' leader that if there is anything suspicious about the items and the master, check their ledger and list of commodities. It could be an embezzlement case."

"Who is that person?"

"Her name is Nash, and she is a new member of our squad."

"Nashtassia?" Vincenzo gazed at him as though he couldn't believe it. "Are you certain?"

"Eh? Uh... yes."

'Nashtassia? I thought her name was only Nash. Did I hear it wrong?'

"That kid really studied... anyways, you're free to leave."

"I apologize if it's rude to ask this but, will you punish my member for interfering with the warehouse's business?"

"No. What's the point? She actually did well, which makes me suspicious, because I assumed she was still as stupid as before."

"Like before?" Unconsciously, Yjhan mumbled, causing Vincenzo to hear it.

"What!? She didn't tell you? I told her to at least tell the leader of her unit so that she'll have guidance." Vincenzo grumbled. "Since you're here. Promise me that everything I said will not be said to another member of yours or to anyone else."

"Yes, sir. You can put your trust in me."

"Nashtassia is my sister,"

Yjhan looked at her in shock. 'But I heard there are only three imperial highnesses? And the other one...died.'

"I'm sure you think there are only three of us, but the one who everyone thinks is dead is actually alive. I hope you don't change your attitude toward Nash after hearing this."

Yjhan sat patiently as Vincenzo told him about Nash. But he never mentioned Nash being a demon vessel.

"Her emotions can be out of control at times, so expect her to be short tempered."

'Just like earlier when she yelled.'

"She may lose control, so guide her. She has this little problem with emotions, so I expect that I can trust you on this one." Yjhan saluted.

"I swear to the highest that I will never let a single word escape my mouth."

"Good. Don't tell her that I said these things." Yjhan nodded. "Now, let's go."

Both of them walked out of the room and were greeted by his members.


Yjhan let out a sigh.

"Leader! Is it okay if I go out tonight? The night market will be open tonight, so I want to go shopping." Nash asked, dashing down the stairs.


"Take me with you!" Aidan yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay! We'll leave at 11pm! Jaxael, do you want to come with us?" Jaxael simply nods. "Okay! How 'about you, Kane?"

"Yeah sure," Kane replied, uninterested.

"What about you two? You know what? We can all just go. The night market sells at their lowest price tonight. What do you say?"

"No thanks," Yjhan answered.

"Are there sweets?" Aeries asked. Nash nodded aggressively out of excitement. "Okay, I'll go. Yjhan will go too."

"Do you think Idris will come too?" Nash asked.

"What? Where?" Idris arrived exactly on time.

"The night market. All of us will go."

"I told you I'm staying here." Yjhan said, but no one paid attention to him.

"All right, then! Let's bond together tonight!" Idris exclaimed.

"Yey! 11pm, okay? No, excuses!"

Nash rushed to her room to select a dress for tonight. Nash giggled, I'm so excited!

"I thought Idris will be the only one noisy," Aeries shook his head as he read a newspaper.


[The Imperial Palace]

Princess Lawrence went to meet his brother, Emperor Roven, at the Imperial Palace. He went straight to his brother's office and sat in the seat directly in front of Roven.

"What's the matter?"

"There's nothing wrong. I'm just visiting." Lawrence sighed and crossed his arms.

"Who's going to believe that?"

"HAHAHA Alright," Lawrence chuckled. "There has been a report from the kingdom of Elisora. The king wants you to oversee the kingdom."

"Bandits?" Roven set down his papers, sipped his tea, and listened to his brother's statement.

"Creatures. An orc, to be precise. A group of Orcs has gathered at an abandoned location in the Kingdom of Elisora."

Roven furrowed his brows, 'So they're starting.'

"Appoint skilled knights to patrol the area, no attacks until the entire area has been thoroughly searched. We need to know how the Orcs got there and where they came from." Lawrence nodded. "Is that all?"

'If the orcs travelled there, there should have been reports sooner.'

"Yes. So, when should the search begin?"

"As soon as possible," Roven ordered. "Prepare the skilled knights, we must ensure that there are no other creatures besides Orcs, if there are, we must prepare."

'It's a sign.'

"For what?"


Nash went down the stairs wearing a pinafore dress that ladies in the village usually wear.

"You look pretty!" Idris said as he circled around Nash. "So this is what you look like when your hair is down."

Nash usually wears her hair in a ponytail, so that is why the members don't know what she looks like when she puts down her hair.

Her hair was long and waist length, so she tied it up in a high ponytail to keep it from hitting her face during duties.

"It's almost 11pm! We should get going!" Yjhan is still laying on his couch. "Leader!"

"Tsk. Just leave me here. I'm tired!"

"But all you did was lay down," Aeries pointed out.

"Leader!" Nash repeatedly said until Yjhan got annoyed. "Yey! Let's go!"

Ever since Nash sneaked out to go to the City when she was young, she has loved the night market more than any other places at night.

Nash was smiling widely looking at every stall she passed along with Idris. Aeries had already begun to consume sweets. Yjhan appeared to be bored. Aidan was also buying foods he likes. Jaxael and Kane are just looking around their surroundings.

"Should we buy matching bracelets?" Nash asked. She always wanted to wear matching bracelets if her circle of friends grew.

"It's just a braided rope," Yjhan said, eyeing the bracelet Nash pointed at.

"It takes time to make one, so let's just buy. It's just a copper." Nash bought 8, the extra one is for Katherine. "I'll give it to you later."

She intended to crush her Aunt Terry's gemstone into bits and include a few into the bracelets.

"We've been walking for an hour already," Kane stated. He sat on a bench, Jaxael sat beside him, and Yjhan, along with the other three, followed.

"Tsk. Then, stay here. I'll just take a look around. Bye!" Nash ran before the other could say something.

She purchased gemstones and mana stones and placed them in her pouch. She turned to face her side as she walked away from the others, noticing a red light that drew her attention. She looked at the trees, expecting to see someone looking... but there was no one. The red lights she saw were from a far, blinking for a few seconds then disappeared.

'It looks like eyes.'

She shrugged and went back to check on the stalls.

"Eh!? I should have bought the gemstones here, it's much cheaper." Nash pouted as she checked the merchant's goods.


Nash quickly shifted her gaze to the left. She heard a shout from a distance.

"Did you hear a scream?" She asked the merchant, but the merchant didn't hear anything.

Nash eyes squint as she tries to focus on the trees she looked at before. She looked back to where her members were, but she couldn't see them as she was already walking quite far from them. "Perhaps I'm just hearing things."

She went back to where her members are and they're all eating apples.

"Should we head back?" The 6 guys quickly stood up and began walking away from the night market.

She noticed the red glowing lights in her peripheral vision. She shifted her gaze to the trees to her right, where she noticed the red glowing lights. 'Its eyes... they're blinking.'

'What the hell was that?'

Nash shook her head and looked again at the trees, but it was still there. She felt something heavy in her stomach and suddenly, her heart throbbed.


"Ah..." She groaned quietly.

Her friends didn't noticed her as she was falling off behind them. She grabbed her chest and felt a sharp pain that lasted for a few seconds. "That hurts..."