
The Young Dragon

A young, talented, martial artist with a violent past leaves Hong Kong and comes to America to start a normal high-school life, but when his past catches up with him, he'll have to fight like hell to protect the new life he has

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Underground Fighter

In an underground fight club, a fighter named Big Bill destroys his opponent, smashing his head in with his bare hands. As the ground cheers, a man in a fancy suit who owns the fight club, with a beautiful woman on his arm, applauds with a smile on his face. At that moment, one of his employees approaches them.

"Sir, the girl is outside." He says.

The beautiful woman slowly looks at the owner as he let's out a sigh.

"Go ahead. Ten minutes." He tells her.

The woman quickly gets up from her seat and walks towards the door. When she gets outside, she sees Melissa and Rhea standing there. The woman and Melissa share a hug, tears forming in both of their eyes.

"It's so good to see you, sweetheart." The woman says.

Melissa smiles.

"You too, mom." Melissa says.

Melissa's mother then turns to Rhea.

"You keeping her out of trouble, right Rhea?" She asks with a smile.

Rhea chuckles.

"Yes ma'am, but she doesn't make it easy." Rhea says.

They all laugh, while Melissa's mother looks at her.

"Honey- it's really good to see you, but what are you doing here?"

Melissa smiles

"I wanted to tell you... We might have a way to get you out of here, and away from Alejandro." Melissa says.

Melissa's mother sighs, not wanting her daughter to get her own hopes up.

"Melissa, you know the agreement I have with Alejandro."

"I know. And I have fighter. Someone that can win ten fights in a row."

Before she can ask questions, two men walk outside.

"Times up, Elizabeth. Get back inside." One of the men says.

Elizabeth sighs, giving her daughter one more smile and a kiss.

"Get some sleep, honey. And don't miss school."

As Elizabeth leaves, Rhea comforts her bestfriend.

"You ok?" Rhea asks.

Melissa doesn't answer for a moment.

"I'll be better when we get her the hell out of there." she replies.

Rhea nods as they leave.

Meanwhile, John is doing pushups while both Malcolm and Katie are sitting on his back. Frank and Alice are watching this with amusement, seeing John and the two kids have fun.

"Ninety-seven, Ninety-eight, Ninety-nine, one hundred..." Frank and Alice both count outloud.

As they get to one hundred thirteen, Malcolm looses his balance, causing everyone to fall while laughing. Seconds later, there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." John says, easily kipping up to his feet and walking towards the door.

He opens it and sees Rhea and Melissa standing at the front step.

"Oh, hey guys." John says with a smile

"Hey. Do you got a minute?" Rhea asks.

"Sure, yeah we were just goofing around, what's going on?" John asks, closing the door behind him.

Rhea nudges her friend to tell John what's going on. Melissa hesitates for a moment, before telling the story about how her once happy family was torn apart by one man. Melissa's father was once a cop, one of the best in New York, and was partners with Rhea's dad. Then one day he crossed paths with Alejandro while working a case and was framed for a crime he didn't commit, sent to prison.

Alejandro wasn't finished there, he wanted Melissa's mom for himself as well. In order to keep Melissa safe, Elizabeth agreed to be with him romantically as long as Melissa is safe. But Alejandro made Melissa a deal. If she could find a fighter that could win ten fights in a row at his fight club, then her mother would be free.

"And that's why, we're here. We need your help... I need your help." Melissa says.

John thinks to himself for a moment. He planned on laying low and living a normal life, with everything that happened with the Stronghold family being a one time thing. But, he couldn't just turn them down when they needed help.

"Let's go." John says with a smirk.

Both Rhea's and Melissa's face light up with joy when he agrees.

At the fight club, John, Melissa, and Rhea try to enter the building, but gets stopped by the bouncer.

"Woah, woah. Where do you think you three kids are going?" The bouncer asks

"Um, Inside. We got a fighter with us." Michelle says.

When the bouncer sees John, he laughs.

"Him? He's gonna enter the ring? I don't think so."

John smirks.

"Well, I'm guessing they don't pay you to do the thinking." John says.

This angers the bouncer, causing him to get into John's face.

"What the fuck you say to me?" The bouncer asks.

As John continues to smile, Melissa steps in between them.

"Hey, we have an agreement with Alejandro. I bring in a fighter of my choice, I brought the fighter of my choice, so what's the problem?" Melissa asks.

The bouncer glares at John for a minute before scoffing at him.

"Your funeral. Right this way."

They follow the bouncer inside, while Big Bill is fighting another man who is no match for him. They soon approach Alejandro and Melissa's mother.

"Hey boss, the kids back. Says she has a fighter." The bouncer says.

Alejandro and Elizabeth look at John for a minute. Alejandro slowly approaches John, not being impressed by the young man.

"What's your name, boy?" Alejandro asks.

John stays silent for a moment.

"John- Wei."

Alejandro smiles.

"You sure you want to do this, John? You step in that ring... there's a chance you won't come back out." He tells him.

John smirks.

"I think I'll be just fine." John replies.

Alejandro chuckles.

"We'll see."

At that moment, the bouncer whispers something in Alejandro's ear and smiles devilishly at John.

"Apparently you and my employee, Dennis, have- a bit of a problem with each other." Alejandro says.

John stares at Dennis, then smiles.

"You could say that." John replies.

"He says that he wants the first swing at you."

John chuckles.

"Of course he does. When he's ready." John says.

As Dennis glares at John, the two step into the ring. Dennis rips off his shirt while John stands perfectly still, staring a hole through his opponent.

"Come on John!" Rhea yells.

"You got this!" Melissa yells.

Meanwhile Alejandro watches with a grin while Elizabeth is worried about this boy that she doesn't even know.

"I'm gonna really enjoy this." Dennis says.

John still hasn't moved an inch from his original spot.

"Agree to disagree." John replies.

As soon as the bell rings, Dennis charges at John who is still not moving. When he gets close enough, John lands a roundhouse kick to the side of his face, knocking him out cold and ending the fight in seconds. Everyone, including Alejandro and Elizabeth, even Rhea and Melissa are stunned silent by this. As John leaves the ring, he looks over at Alejandro with a smirk.

"Finished." John says.

The crowd soon erupts with cheers for the young man, the loudest being from Rhea and Melissa. Elizabeth smiles slightly, getting some hope from the young man, while Alejandro scowls.